Having lost any chance of resistance, Spangdam fell to his knees completely.

The fear of death once again struck my mind. Last time I was almost sent to the gallows in Mariegio because of the Revolutionary Army incident. Is there really no chance this time?

The losers around them didn't expect that there was an enemy behind them. When they turned around, they saw that it was Jason.

Fuck you Jason

You think you will now

Without Lord Spandam's protection, there is no way to go out to sea.

This group of people didn't say a few harsh words before they were knocked to the ground by the workers who were chasing them.

Kidd, who was rushing at the front, immediately became energetic when he saw Jason in the distance. He suddenly felt that all the fatigue he felt after a big battle had disappeared. His waist no longer hurt and his legs no longer ached. He picked up a hammer and went to kill him.

That guy is still holding Spangdam in his hand, which is a good thing!

Buy 1 get 1 free, beat these two people to death, then this mission will be considered complete.

And Jason dragged Spandam forward with a helpless expression. There were too many people here to reveal his identity.

Seeing the two people chasing each other in front of him approaching, Sabo picked up the phone bug and ran over.

Fortunately, his physical condition was relatively good, and he quickly stopped Kidd from swinging the hammer.

What's wrong, Sabo, tell me if you have anything to say.

Or do you want to compete with me for this guy's head?

Everything else is up to you, but this is not an option.

This guy tortured me to death some time ago, and now I want to beat him to pieces.

Seeing the hammer flying around in front of their eyes, Jason, who was blocked in the corner, and Spandam, who was caught in his hand, did not dare to say anything.

Afraid of letting go, give yourself a break.

Spandam even gave Jason a look quietly, asking him to find an opportunity to continue escaping with him.

Until now, the jailer believed that Jason was eager to do meritorious service and wanted to take the credit for leading him to escape first.

Sabo sounded a little embarrassed. But if we don't tell him, this excellent undercover comrade may really die a horrible death, so we might as well tell him.

As for the people on the side of the only world government who won't live long, there's nothing to worry about.

Kidd, don't be angry after hearing this.

What am I angry about? Now I feel like my blood is boiling. I have revenge and revenge.

That Jason is one of our own.


Self! Myself! People!

Kidd jumped out word by word, his tone full of doubt and disbelief.

Sabo quickly suppressed his voice and said.

It is indeed one of our own. This matter was arranged by Teacher Noah. You can probably understand.

With a depressed look on his face, Kidd recalled that he was given special care during the time he came to the labor camp.

Although he was ravaged, his life was never in danger. There was even a crisis, but Jason used that method to save him.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that there was something fishy about this guy's behavior.

But the more I thought about it, the darker my face became. Co-author: The suffering I have suffered for such a long time was all arranged by Teacher Noah?

What should I do in silence? Kidd looked at Jason thoughtfully with a fierce look on his face.

The opponent was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat. At this time, in a chaotic battle, one mistake would not be too much.

And Spandam, who was lying on the ground, was completely stunned. His words shocked not only Kidd.

His subordinates turned out to be the revolutionary army. It was over, there was no hope.

Regardless of whether he could escape this time or not, he could not change the fact that he once again completed a major event with the revolutionary army.

In terms of rewards for merit, he could be proud to be on an equal footing with someone like Jinpei.

Spandam, who is completely autistic, has completely lost the desire to escape and destroy the world.

Kidd over there couldn't bear it for a while, so he turned left and then again.

Looking at the black Jason who looked upright now, he felt that he had fallen into this evil trap!

The fluctuating aura made Sabo a little worried. After thinking about it, he hugged Kid to prevent him from being too impulsive.

But Kidd broke free from the restraints, turned around and rushed into the crowd.

Sabo saw his behavior and asked him quickly.

What are you going to do?


Kidd lowered his voice and roared before fighting back into the crowd.

He could only suffer a loss in this matter. Now he could only take out his anger on these real losers of the World Government.

Seeing the familiar little red hair come back to fight, the morale of the workers became higher and higher, and the battle was coming to an end.

The battle ended after a while. Except for those who were killed, the rest of the World Government's troops surrendered and lay on the ground.

In the end, everyone gathered around Kidd and shouted victory, enjoying this great moment together.

Looking back, some people think that it was an opponent that could be defeated so easily. Why did they endure it for so many years?

But they ignored the work Noah did during this period.

The first is to polish them into a whole through various means for two months.

The second is to awaken their sense of resistance through Kidd’s struggle and the final inspiring music to enhance their courage.

More importantly, he eliminated the firearms in the hands of all soldiers. Without overwhelming force, the workers would have the upper hand simply in terms of numbers.

Seeing that they were about to complete all the finishing work, Noah nodded happily, and that person happened to be here too.

The small black dot in the sky quickly approached at an extremely fast speed and began to fall from a high altitude without showing any signs of slowing down.

When Garp was in the distance, he sensed the bad situation on the Techila wolf. It seems that the World Government's military is at an absolute disadvantage.

Before I even got close, I was shocked by the earth-shattering fireworks.

The surging fireworks and the boiling crowd below, the fanatical atmosphere he could sense from dozens of nautical miles away.

The enemy is very difficult, and this impression was given to him even before they met.

This flamboyant style was incompatible with any of the people in the revolutionary army that he remembered.

Even the sacrificed Ivankov would not make such a huge noise.

The revolutionary army's secretive style of doing things is engraved in their bones.

In times of crisis, he repeatedly increased his speed, began to fall freely at high altitudes, and even continued to accelerate downwards.

Covering his whole body with domineering energy, he hit the bridge directly like a black meteorite.

There was a loud bang.

A deep hole was created in the bridge deck. Fortunately, it was made entirely of stones, so it was not penetrated by him and fell directly to the bottom of the sea.

The huge noise and flying stones woke up the frantic crowd.

Only then did they realize that their enemy, who had fallen in the center of the square, had arrived.

Ah, the East China Sea has been made a mess by you, can't we stop for a while, revolutionary army!

The anger in the voice soared to the sky, and terrifying pressure was exerted on Stranger V who was still on the tower.

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