Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 335 What is the most important thing on the sea?

People from all walks of life who came to dig people also arrived on the Island of Resurrection one after another.

Tezog is the head of the South China Sea Federation, the highest-ranking figure in the Revolutionary Army, and a graduate of the first class. He is a role model for those who come after.

A student hand-picked by Noah, the light of the revolution, his legendary resume from transfer student to top student has always been mentioned. Of course, this also has something to do with his deliberate publicity.

It's not normal for people who work in administration to use some means to package themselves. He wasn't telling lies, he was simply exaggerating.

I believe Teacher Noah won’t mind.

He came here this time to select a few economically and administratively talented students for the South China Sea Federation.

Then Xiao Feng and Bonnie also came.

One is here on behalf of the most popular sea train company on the sea. He wants to select some young people to go over and suppress the old people who are deviating from the internal route.

There is a raging fire cooking oil every day, and people are a little restless. He hoped that some young students with strong integrity could suppress it.

Bonnie is the person in charge of the radio station. She is the boss of the base station and the headquarters. She is short of everyone and does not pick anyone.

Xiao Feng came up and kicked him.

Tezog, you guy, didn't you agree to come together? Why did you come so early!

Ah, I misjudged the time, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Tezog apologized very sincerely, with an apologetic face, and his words of self-blame made Xiao Feng a little confused whether he should continue talking about him.

The three students from the same class have a very good relationship on a daily basis. This time they came to recruit juniors and juniors, so it was better to come together. Unexpectedly, someone jumped ahead of them.

Bonnie looked helplessly at the two classmates of the same class and covered her head helplessly.

One is as smart as a ghost, and the other is as smart as an iron-headed boy. Sure enough, the revolutionary army still has to rely on me, Qiao Ellie Bonny.

Xiao Feng, forget it. None of this guy's words can be believed. It's too normal for him to get away.


The three people started their work in a noisy manner.

Now everyone is in charge of their own affairs, and they are not the leader but also the main person in charge. We only talk through communicators on a daily basis and don't see each other much.

This is a rare gathering.

Bonnie, do you have anyone you like? If it's not convenient to talk, I'll help you.

Faced with Tezog's kind concern, Bonnie turned her head away. This bastard still wanted to trick her, but there was no way.

There seemed to be a lot of No. 100 people in the boot camp.

But after some selection, not many were left.

Talents are hard to find. These are the best young people in each sea area. After further training, they can all be independent. Who can give up?

When competing for talents, several big bosses were also at loggerheads, working together vertically and horizontally, and refusing to give in to each other.

Excellent people are good at anything. How to distinguish a young man who is eloquent and has strategic vision? It doesn't depend on the bosses of each department.

While these high-level officials were robbing people, Bucky was also taking action.

He relies on the fact that the tasks assigned to him by Noah have great priority, and he goes around deceiving people with all his courage.

As the big brother of this generation, he continues to care for his classmates.


A big hand pressed on the shoulder of a graduate and he looked back.

A big red nose almost stuck to his forehead.

Brother Bucky, don't be so scary.

Abida, what is your dream?

This classmate's fighting ability is not bad, and his writing skills are good. He has been coveting it for a long time.

You can help him write the Biography of Bucky the Emperor, which will mainly be used as a benchmark against Captain Rayleigh.

This is not vanity, but just wanting to better complete the tasks assigned to him by the organization.

Um, writing. The people in the publicity department just talked to me and thought it would be better to stay here at the radio station. There is a shortage of works there. I'm sorry, Brother Bucky.

Bucky has a big project on his hands, everyone knows it.

He has been trying to win over him all the time. To be honest, this guy does have some weird charisma, but considering his dream, it is better to decline.

Oh~~This is wrong. You are on the wrong path.

Seeing that Abida didn't believe it, Bucky said seriously.

Writing also requires a lot of material in the heart. What insights can you gain by staying on the Island of Resurrection? Come with me to the new world.

There are magnificent scenes, various characters, and countless strange races. This is the inspiration for writing.

But Teacher Noah was looking for me before.

Pa, he was tapped on the shoulder again, and what he wanted to say was interrupted.

Speaking of this, teacher Noah's deeds are proof. He has traveled the sea since he was a child and faced countless tragic, terrifying, or magical events before he could write such wonderful content. Shouldn't you learn?

This eloquence is developed through practice.


Come on, let's go see the most beautiful scenery and participate in the most brutal war. Without these experiences, how can you write excellent works.

Bucky looked sad.

Then I'll think about it, think about it, and I've already promised Teacher Noah, so it's not good to go back on it now.

Nothing can stop a man from setting sail! Abida, I'll take care of Teacher Noah's side. Come on board with me. This kind of arduous task really needs you!

Really, really?


This feeling of being needed is still very touching.

Okay then, over there, teacher

give it to me!

Bucky happily went to look for the next candidate. As for finding Noah, don’t rush now, wait until there are more people to dig, and then go together.

If you gather together, you can only get one beating. The smart Captain Bucky has seen through everything.

When people are pushed to the limit, they will either collapse and numbly complete the established route of life, or they will be reborn from the ashes and make a bright future.

Bucky belongs to the third type, a strange type who repeatedly jumps between fear of death and desire for fame and fortune.

After learning about his mission, Bucky became extremely ambitious.

I also started to get a little more serious in the combat class.

After some effort, he even mastered Haki, although Bucky pretended that he already had such strength.

But doesn’t Noah know this guy’s background yet?

After careful observation, I found that it was just two-color domineering, with the seeing and hearing color being strangely powerful.

Being torn apart and equipped with a strong sense of knowledge, this guy's survivability has really been raised to another level.

Bucky himself was also very happy. It seemed safer to go to the new world to become emperor.

It's a pity that the one who awakened this time is not the overlord color, which makes Noah a little regretful.

He had a hunch that this red nose had this potential.

Bucky's combat power template is at least the target of red hair, and in terms of surprise, the target is Luffy.

Such a qualification that is unique among millions would be very scary if you take it seriously. I really look forward to that day.

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