Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 287 Departure, target Wano Country

Although Kozuki Sukiyaki knows many secrets about Wano, such as the existence of Hades and the storage location of historical texts.

But these are not what the revolutionary army cares about most. What they care about most is the people on this land in their lives.

When everyone can't even eat, who cares about ancient weapons?

I hope that after 10 years of living in seclusion, Kozuki Sukiyaki can understand like Cobra what a country is and what it means to be a people.

But it feels a bit suspenseful. This kind of person who has always stood at the top of all living beings may think that the glory of his family is bigger than the sky.

While he was living in seclusion, the Shuangyue Kang family had been struggling to live with a smile in the outside world.

There is no superiority between the two, it's just that the name of the Shuangyue clan understands the lives of common people better.

While Noah and the others were busy making preparations, news came. In the paradise stage, a woman came to the base of the revolutionary army and said she wanted to find Noah?

I'm confused. Has anyone come to me with the contact address? Noah was a little confused.

Although he is busy every day, he should not do such an unreliable thing by asking a woman to come to him.

Since he came to this world, apart from Robin, he hasn't had much contact with the opposite sex.

And he still asked Noah by name. This real name was used to do big things, so he would not leave any clues easily.

After walking the sea for many years, even the navy and the world government don't know how to find him.

At this time, Long seemed to have remembered something. Could it be.

Did that person say his name?

She said her name was Yamato.

Yamato, a bit ordinary.

What are the characteristics?

Well, I feel like my brain is not working very well. I said that I wandered alone on the sea for a long time before I found this place. I was wearing a very simple clothes and carrying a mace. I was very tall and quite good-looking.

Now Noah knew who it was.

But how could she find the revolutionary army? At this time, Noah discovered that after the plot was broken, many unexpected situations would occur.

Logically speaking, she should still be in prison on Onigashima at this time. Why did you run out?

I asked her to come.


Long gave an explanation at this time.

The South China Sea Federation was established before, and the New World besieged Kaido in the battle.

In order to attract Kaido and grab the historical text, I met her on Ghost Island. At that time, she was imprisoned on the island and had an explosive bracelet on her hand.

Seeing that she was pretty strong and not one of Kaido's group, I helped her take off the bracelet and saved her life.

At the same time, he told her where to contact her in the future. It turned out that it took a full year for her to arrive in paradise, and I almost forgot about it.

Perhaps because he was worried that Noah and the others would misunderstand, Long slightly increased his speaking speed this time and spoke a long paragraph, which was really not easy.

It turns out that if you consider yourself a samurai, this is the time to repay the favor of saving your life.

It's understandable that she's a year late. After all, she doesn't have any normal life experience. She hasn't been abducted after leaving the ghost island for so long, and she can still reach the paradise stage. She is a bit underestimated.

It is estimated that her domineering martial arts skills also played a big role. She is just inexperienced and not a fool. If someone cheats her, most of the troubles can be solved with one stick.

Noah thought for a while, and Yamato's fighting ability was reliable, even though her brain had been affected, and she had mental problems.

His childhood life was too depressing, so he relied on Kozuki Oden's notebooks to understand the world.

He was also infected by the Bushido spirit of Shigetsuki Gyumaru and the others, and he inexplicably set up an idol for himself. This was a disease.

Maybe the bloodline inherited from Kaido made her extremely talented, but she didn't show it in front of the supernova later. It must be that her own spiritual will was squeezed, which is really pitiful.

Without his own will and thinking of himself as Kozuki Oden, how could he become the strongest?

Kaido was also angry when he saw her. He had a stubborn child who fantasized about becoming an enemy all day long and opposed me every day. Another famous scene of a loving father and a filial son.

However, when she came to the Revolutionary Army, she really found her match. Regarding spiritual will, what could be more ambitious and freer than their ideological program.

Self-awareness and self-improvement are the key points in the textbook, which is just enough to treat her illness.

In Noah's view, the so-called becoming Kozuki Oden is just a kind of self-hypnosis and self-protection for a little girl who has lived a precarious life since childhood.

When she opens her bonds and releases her true will, she will look back at that notebook and the first half of her idol's life, and will she feel that she was somewhat uneducated before.

From a higher perspective, I would not criticize the whole thing, but objectively acknowledge Oden's dedication and hard work, as well as his sincerity. It just lacks a lot of wisdom in practical actions.

Let her come to Nanhai. Let's talk first. If she is willing to join us, we will add another spot to this boot camp.

Leave this matter to Tezog. If you have any questions, feel free to discuss them with Tezog.

I originally thought there wouldn’t be any surprises in the second session, but I didn’t expect that I underestimated the sea.

There are really a lot of geniuses in this sea. There are always new people with potential emerging.

Maybe they didn't get these opportunities in their original life path, but as long as we give them a little hope, they will always get unknown surprises.

After hearing what Noah said, everyone understood that this person named Yamato was not simple.

Although I don’t know how he knew it, after so many years, it was enough to trust him.

Under the dragon's command, someone will soon arrange for Yamato to come over. First send it to a non-federal jurisdictional location in the South China Sea, ask Long to leave a letter, and then ask Tezog and Tiger to talk together.

This Yamato is truly a gift from fate. We are about to form a group to kill your father. It is quite a coincidence that you came here at this time.

Wait, if Yamato is willing to join, wouldn't he be at the same time as Baki?

Is this luck?

By the way, when you ask Tiger and the others to go, take Bucky with them. It will have a strange effect. Then give Bucky a treasure map of the new world as a reward.

Hiss~~Noah suddenly has a new world strategy.

However, the specific implementation will wait until Wano Country is liberated. Let’s implement the current plan conscientiously first.

After everyone's work was handed over, the group of four finally set off.

Starting from the South China Sea, we first go to the Shampoo Islands to meet up with Rayleigh.

Originally, the first half of this plan was caused by Rayleigh's desire to seek revenge from Kaido, so he still had to meet the real owner. Let everyone know how terrifying the man who can start the war between the four emperors is!

? Rayleigh is confused?

I started a war among the four emperors, how could I not know?

Go to sleep, everyone. Let’s talk about it during the day. I am busy at the end of the month, so I can only grit my teeth and persevere.

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