Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 431 As if seeing Captain Roger


Captain Rayleigh, Mihawk, Pirate Queen, Sand Crocodile Crocodile.

He actually gathered so many masters together.

Bucky walked at the front, looking at his mortal enemy with arrogance.

This wave is even more impressive than when he became the fourth emperor. After all, the fourth emperor's manipulations were too heavy, and this time it was a performance that he had worked hard to achieve.

Shanks, are you shocked?

Ah ha ha ha ha.

He's the same pirate king, but his appeal is different, red-haired idiot.

Bucky flew his head out and showed off all kinds of things around his old rival. If time wasn't tight now, he could show off all day.

Faced with the ridicule of his old friend this time, Shanks had nothing to say.

He really can't do this.

First, he said hello to Rayleigh and his friend Hawkeye, and then to the Sand Crocodile and the Empress.

As an orthodox Yonko, when seeing representatives of major forces coming over, you still need to show basic courtesy.

Then everyone went to the camp together.

On the way, Shanks really couldn't figure out what Bucky was going to do.

They were right not to go to the South China Sea. The merger of the pirates and the revolutionary army would have immeasurable consequences.

But what are you doing in the new world?

With such a group of fierce men, it would be safe to defeat Marine Fando now.

Can't go

Marie Gioia?

The red hair seemed to have thought of some incredible development.

No way, even if he is added to these people, they will be very dangerous.

The Holy Land is really not called it for nothing.

It was a stroke of luck that the revolutionary army could attack Mariejoia twice.

After having a terrifying guess in my mind, the more I thought about it, the more likely it became.

Not to mention the final secret of the Holy Land, even Garp, Cyborg Kong, and Five Old Stars cannot break through it.

The World Government may still have extremely strong combat power reserves that it has not yet deployed.

These manpower are still not enough to shake their determination to withdraw the navy.

He was worried, but Bucky didn't say it, and he wouldn't say it.

If Bucky really wants to go, then he will risk his life to go with him.

On the way, he continued chatting with Bucky as if nothing had happened.

Oh, the name Cross Guild sounds cool.

Of course, having a clown pirate group alone is no longer my pursuit, Bucky.

Bucky was a little confused. Physically floating.

Of course, anyone who relies on the Cross Guild would be so confident.

Still in front of the person I want to win the most, this feeling is really intoxicating.

All the thrills and excitement before were worth it.

It would be even better if he could get everyone from the Cross Guild to help him dig for treasures. The experience would be double the joy.

Of course, halfway through, Bucky took the initiative to tell the red-haired follow-up plan.

They are really friends who have been in love with each other for many years, hiding their conscience and regretting it.

This time it is really possible that the whole army will be wiped out. Naturally, he would have no reservations about Shanks.

Moreover, he is also a key figure in the second half plan.

Without his help, many things would not be possible.

The two chatted all the way.

After hearing Bucky's full plan, Shanks looked shocked.

The most domineering man in the world fell silent.

It turns out that this is just the beginning.

What he thought before was indeed correct, but the scene was too small. Still not brave enough.

He looked at his childhood friend with complicated eyes.

Whether this plan succeeds or fails. Bucky will leave his mark on the history of the entire world.

do not know why. Shanks actually saw the captain's figure in Bucky.

One Piece, Gol D. Roger.

In the turmoil of the great times. Some people choose to wait. Some people choose to change. Some people choose to turn the world upside down.

The red-haired man originally thought that he was following the path left by Captain Roger, which was considered the most orthodox pirate route.

But now it seems. The non-mainstream route that Bucky and the others take is more interesting.

Damn it, I was actually tricked by this red nose in this regard.

After hearing the plan, he decided on the spot to help Bucky complete this big scene.

How could such an exciting and soul-stirring event be possible without him.

He has regained the enthusiasm he had when he ascended to the position of the Four Emperors, or even more enthusiasm.

At the same time, this plan will not only help the revolutionary army, but also have certain benefits for the emperors of the new world and the great pirates.

In his position, he naturally has no worries.

As for the identity of the Pakistani Revolutionary Army, it is not important for the time being.

On security.

If the operation goes smoothly, it will not cause that person to take action.

There is still a high probability of escaping unscathed.

After thinking about it, this turned out to be the best result to maintain the balance of the sea.

It is also the only way to temporarily quell the war and preserve the South China Sea.

The Lights of the Revolution certainly lived up to its reputation.

There is a silver lining in every situation like this.

From now on, I can laugh at Beckman. I always feel that I am very smart. Now let’s see what true wisdom is.

Suddenly I really wanted to share what was going on with that guy, couldn't wait to see his shocked face? I'm so bad.

Oh, wait.

Did Bucky just want to see my surprised expression?

This bastard. I'll kill him in a while.

Return to the camp.

The members of the red-haired pirates fell silent when they saw the characters Bucky brought back.

This captain's friend is so wild.

I went out and brought back so many top players.

Could it be that the other party is the person with abilities who has eaten the fruit of face?

If we leave it as usual.

Needless to say, in the evening, let’s have a red-haired traditional performance - the banquet.

Compared to others, they can't say, but when it comes to banquets, they haven't convinced anyone yet.

Regardless of whether it's a life-and-death battle or not, just be happy first.

But now that the situation is special, everyone has to put aside their thoughts about the banquet.

Continue to watch the war broadcast.

The red-haired man took Beckman out and had a good chat with his mate.

As the war progressed.

They all cheered when they saw the Brook trio fighting against the Green Bull.

Especially Bucky. This is where the World Government found itself.

There is all kinds of contempt for the green cow in his words. Then he was chopped off by Rayleigh.

Take a good look. The general level is not that simple. The Green Bull can make countless mistakes. But Koushiro and the others only need to make one mistake, and everyone will be gone. This is the real crushing game.

When the camera cuts to Robin's side. Even Rayleigh was amazed by Robin's Thousand Truths, Thousands of Hands and Hundreds of Styles of Guanyin.

Xia Qi in the Shampoo Islands must have seen the little girl grow up to this point. It must be very happy at this time.

At the same time, he also complained that Kizaru's war art was outrageous.

Once again, when the camera switched to the scene of Jinbei Daxiong versus CP Chief, the phone bug was directly blown away.

Even if they can't see the live broadcast, everyone knows that this must be the most dangerous battlefield at all times.

After a while, the phone bug in Bucky's arms suddenly rang.

His expression suddenly became solemn.

After answering the call, the other person only said a plan to start.

Just hung up.


I’ll write this much now, I should have more to do tonight.

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