Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 53 Reaction afterwards



Where is the house?

East China Sea, Tuotuo Island.

Okay, take this piece of paper and go over there to queue up and register. We will arrange to send you home in the next few days.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much.


On the unnamed island in the windless zone, Noah was still lying on a stretcher, watching as Long led the revolutionary army to arrange the rescued people in an orderly manner, register them, distribute supplies, and divide them according to the direction they were going. group.

I can't help but feel that I am really specialized in handling the details of affairs. Let him explain the theory, provide direction, and make a general plan. But it’s really not possible to arrange things carefully.

When it comes to appeasing and arranging these people, humans are better, but other intelligent races have some trouble. The Celestial Dragons have a strong hobby for hunting novelties. Not only the Celestial Dragons, but many nobles also like to collect rare and precious races.

Those who can be sent home are the best, such as the mermaids and fishmen rescued this time. They can go home with Tiger. The long-hand tribe, the long-legged tribe, and the snake-headed tribe, these races in the new world are more troublesome at best, but they can be sent back.

The Amazon Lily in the windless zone needs to be delivered by Long Lai personally. Anyway, Noah can't deliver it at this time. He is still lying down. Although I really want to see it, it’s a pity that I’ll talk about it next time.

It is difficult to deal with those who cannot be sent back, such as the fur tribe. Zou is a giant elephant that keeps walking in the new world. There is no magnetic field and no pointer, so it is impossible to find where it is. However, there are really not many fur tribes here. This kind of fur race, which is rare in the New World, is a very good collectible for the Celestial Dragons. Basically, most of the 19 royal families in Mariejoia have fur race slaves.

I still have to ask Rayleigh later. I remember that Neko Viper and Inuarashi followed Kozuki Oden on Roger's pirate ship. The crew members who hung out together should have contact information.

Among this group of slaves, there are actually residents of the empty island. It seems that the only one who can defeat the Celestial Dragons in the race collection is Charlotte Lingling.

In the world of One Piece, there are still many empty islands. The more famous ones are the sky island together with Gaya Island, the movable weather island Visalia, and Bika from Eniro, etc.

At least the fur tribe still knows that they are from Zuowu, but the Sky Island people really don’t know which Sky Island in the sea they come from. Leave all these problems to the dragon. Sending people of so many races and factions home is considered an informal diplomatic act by the Revolutionary Army, and will be very helpful in assisting future development. Having already benefited so much, it’s time to do more.

Not everyone wants to go home, and many are already homeless. Their families may have been destroyed when they became slaves. Such people basically choose to join the revolutionary army. People who have gone through hardships and have nothing will become the backbone of the fight against the old world, and they will let out a roar that makes the world tremble.

At this time, Tiger came over with three little girls and said that these children wanted to thank their benefactors in person. Noah, who was lying on the stretcher, said it didn't matter, just come. If you want to thank someone for kindness, just accept it. There's no need to be coy.

I glanced at the little girl in the lead, she looked familiar. Look again, hey, Boya Hancock? Oh, yes, the three sisters escaped from this operation to liberate Mariejoia, and they were so busy that they forgot about this incident.

Noah really doesn't have much idea about Hancock, and he doesn't have much idea when he grows up. It's not about aesthetics, and he doesn't plan to have a confidante. He is now focused on his career and world government, and has no time to deal with love. thing.

Maybe it was because Noah was just an ordinary person, and Hancock only had gratitude towards his great benefactor, but no longing for him. That's right, it's not a pervert.

After a brief chat, Hancock took his sister and left, and Noah's side returned to calm. After feeling the condition of my body, I found it was quite bad. The biggest problem was that it was full of problems, which was a bit miserable. That CP0 toxin is like gangrene attached to the bone, entangled in the body and affecting the body's recovery.

At that time, if I could seek help from a doctor for treatment as soon as possible, I would be able to expel it very easily. I still have the physical fitness to do so. Unfortunately, there was another fight to the death, which only made the poison deeper. Ivankov's hormone fruit in the middle only stimulated the body's immunity and suppressed the toxins.

That CP0 said that Noah was poisoned with four knives, which makes some sense. Now Noah is equivalent to being hit by three and a half knives. He is not dead, but only half dead. He himself is not worried about what to do next. There are many extraordinary abilities in this world, and he knows of four or five kinds that can solve this problem. As long as he doesn't die on the spot, it will be easy to handle.

The most terrifying thing in this world is not injury, but illness. Just look at how fierce people like Roger will die from illness. Those with super strong physical fitness will have super strong diseases.

