Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 429 Lao Sha’s cooperation

And my mother-in-law hasn’t finished reading it yet.

This letter from her is extremely thick.

The more she looked at her, the more surprised she was. There were no words of persuasion here, but rather analysis of the current situation and detailed plans.

This is the first step. If no signal is received, then

The former king instinctively began to deduce based on the current situation.

Then I discovered that if I really follow this plan, even if it fails, Nine Snake Island will not be greatly affected.

If it succeeds, it will be even better, and it will allow Amazon Lily to occupy a favorable position in the strange sea situation.

Such a conscientious letter made Guluoliosa feel a little bit cautious.

This is not impossible, but the matter is too important. I will go find someone to discuss it. Don't worry, this person is definitely trustworthy.

Alas, if this matter wasn't so closely related to the future pattern of the sea, she wouldn't want to contact that person.

My mother-in-law hid in the corner and took out the phone.

It seemed that the other party did not have a very good relationship with her, and the argument was a bit intense.

Moreover, my mother-in-law lost the argument.

It took a while before I came back from the call.

Ahem, everyone, please wait for a while. Someone is coming over. When the time comes, let's say that he is one of our own.

Now let's hold a banquet to welcome the world's greatest swordsman and the pirate emperor.

This etiquette must still be observed. Hancock is so outrageous.

Grandma Ye was very reliable in handling these matters, and she quickly arranged the seats.

They all had a dull feast together.

Hawkeye doesn't care about food and drink, he only thinks about the battle ahead.

The Bucky trio are also worried. This prelude plan is too difficult to carry out due to various emergencies.

Hancock was distracted, as if something in the letter had given her a huge impact. After the meal, she was reading a book that Noah had given her before.

In short, except for my mother-in-law, everyone else ate very little.

It wasn't until the sun set that Nine Snakes Island welcomed a surprising big shot.

Captain Raleigh!!!

Bucky was a little dumbfounded when he saw this one.

Why, my mother-in-law was waiting for him.

Riley was also very happy to see Bucky. The boys on his boat were becoming more and more capable, and they all started to make such big deals with Noah.

Apart from arriving at Rafdru, the Roger Pirates' other things really couldn't compare to this operation.

The first time he heard Xia Qi say it, he was really frightened. If this happened, it would not be worse than his dragon-slaying swordsman.

So it was Noah who fed Bucky the ecstasy soup and let this silly boy guide the plan.

Or was it Bucky who fed Noah the ecstasy soup, making Noah believe that Bucky was at the core of this plan.

I don’t understand the thinking of the revolutionary army.

Now seeing Bucky looking happy, he naturally felt angry. He swam directly from the Shampoo Islands.

He walked over with a smile, and gave Bucky a few blows on the head. His painful red nose rolled on the ground, and the majesty of the emperor fell to the ground.

You little brat, you dare to do this kind of thing, and you even brought Nine Snake Island with you. Do you think you are really an emperor! Even emperors don't dare to do this.

Rayleigh turned into a blower and sprayed Bucky.

This thing is too big. He didn't even want to get involved.

If it weren't for the fact that both Nine Snake Island and Bucky were related to him, he really wouldn't want to care about it.

Noah, a bastard, wouldn't include this in his calculations.

Hawkeye next to him was looking at Rayleigh's figure thoughtfully. Now is not the time for a fight. If you be patient, you will have a chance.

This sharp gaze also made Lei Li feel like a thorn in his back. How could he put two great swordsmen in the same place? His hands would often feel itchy.

After calming down, everyone came to the palace again.

Ask the maids and guards to withdraw, keep the doors and windows closed, and have full safety awareness.

Then Groliosa solemnly asked Hancock if he wanted to join. The empress was a little taken aback by this question.

This old woman is in charge of everything, for fear that she will cause a big incident. How come she respects her choice when it comes to such a big matter?

There is no problem with this plan, but there are risks if you go.

But the risk to Nine Snake Island is not great. So I won’t stop you.

If you fail, choose another emperor. If you win, you will still make money.

Anyway, you can still participate in things that have nothing to do with the revolutionary army.

So whether you go or not is the key.

Under the gaze of everyone, Hancock thought for a while.

She is already the Pirate Empress, there shouldn't be anything in the world that she doesn't dare to do.



As expected, my mother-in-law, as she said, sat down in her seat and stopped talking.

Lei Li stood up at this moment, his face full of helplessness,

I'm going too this time so I can take care of little Hancock.

No wonder the old woman didn't stop him. With Lei Li taking care of him, safety was guaranteed.

Hancock looked like he wanted to refuse. Reilly interrupted directly.

It's not just you this time, there's also this silly boy Bucky, and probably that red-haired little bastard in the future. Do you think I can stay out of it?

Everyone was silent, that was impossible.

Seeing Bucky still giggling, Rayleigh was so angry that he didn't want to speak.

Of course Bucky smiled. Not to mention Yamato and the others, it was great that Rayleigh was here. He was really one of his own.

Finally, I no longer have to look at the cold-faced man like Hawkeye.

Okay, your troops are quick, let's set off.

When he came to the beach and looked at Bucky's ugly little submarine, Hancock resisted.

How could she get on such a shameful vehicle.

After all the hard work from Rayleigh and others, they reluctantly agreed.

Bucky was sweating. The failure of planning must start with aesthetics.

The last person we are looking for is Sand Crocodile.

He is very easy to talk to.

Noah also agreed to board the ship after casually reading the letter, and his cooperation index was extremely high.

The only requirement is that he must explain to his younger brother, otherwise he disappears quietly and others will think he has been kidnapped.

There were no problems in the entire communication process, and there were not even many responses. At most, I was left in a cold sweat.



As soon as I went out in the morning, I was surrounded by people. I couldn't stand it even before I could say the sexy lines.

Pluto Rayleigh, the world's greatest swordsman Hawkeye, and the pirate empress.

Who can handle this situation? He, Lao Sha, is a serious and good person, so he naturally values ​​harmony.

Oh, I didn’t notice that there was a Four Pirate Emperors next to me.

Is this revolutionary army so arrogant now?

Sitting in the submarine, Lao Sha, who couldn't smoke a cigar, was a little bored.

We are going to the South China Sea now to help fight. Then this time there will be a fight between the revolutionary army and the world government.

Rayleigh looked at this young pirate and shook his head, he was still trying to make a conspiracy.

If our identity dares to appear in the South China Sea, the world government will immediately dispatch the most terrifying force to destroy the South China Sea.


Lao Sha, who had little knowledge, realized that there might be information that he didn't know. The old pirate knows a lot.

I didn’t ask too deeply. The friendship between the few people was not deep.

Then where are we going now?

New World, go find Red Hair and meet up.

The sand crocodile was secretly frightened when he heard this. This trick is getting bigger and bigger.

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