Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 254 Wasteland Black Box

When Noah returned to the South China Sea, he went directly to Bika. The doctor must have been waiting impatiently. The failure of the last experiment has always made him worried. Always inadvertently urging him to find the historical text and come back as soon as possible. In the desert, I often receive phone calls from doctors.

Every time he comes to Bika, Noah always feels like he is in a new place. The changes here are really changing with each passing day. These guys who are engaged in scientific research dare to install anything on it. The shape is often changed, and the sense of danger is increasing day by day.

By the way, what is the launch pad seen from a distance? Could it be some kind of unpredictable weapon system? This caliber is almost at the level of a space battleship. What would it be like to use this to hit Marie Joa?

How can you think like this? The weapons on Bika are all defensive weapons, so you can't think randomly.

The optical camouflage is also very interesting. After it is turned on, it really blends with the outside world to the naked eye. Although it's cool, it doesn't seem to be of much use. In this world, people who can reach such a high place are all masters among masters, and their level of knowledge, knowledge and color are extremely high.

This level can only confuse the naked eye, and only the Falcon Bell of Alabasta can't see it. Bell Sorry, just a small example.

After identifying himself through the communicator, a small opening was opened in the island's defense cover. Noah came to a place that looked like a lifting platform and landed on it.

Then there is a test. Voice, gait, irises, fingerprints, and even black technologies such as biomagnetic fields have been developed. Oh, that's right, Base Station Zero is located here, so it can be used flexibly.

After everything passed, Noah walked into the main laboratory. The doctor has been waiting for a long time.

How about Noah, isn't Bika's new equipment amazing?

It's quite powerful, but it's not very practical. Is such a rigorous test necessary? Does someone who knows Bika's location and has the ability to come up still need this?

Didn't I hear you talk about imitation fruits and transparent fruits? There are all kinds of strange fruits in the sea, and there will always be one or two fruits that can sneak in. The equipment on Bika is so important now, and the protection work must be done well. That’s all.”

After listening to what the doctor said, Noah felt that he was right. He thought it was simple before. Base Station Zero and the Infinity Stones are the most important assets of the Revolutionary Army, as are the later products of the Tuntun Fruit. These three things will form the heart of technological research and development, and indeed one cannot be too careful.

When this fruit-swallowing experiment is completed, I plan to move the research institute to the sea, and Bika will be hidden as an official secret weapon. At that time, only the advanced research and development team, maintenance team, and weapons will be left. The people at the defense console can just stay.

It is enough for other students to go back to normal teaching. Bika will not take on some overseas missions in the future.

Now, the doctor has some talent in management. It is gratifying to learn how to allocate manpower and reduce risks.

What do you mean by your look of relief? I have been here for so long, and I have watched Bika being built bit by bit. I don't want it to have any risks. The scientific research crystallization of Bika now can It is said to be the top level in the sea.

Even if Vegapunk comes, I will say the same thing. Although his wisdom is very high, his scientific research level is 500 years ahead of the world. But it is also subject to the oppression of the times. No matter how much you have an idea, it is useless without hardware to help you realize it.

But we have found the key to transcend the times!

The doctor stared at the Tuntun Fruit with burning eyes. It seemed that he had studied this fruit thoroughly. I don’t know how many scoldings those students received.

Seeing the doctor's expectant eyes, Noah didn't waste any time and directly released the historical text.

I dug it out after eating sand in Alabasta for a week. I gave it to you, doctor.

The text above has been printed. Both copies were placed in the space and handed over to Robin for study after Bika's matter was resolved.

The doctor turned on a switch called rage almost as soon as the historical text landed. The kind and wise smile disappeared, and the eloquent conversation just now also disappeared. He directly transformed into a scientific research tyrant, blowing like a blower with his mouth.

During this period, many phrases had to be muted before they could be played. What kind of research and development environment is this that makes the doctor become like this? He is even more manic than during the first experiment.

After sighing, Noah still quietly hid aside. This old man is not easy to mess with now. Whoever provokes someone gets scolded.

Where's Noah? Noah! You ***@#¥, hurry up and sense what's going on inside! You#@¥ # speak!

He hurriedly helped with the experiment, but he didn't expect to be called out even as he hid aside. Didn’t I say last time that science is reproducibility and that it is the basic principle of natural science research. Scientists discover causal facts through controlled experiments that eliminate subjective factors, and then deduce universal laws.

Therefore, in theory, any successful scientific experiment should be able to be repeatedly tested among different research subjects. This is the objectivity of science.

Why don't you care about these scientific laws this time? Of course, Noah would not say it at this time. The doctor would really grab him by the collar and slap him twice.

There is no problem this time. It feels like the frequency is right. Everything is normal in the history text. There is a reaction. The changes inside the Tuntun fruit are slightly different from before, but most of the reactions are similar to the previous two.

Okay, you @# come down quickly.

The humanoid sensor was driven off by the doctor, and he stood aside and watched the doctor perform another dazzling operation.

I can't understand anything else, but I can see the energy consumption. In a short period of time, the lights in the laboratory flickered on and off, and there was a buzzing sound outside. In Noah's view, the entire Bika dropped a certain distance, and the outer protective shield flickered, fearing that it would collapse.

It's okay, it's just caused by too much energy being extracted from the infinite gems in a short period of time. No matter how powerful the historical text is, it only has a strong carrying capacity, and the output power cannot explode infinitely. For this moment, don't worry too much.

This statement is purely a placebo and is of no use. In fact, the doctor is very worried that the energy absorbed by this Tuntun fruit is very huge, much more than the magnetic fruit. If it were not supported by the Thunder Fruit as its core, ordinary ability users would be sucked dry if they encountered it.

Thinking of this, the doctor felt lucky that the first one to fuse was the Thunder Fruit. Without it, nothing would be possible in the later stage. This is also a kind of luck.

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