The time on the island quickly passed in a hurry. Some people have already moved away and are on their way home with the secret assistance of the revolutionary army. Yes, the itinerary must be kept confidential. We must not let the world government know. It doesn’t take much to figure out what is the most exciting thing happening in the ocean right now. With the bounties people like them receive, we must not underestimate the evil of human nature.

The sea is indeed turned upside down now. As the news birds of the World Economic News fly to all directions of the sea, everyone in the world knows that an extremely horrific attack has occurred in the Holy Land of Mariejoia. event. All kinds of eye-catching news headlines were produced by Morgans immediately, the printing machines were running at full speed, and some local tabloids were following suit.

Holy Land Marie Joa was breached and the World Government lost its face

The Admiral Candidate was defeated miserably on the clay! 》

The hero who freed the slaves? Thugs who destroy the world

Cruelty against the evil criminal who declared war on the world government

Along with the new wanted notice, they were scattered to the sea.

The main culprit: Noah O'Hara's remnants planned to attack the Holy Land of Mary Joa. The crime was so heinous that they did not care about life or death. 5 billion Baileys

Principal culprit: The leader of the Dragon Revolutionary Army attacked Marie Joa, a heinous crime, regardless of life or death. 5 billion Baileys

The main culprit: Fischer. The leader of the Tiger fishmen attacked Mary Joa and committed a heinous crime. It does not matter life or death. 1 billion beli

The remaining accomplices are Bartholomew Bear. Ambrio Ivankov. Very flat. Nicole Robin. The bounties have increased significantly.

It is different from Tiger's behavior of liberating slaves alone in the original work. This time, they attacked Mary Joa in an organized and planned manner. What's even more frightening is that this is a thoughtful army. The world government is very, very afraid of these people.

Each force also had different responses to this major event.

The ordinary big pirates in the new world don't care, but the big forces who know the strength of the world government are a little silent and have temporarily slowed down their pace. At this time, the world government has lost face. In order to restore its reputation, it is likely to choose a well-known force to scare the monkeys and regain its momentum.

Not to mention Cyborg Sora who was furious in the World Government Headquarters, but the atmosphere in the Navy Headquarters conference room was very solemn right now. The table was piled with flyers from Big Bear to Ma Lin.

Defeat the Celestial Dragons and free the slaves!

There is no Creator in the world, crush all exploiting classes!

The justice of a world government is not the justice of the world!

Looking at these leaflets, Seng Guo felt dizzy.

He sighed and looked at Zefa opposite, his head getting bigger. He didn't believe that Zefa had nothing to do with this matter. Before the battle, Zefayo almost always said that he had a problem, but unfortunately he didn't think about it at that time. By the time the news about Mariejoia reached him, it would have been over.

So what can he do, he can only pretend not to know. Besides, it was good not to be in the headquarters at that time. It would be a good thing for someone to teach the Tianlong people a lesson and save these bubble-headed monsters.

But this leaflet goes too far, blatantly attacking the legitimacy of the world government. This is absolutely not allowed. Any behavior that disrupts order will not be tolerated by the Warring States Period.

Immediately order all the navy in the headquarters to collect these leaflets and destroy them on the spot. The navy stationed at the Chambord Islands also carried out the same order. Let the world government handle it on its own.

Zefa's heart was very complicated at this time. He should be regarded as an accomplice who helped Noah and the others, and he was also a very key accomplice. The navy marshal was transferred, leaving the navy leaderless and unable to respond to emergencies. But after seeing Marie Joa's injury report, he felt that he had done nothing wrong. So many slaves were tortured there, and his justice would not allow it. Conflicted again, I must give Noah a good beating next time we meet.

Akainu lowered his hat brim, indicating that he didn't want to talk and just wanted to kill.

Qing Pheasant, who rushed back, was in a good mood. Although Noah and Robin did such a big thing, can it be called a bad thing if it hurts the Celestial Dragons? Can we say that the liberation of slaves is unjust? He still cares about these two O'Hara survivors. If it hadn't been for the rescue in 1502, there would have been no such big incident at Mary Joa.

The best actor, Kizaru, doesn't speak. This atmosphere is not suitable for using the yin and yang language, and he will be arranged to go on a business trip to hunt down criminals.

Garp is still on his way back from Donghai.

The Navy conference room was peaceful and quiet.

Happy, I am ready to end this volume as I write this. Logically, there are so many contents that can be written into three chapters, but the author's strength is limited.

Also, a lot of content that can be written in a few words is not what I want to express for the time being, so I am not very interested in it. This is also part of the reason why the pace of this novel is relatively fast and lacks excitement. I will learn to slow down a little later.

Finally, thank you all for your support.

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