Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 266 We are all our own people

After sending the manuscript fee, Rosinandi was walking to the camp. There were still a few sets of training tasks to be practiced, when suddenly someone called out from behind him.

Mr. Cora.

He immediately froze in place. Not many people knew this title.

Looking back, everyone was scared to death.

No, no, no

Okay, okay, don't make a fuss, let's go have a drink.

Rosinandi fully demonstrated the results of his recent practice and dragged Noah into an alley at lightning speed.

Teacher Noah, how can you come here? The Navy branch is right next to you. It's too dangerous.

Rosinandi's face turned pale with fright, and her voice was a little distorted. He was really worried about Noah. The relationship between the Revolutionary Army and the Navy was obviously at odds with each other.

Especially as Noah himself is the enemy of the world, he is so popular and the bounty is so high.

Noah looked at Rosinandi with strange eyes, wondering whether to tell him that there were many members of the revolutionary army in this base. There are more of our own people on this island.

It's okay. With my identity, how could you come here without making complete preparations? Let's go, I've arranged a tavern, let's talk while drinking.

After saying that, he took Rosinandi and left. Along the way, Rosinandi was on tenterhooks, his eyes wandering, for fear of being recognized.

After entering a tavern, I scanned the area first and felt relieved that no colleagues were there.

Teacher Noah, this tavern is still crowded and crowded, so why not move to another place?

Seeing Rosinandi's nervous look, Noah thought it was better not to tease him. He felt guilty for scaring such a simple guy.

Don't worry, we are all our own people here. He said this meaningfully.

After saying that, he found an empty seat and sat down. At the same time, the bartender came over and served two bottles of wine in a very colorful manner.

Sit down, don't worry, I have a very good relationship with General Zefa, he won't arrest me. I even gave him a box of books some time ago.

It was unexpected that the relationship was as good as this.

Rocinante sat down and drank a glass of wine to calm down.

How are you doing recently? I heard that you are already at the top of this batch of boot camps. You are quite impressive.

Hey, how did Teacher Noah know?

Rosinandi was a little confused as to why his results were spread to the public. Although their assessment is not very confidential, they don't talk about it everywhere.

Well, do you understand that the location of your current naval branch belongs to the South China Sea Federation?

I know, the South China Sea Federation is a country that was just established at the beginning of this year. It is very supportive of the navy's work, so we are stationed here.

What if I say that the South China Sea Federation was established by the revolutionary army?

How is that possible, Teacher Noah? I have my own information channels within the Navy, and I know that there are irreconcilable conflicts between the South China Sea Federation and the Revolutionary Army.

As he said that, he looked around again, then quietly leaned into Noah's ear and said.

The South China Sea Federation once participated in a plan to besiege and kill the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army, so many of their policies are a bit biased towards the Revolutionary Army. In fact, they are on the side of the World Government.

But you should leave this country alone. The South China Sea Federation is still very good to civilians. The several policies they have recently introduced are particularly in line with the knowledge written in your book.

What kind of labor, farming, transportation and so on. I wonder if they also have a set of your books.

In this Warring States period, why didn't you tell the whole story when delivering the news?

Ahem, that senior member of the Revolutionary Army is me.


Rocinante's expression was very vivid, and her eyes flew out in shock.

This this.. It took Noah a second glass of wine to calm down.

Surround and kill the top leaders of the revolutionary army, and establish the South China Sea Federation? Rosinandi was no fool. At this time, a clue seemed to be connected very unexpectedly. So it turns out that the South China Sea Federation suddenly gained support from the world government and the high-level information of the Revolutionary Army was leaked. It was all planned.

Looking at Noah again was complete admiration. It's amazing, the world government is being tricked.

Wait, Teacher Noah came to this tavern and said that they are all his own, which is true. The South China Sea Federation belongs to them.

Teacher Noah, the people you are talking about should not only refer to this tavern.

Yes, generally the navy base is surrounded by our own people, including inside.

in? in! The Navy's internal cleanup operation in the South China Sea, the list that Mr. Zefa suddenly came up with one day?

There is so much information here. Teacher Zefa has connections with the revolutionary army, and there is a revolutionary army in the naval base.

Today is really an eye-opener, link by link.

But why are you telling me this? Rocinante was a little scared, he was just an ordinary navy recruit.

Are you curious why I told you?


Because you are an upright navy, as upright as General Zefa. You both have a simple pursuit of justice, so I think you are naturally my allies.

Do you still remember what you saw on Drum Island? Your empathy for those residents prompted you to learn a lot of knowledge from me. Some people have been paying attention to your performance in the South China Sea during this period.

Hard training is common on the sea, and the desire for strength is basically shared by everyone. But insisting on sending money to Dressrosa really exceeded my expectations.

You are sympathizing with and trying to help the residents there, while the World Government allows the Shichibukai to destroy this country. You have been on the opposite side from the beginning.

After finishing speaking, Noah was still waiting for Rosinandi's rebuttal, but he suddenly fell into deep thought.

Little did he know that at this moment, Rosinandi's heart had been broken by the last sentence, and he was on the opposite side of the world government.

There is nothing wrong with being the opposite of the world government. Innocent civilians should not be victims of the world government's efforts to balance the situation. As capable people, they should stand up.

After he survived that island death, he had always had a similar thought, that is, he wanted to use his own practice to verify whether the ideas in Noah's book were correct.

Because he feels that his overlord-like ability is related to the power brought by the book. This may be idealistic, but that's how he feels.

Now that he knows that the South China Sea Federation is a country established by the revolutionary army, he knows that there is no need to verify it, and what is written in the book is correct. The people here live better than anywhere else.

He is also the one who has led Luo through most of the sea, and he also has a certain understanding of the living standards of the people at the bottom.

So, in a flash, I made a very decisive and even impulsive decision.

Teacher Noah, I want to join the revolutionary army!

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