Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 282 The revenge of the tenth life can be avenged.

The next two people visited the Long Hands Clan, the Long Legs Clan, and the Snake Head Clan in turn. There are other races.

Basically everyone received a warm welcome. Later, it became clear that Rayleigh was quite happy in the new world. It was all an accident before.

It's easy to declare your name as Pluto and go to the island to have a party.

Those who were rescued from Mariejoia were more grateful to Noah, but their status in the clan was not high and they could not achieve much effect.

It seems that the last slave to sit on the throne was Hancock. Her situation is special, and no one on Nine Snake Island knows her past experience. Also, he is so powerful that he can defeat everyone on the island.

Slaves of other races who were rescued were not so lucky. Generally speaking, being a slave will result in a certain degree of destruction and torture. Even if the physical injuries are healed, there will be a certain psychological impact.

The high-level combat forces in this sea have great requirements for their character. If they don't have great opportunities in this life, many of them will stop here.

The only one who walked out was Tiger. His method is to use Marie Joa, which is a bit difficult to copy. After the world government is completely destroyed in the future, Mary Jord can be turned into an open check-in attraction.

This time Noah visited the New World. In addition to getting familiar with each other, he also sent ideological weapons and a few books to each person. This is the second way to get out.

He believes that there are so many miracles in this sea, and there are always people who take a different path.

There is no other way. His status as a revolutionary army has no advantage at all among these humanoid races, and he even has a disadvantage.

If it weren't for Rayleigh's dignity and kindness towards his own people, he might not even be able to get to the island.

It's not that they don't want to change, but they don't like the way the Revolutionary Army changes. The ancient races with some inheritance are waiting for Joyboy. This is also the first time Noah knows that this name has such great power.

Races that have no inheritance or have lost their inheritance do not want to change. Although some tribesmen are occasionally captured, they can still survive.

These special races in the new world have great bonuses in combat, and it is common for all people to become soldiers.

This very abnormal social structure was probably established 800 years ago. Was there a special racial division of labor at that time, or was it that the productivity 800 years ago far exceeded modern times, so these races only needed to develop battle sequences?

Anyway, after leaving the books behind, Noah and Rayleigh left these races.

Oh, I haven't been out for a long time. It seems that everyone still gives me a lot of respect, hahahaha.

He gave Lao Lei a speechless look and realized that no one could hahaha in such a loud voice.

We're basically done, let's go back.

Old Lei, is the plan to kill Kaido that I told you before still complete?

I want to think about it again. The plan you proposed is really going to break the heavens. It's really hard to describe the style of your revolutionary army. At first glance, it seems that you are doing big things.

He usually hides himself tightly, but also plans some terrible events all day long. You are really not afraid of being beaten to death.

Don't be afraid. Even if I am beaten to death, my thoughts have been spread. To put it bluntly, the world has been changed.

The fire has been ignited, it just depends on when it will develop into a huge force. As for myself, it would be best if I could see this world burned to the ground. If I can't, it would just be a pity. I believe in my comrades.

Lei Li said, the people in the Revolutionary Army really have faith. Those who are not even afraid of death have few worries.

I'll go back and talk to Xia Qi, and I'll also think about her information channels.


The two left the new world easily.

Little did he know that there was a red-haired Uncle Reilly waiting for him in the new world to come and see him.

It took the two of them several months to return to the Chambord Islands.

It's still that tavern that's full of deceitful atmosphere. The landlady was still sitting at the bar smoking a cigarette, calculating something, and was in a good mood.

During this period, Hongfa's information was the best seller, and she made a lot of money through some small channels.

We're back.

Xia Qi didn't even raise her head. The two guys who came back wouldn't bring her any extra income.

Seeing Rayleigh, who was so high-spirited on the boat, wilting after entering the store, Noah curled his lips and went out to find a hotel to stay.

He wants to plan carefully with Long for the country of Wano.

Nothing major will happen in the year 1514 of the Haiyuan calendar. The South China Sea side now only needs stable construction, and some cadres can be left in charge.

This big deal in Wano Country is the biggest business this year.

Rayleigh doesn't know if he will participate in this plan. He will definitely avenge Kozuki Oden, but the time and opportunity are uncertain.

This sea is about men's romance. If you die like this, it means you are at this level.

I won't go out of my way to seek revenge. If I really encounter someone, I'll fight to the death. Ace and Luffy said it, and Garp said something similar. This kind of Japanese passionate manga always has this idea.

Ace died in the hands of Akainu. According to Chinese principles, Gongyang said: Can the revenge of the ninth life be avenged? Confucius said: The royal way is restored, respect the king and resist the barbarians. The revenge of the tenth life can still be avenged!

It was only right for Luffy to recruit people to kill Akainu. As a result, he continued to sail in the new world two years later, carrying the dreams of the dead people with him.

It can’t be said that it’s not correct, it’s just that the way of doing things is different. Noah will kill Akainu first, and then move forward with the dream of his dead heart. Anyway, it’s not a step short of this.

This kind of conflicting thinking in all aspects is sometimes very uncomfortable. For example, if Long was killed by someone, he would have said some nonsense before he died. It turns out that this is what I am doing.


Noah doesn't care about whether it's romantic or not, he just shakes people to start the film, lime powder, smashed eggs and so on. He does everything he can to kill the enemy.

Of course, Long's thoughts are not so childish. With his character, even before death, he will seriously injure his opponent or leave clues in the hope of revenge. This is the reason why the two people have a good relationship, which is more pragmatic.

This arrogant man said he was a man and wanted to do whatever he wanted. Why didn't he run over and take a look at Luffy when something happened to him, such as the unnatural lightning in Rogge Town?

From the looks of it, Rayleigh might prefer a traditional pirate fight, with one person looking for an opportunity to kill Kaido alone. Noah doesn't care. As long as he gets rid of Kaido first, the matter of Wano Country will be stable.

In the tavern, Rayleigh was talking to Xia Qi about Kozuki Oden.

Xia Qi, that's the thing. Kaido, I will definitely kill him if I have the chance.

Well, let's talk about Noah's troublesome plan in detail.


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