Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 615 Under the sky full of fireworks

At the same time, Spandam, who was hiding in the corner, took out his phone bug and immediately contacted the World Government headquarters.

Hey, this is the warden of Techila Wolf. I'm Spandam. I want to contact the Five Old Stars immediately.

The operator on the other side was very disdainful when he heard about Spandam's position.

The tone of a mere warden from a border area was so arrogant. So I muttered a few perfunctory words and prepared to hang up the phone.

But how could Spangdam, a veteran in official circles, not understand the other party's ideas? So he scolded loudly.

“A revolutionary army has appeared here, and we must get support from the World Government.

Otherwise, these hundreds of thousands of people will be taken away by the revolutionary army. You cannot bear this responsibility. Please transfer to Wulaoxing immediately.

Revolutionary Army!

These words can be regarded as scaring the other party. Any news about the revolutionary army is the highest priority within the World Government, and it is immediately forwarded to it.

Wulaoxing, several people and Cyborg Kong happened to be discussing the transformation of the navy in the conference hall, and received a call request from Spandam.

After connecting, I heard the background sound over there, various gunshots, and howling. It seemed that the battle situation was very urgent. But what is the situation with that faint singing voice?

This guy couldn't have had too much to drink.

Ahem, Spandam, I hope you are a man who knows how to advance and retreat. If you have anything to say, please tell me.

After listening to Spandam's brief report, the Five Old Stars were also a little confused.

Will this crazy weirdo V be a newcomer to the revolutionary army?

This kind of exaggerated appearance requires a background music style that doesn't match the information they currently have.

The female singer in the gorgeous dress is also strange. What kind of combination are these two?

But since the other party dares to target the Techila Wolf, its purpose must also be for the hundreds of thousands of people who oppose the World Government.

If it is obtained by the revolutionary army, the consequences will be disastrous.

Urgent discussions are in progress, but I don’t know the confidence of this weirdo V, but fortunately, it is still acceptable if it is not one of Noah’s people.

Moreover, it was too late to send other generals at this time. It just so happened that Garp sent him there in the East China Sea. His combat power and relationship with the World Government were still worthy of trust.

Spandam, listen carefully, no matter what the situation, the weak must endure until our support arrives.

If all the Takila Wolf people are taken away, you don't need to be the warden of the kingdom, and you can repair the bridge yourself.

After hanging up the phone, Spandam turned around and contacted Karp.

Garp, where are you now?

I'm on my way to Techila Wolf.

Huh? How did you know something happened there?

Yesterday, intelligence came in saying that traces of the revolutionary army were found, and then I went to take a look.

Garp did not say who informed him, but the act itself was in line with the intention of the Five Old Stars, so they asked Garp to speed up, saying that the revolutionary army had begun to launch an attack.

In order to avoid the worst situation, the incident needs to be suppressed as soon as possible, otherwise the demon-slaying order will be launched.

They would rather bury so many people completely than let the revolutionary army succeed.

Karp understood that the situation was urgent, so after hanging up the phone, he told Bogarde that he would go first and you would arrive later.

Bogard accepted the order. He didn't think there was anything wrong with his parents leaving early. Maybe they were just cleaning the floor when they left.

Garp, who was extremely confident in his own strength, jumped into the air and headed toward the kingdom on the bridge with moon steps.

He wants to see what kind of person the revolutionary army dared to take the initiative to challenge him, Weird V? Could it be that you want to gain enough reputation from me?


The sound of breaking through the air kept ringing. This old guy's combat power was really unfathomable.

V in the square stood on the Tower of Miracles and did not fight back against the guards and guards who shot at him. He ignored Spandam's call for support.

Standing here as if admiring the moon. It seems to be waiting for something.

Finally he looked in one direction.

Another lead actor is coming soon, so the show continues.

I know where Techila Wolf is. I also know why you are here. I also know what the World Government has done to you.

But I don’t know if you ever resisted. I don’t know how many people die here every day. There is no way to count how many people have died here in the past 700 years.

I won't pity you, and you don't need pity.

There are so many of you. If they come together, they will be an unimaginable force.

And you who have power are just trapped here by yourselves.

We are the revolutionary army. We have plenty of ships to take you out of this hellish place.

But can you afford the consequences of leaving?

A behemoth that has ruled the sea for 800 years is strangling everyone who does not abide by their rules. If you leave here, you will enter a bigger prison.

Do you still have the courage to fight resolutely? To break this world?

The choice is now up to you.

Stay here, or follow us out of here and face the more cruel world outside.

Okay, now I'm going to face my enemy, and I don't have much time left for you.

Before the workers could react, he wanted to offer the highest courtesy to this last, upcoming hero.

After the last sentence was output, the vocal background behind him went up an octave.

As the music got louder and louder, at its peak, people finally saw a small dot appearing in the distant sky through the moonlight.

At this moment, Stranger V's hands suddenly rose up like a baton.


A tower in the distance was directly exploded by explosives, which also contained a large number of fireworks that shot into the sky.

Accompanying the music is another hand raise.

Bang bang bang!

The entire towers of Techila Wolf exploded in order.

Loud noises appeared one after another over the East China Sea, and grand fireworks ignited the entire sky. The flames roared like people's roars.

The strong light and huge vibration caused everyone to lose the ability to speak at that moment.

This spectacular and magnificent scenery is something that no one has ever seen in their lifetime.

In the explosion, the music reached one peak after another, and everyone's thoughts were exploded like flames.

The yearning and desire for freedom swept their hearts, and they wanted to make their own voices heard.

Everyone looked at the two leaders standing at the front.

The red-haired one is Kidd, who has been fighting for the past two months. The blond one is Sabo who led them to build the Tower of Miracles.

The two men looked at each other tremblingly, and then raised their fists together.

I don't know why, but everyone raised their right fists when they saw this scene. They needed a point to vent.

Under the spotlight, Kidd was carried to the top by everyone, and he roared.

What was the last thing you shouted? I can't think of it, or there are too many things I want to say.

Do you have any suggestions?

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