Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 628 Two Similar People

This behavior made the old man snort coldly. Good fellow, if a father is kind and his son is unfilial, you are looking for trouble.

Looking at V again, it turns out that the sword energy just now was used to guide the way, and he let the sword energy fly for a while.

A pure liar can really get along with his son, who likes to show off.

This wave of operations really made him feel very familiar and uncomfortable.

There is no way, Noah doesn’t want to always have this kind of father-son situation.

But if you want to get rid of Garp, you can only use top players with strong mobility.

Currently, only Noah, Ryu, and Jinbei in the revolutionary army are considered to have strong mobility.

Noah couldn't show his face, Jinbei's lack of strength was dangerous, so he had to call this guy.

Dragon himself understands this tactic very well, and even looks forward to it without knowing why.

He turned his head and looked at V and said coolly.

You take these two little guys and retreat first. Leave this place to me.


Noah simply picked up the two little guys and jumped out, soared into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

Only the father-son game between Garp and Long was left.

The third person, Bogarde, started to run back, completely away from here.

It could be said that it was a battle between the youth group before, but this time it is a grudge between father and son. Coupled with the battle of ideas, a fight would be devastating. It doesn't hurt that people like him don't know about it.

Anyway, the World Government is also aware of the matter between their father and son, so it doesn’t matter if they are written directly in the report.

Dragons, you guys

Garp was about to say something but gave up.

The dispute between father and son started 20 years ago, and it is no longer a problem that can be solved by simple words.

From the beginning, Garp strongly disagreed with Long's ideas. He believed more in the ideas of his old friend Sengoku.

It is to gradually transform the first armed force of the sea through the concept of justice.

Then extend your tentacles to every corner of the sea, so that order on the sea can be maintained.

Continuously weakening the power of the pirates and controlling part of the world government's ambitions can at least allow most people to survive.

It also links the navy's behavior with justice and extends the concept to constrain the navy's morality.

If this set is completed in theory, although pirates will never be eradicated, the scene will be much better than it is now.

But in fact, the navy branch is corrupting faster than anyone imagined, and pirates are emerging in endlessly.

The world government's road to death is smooth and steady, it just continues to do evil, and the tricks it should do are still the same.

Without changing the entire world from its source, the Navy will only do more to extend its life.

Long also knew the navy's initial strategy. After all, he was a top talent trained as a new generation of navy generals.

But the bad thing is that this child has more radical ideas about the concept of justice.

He actually combined the navy's ideas with the words of the Pirate King and found his own way.

The father and son went further and further apart until the day they broke up and the Revolutionary Army was officially established.

Only then did Warring States and other senior naval officials realize that this guy was serious.

It was impossible for Garp, who was caught in the middle, not to feel sad.

But in the end, the father and son would fight each other with fists and kicks every time they met. After many times, his character naturally let go.

If you want to go your own way, just let him go. Just don't regret it, man on the sea.

Now that I see the dragon, I no longer feel as sorry and angry as before.

But there is a hint of recognition. Nanhai's template is so beautiful, it's almost the answer they want most.

Again, the revolutionary army, which has already had a successful case in the South China Sea, has completely proved its ideas and actions.

To some extent, there is the ability to replace the world government to manage the sea.

From a road perspective, it is even better than the current solution, but the price to change the world is too high.

The number of people who will die from this on the sea will exceed everyone’s imagination.

The price of losing a period of history will only be more fearful to those who have experienced chaotic times, when human life was not as good as grass.

That's why the Warring States Period and others tended to maintain the rule of the World Government.

Especially since Garp still vaguely knows the capabilities and trump cards of the World Government, he will not act rashly.

It seems that the two father and son are really similar. Garp believes in the Sengoku line, and Long believes in Noah's line.

The two are equally stubborn and equally good at physical persuasion.


Two black iron fists collided together.

The terrifying vibration shook the sea surface for several miles around, and the bridge deck at this end collapsed directly.

It's not the first time to start a fight, just open it up.

Long used all his strength to attack and give the old man a good beating.

A storm swept here, and the battle between the two became more and more intense.

Not only did Garp's heart fluctuate a bit at first, but Long's heart also went through a very complicated process.

Even though this family has always been carefree and courageous.

But there are some obstacles to punching the old father.

But with the joining of Noah, the revolutionary army's career is on the right track.

It also brought the people of Nanhai a better and better life, and his confidence became more abundant when facing Garp.

There is no longer any obstacle in the mind to stop Garp, but instead he has the heart to want this old father.

‘After all these years of arguing, I won in the end!

old man. This future world belongs to us. ’

Punch faster and harder without hesitation. No reservations about storms and lightning.

The old man's hair was like a chicken coop and his coat was in tatters.

Now Garp couldn't bear it anymore and planned to tell this little guy.

Your dad is still your dad.

It's straight out of the sky, and there's no trace of his age at all. The muscles on the body seemed to come alive, this was the power of life returning.

When the two got serious, they fought like life-or-death enemies. No one will take a step back.

It was very childish to just stand there and confront the bomb so stubbornly.

Anyway, the ability of the Dragon Fruit has been given up, and only special effects are used on the periphery.


Under the pile driver's fist fight, the old man obviously had the upper hand.

Long's face was beaten into a pig's head, and his big boss demeanor had long since flown away from the sky.

The tattoos were swollen and changed their shape, and he was so angry that he prepared to use his fruit power to fight back regardless of martial ethics.

But it was too late, the World Government's support had already arrived following the news of the battle.

Before leaving, the dragon launched a wave of extremely violent attacks, punching old Garp into the sea with a fierce punch, causing a huge tsunami.

Then he turned around and flew away without caring about his old father's body.


Touching his swollen cheek, Long felt a little resentful. Why is this old guy slapping his face?

If this is seen by others, it will be a shame for me.

I still have to find a safe house and stay there for a few days to let the swelling subside.

He stopped mid-flight and said something with an ugly face.

Come out, you guy!

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