Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 689 Rampage in the South China Sea

He went all out to use the Gate Fruit to reach the sky and the earth, and even used a special safety door to sneak under the sea.

The power of Devil Fruit should also be restrained in sea water, which is considered a painstaking design.

Feeling weak, he was lifted up by the machine that had been set in advance, changed his clothes, and left.

I believe that after so many procedures, all the beacons carried in the breath and on the body should be washed away.

After finally feeling safe, I stopped in a safe house that no one knew about.

He took out the phone bug from the space and contacted Robin to tell her not to be nervous. He would not return to the Island of Rebirth for the time being to avoid danger.

There are enemies, so... eliminate them first.

Okay, I know.

After Robin hung up the phone calmly on the island, his murderous aura surged, and his domineering energy surged.

I saw the dragon standing on guard.

Activate the emergency plan and search for all suspicious information.

Although he didn’t know what happened specifically, the seriousness of what could make Noah so nervous was beyond everyone’s imagination.

They all believed in the premonitions and predictions of top powerhouses, especially a person who was astonishingly courageous and cautious all his life.


The entire Resurrection Island sounded the alarm.

The fish-men troops immediately stopped training and returned to the island to perform secret missions.

The dragon flew into the air to feel for any incongruous breath from the wind. Gu Noah said that the pressure came from the sky.

Otohime walked to the middle of the island and used her best power to sense whether there were any special changes happening to anyone on the island.

Robin even activated the Flower Fruit with all his strength, spreading his eyes and ears in all surrounding areas.

Others who arrived later also participated.

The younger generations who had been living here also understood the urgency of the situation after seeing a big hole in the house.

The swords of several great swordsmen shot through the air instantly, trying to force out the enemy's traces in this way.

Luo is the calmest, ROOM!

He can control everything in the surgical space.

Although the current release is not large, it is still enough to cover a distance of several hundred meters.

He searched inch by inch and couldn't believe that he couldn't find any clues.

Everyone is furious.

How dare anyone try to threaten their lights.

Even if a god dares to do this, the revolutionary army will pull him off the altar and completely crush him into ashes.

The Resurrection Island, which has been peaceful for many years, shows its fangs.

The various weapons platforms on the island were also revealed under the highest level of alert.

High-tech electromagnetic guns, electromagnetic shields, rangers and small aircraft have surrounded this place airtightly.

All weapon control has been directly taken over by Bika and connected to the computing module to carry out saturation strikes at any time.

As time passed, everyone completed the first wave of exploration.

Jinbei tried his best to sense his power to control water under the surface of the sea, but found nothing.

Tiger and Neptune divided their forces into two groups, surrounding the Resurrection Island as the core, and began a comprehensive search throughout the South China Sea.

Whenever there are traces of abnormal creatures, they will be tested and even killed.

Long also didn't smell anything unusual in the wind.

Nothing was found in the sky except the clouds cut open by Noah's sword energy.

This does not mean that there are no enemies, but it can only mean that the enemy's infiltration method is very advanced and very terrifying.

Robin's information collection also received no feedback, and everything was normal on the island.

There was no problem with everyone's movement, and there were no signs of being trampled or touched on the flowers, plants, trees, etc.

In the end, they were all waiting for Otohime's results.

After all, emotional perception is a blind spot for many people and may leave some clues.

Otohime, who had taken back what she had seen, was sweating profusely. After wiping it, she frowned and gave her feedback.

Everyone on the island is fine.

Everyone fell into deep thought at this time. So what could give Noah such a sense of oppression?

This is when Otohime showed a hint of doubt and gave a new answer.

I just felt the emotion of fear. This emotion does not come from people or plants and animals.

As if from the island itself.


The island itself.

They attach great importance to this clue dragon.

Although Otohime said that it was just a fleeting fear, fear in a material that has no life fluctuations is a clue that transcends common sense and must not be missed.

Noah once wrote a line for a character when he was making a vest: When you eliminate all impossible situations, no matter how unbelievable the rest is, it is a fact.

So they came to Bika again.

Bika floating over the South China Sea may have some other clues.

Dr. Tsukimi took out all the information on the magnetic field changes in the few minutes that Noah left, and looked through it piece by piece.


What's wrong?

Just for a few seconds, the magnetic field above Resurrection Island showed slight abnormal fluctuations.

It seems that at a height beyond the level of electromagnetic wave transmission, something appears and disappears suddenly.

If Base Station No. 0 had not used a historical text as its core, it might not have been able to detect this strange phenomenon.

This kind of fluctuation seems a bit familiar to Dr. Tsukimi. It seems that he had scanned this special wave band when the magnetic fruit was just put into the historical text.

Although Long couldn't understand the data, he still understood the doctor's words.

That is to say, there is indeed something that cannot be detected by most of our methods.

Appeared in the sky above the Resurrection Island and threatened Noah's life.

This problem is very serious.

It is so serious that most of the current tasks of the Revolutionary Army can be stopped to solve this matter first.

The currently known methods may only be Otohime's knowledge and color, and Bika's magnetic detection.

But Otohime's physical ability is limited, and it is impossible to activate that level of knowledge 24 hours a day.

As for Bika, even if someone is watching, judging from the fact that the other party only appears for a few seconds and then disappears, the feedback they get is delayed and the problem cannot be solved.

A dark cloud hung over the hearts of the revolutionary army.

If this problem cannot be solved, Noah will be exposed to the threat of enemies at any time.

They don't even know how to help their comrades.

We can only hope that Noah can find a new method after escaping danger.

After all, in desperate situations, that man's wisdom is the most trustworthy.

Almost at the same time, East China Sea.

On a sunny day, a boy wearing a straw hat stood at the port of Windmill Village.

The pirate ship or sampan in front of me is very suitable for the level of this village.

Being able to set off from offshore is already a blessing from God.

Everyone, I'm leaving!

Only the bar owner Maginot and the village chief Upp Schlapp came to see him off.

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