Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 231 The shortcomings and strategies of Zhuzi

There is no shortage of tricks and strategies!

Although this sentence does not exist in the original world of One Piece, this is Nick's inner thought.

That's it? You asked me to keep it secret, but you are still talking about it everywhere, spreading money, and paying back the image ambassador of the South China Sea Federation. Bah!

Now that I haven't earned any money, facing this situation is simply cruel to the extreme.

Nick, I remember that you are also the backbone of our Seven Waters Capital Business Association. How can you still do such a thing? It shouldn't be, we are all old friends. Isn't it just a matter of making money? As a businessman, although It’s really understandable to do this. Everyone says, right?”

The yin and yang guy in front of him is Nick's old rival, the type who would use a knife if these two people were put in the same room. At least at this moment, as long as there is a knife in the hand, there will be blood here.

Okay, now that everyone is here, let's listen to what Nick has to say. Business is more important.

Alas~ It seems that this big cake cannot be saved. Lord Nick resisted the urge to vomit blood and told everyone about Adam and the South China Sea Federal Sea Train Company.

Oh, contracted routes, huge dividends. No wonder you didn't talk about life or death the past few days, thank you for your hard work.

Nick thought to himself, I am too old and there are many people here, so I will give you a punch no matter what today. It is so irritating.

Finally it was the mayor who spoke.

Nick, if you think about it this way, how much can you do if you do it alone? The South China Sea is so big, and there are so many businesses, it's endless. Why don't we all contact the South China Sea Federation together to really make it bigger? ?”

The mayor is right. I think so too. Business is indeed endless. I only want to understand this now.

A group of people wanted to vomit in a high-spirited manner. They are all gentlemen, but Nick is the only one in the emotional room who is a black-hearted businessman.

Go and invite Mr. Adam here. It seems that we have underestimated the energy of this great writer before. By the way, prepare another generous gift and cannot neglect him.

The first half of the sentence was said to the staff, and the second half was said to Nick. Even if this matter is over for the time being, there is nothing wrong with eating alone. The only thing wrong is being discovered. Only Nick's injured world is achieved.

After knowing that the mayor asked him to discuss the matter, Noah breathed a sigh of relief. There was a high probability that it would happen. Lord Nick can only have a few taels of meat, and what he wants to eat is the entire top management of the Seven Waters City.

The reason why we took such a huge turn was because there was nothing we could do. That group of people may not be very smart, but they are not very stupid either. They may not bite the prey that is delivered to their door, but they can only trust it if they catch it themselves.

I walked slowly to the council hall and found that there were so many people there, even more so than at the dinner party that day. The magic power of money is still greater.

Hello everyone, I wonder why so many people are needed to negotiate?

No one spoke, everyone looked at Nick. Didn't you have a good conversation before? Let's continue.

Nick thought to himself that I didn't speak up, because such a shameful thing would require murder. The mayor, who still couldn't stand it, spoke up, feeling that none of these people could achieve anything.

Mr. Adam, let's open the skylight and tell the truth. Can we participate in the South China Sea Federation's sea train plan?

Pretending to be surprised, he looked at Lord Nick. Showing panic at how so many people knew about it.

Nick vomited blood. With your expression, you don't think it's because I leaked the news, do you? You don't know about the bad things your own little brother did?

This is not good, there are too many of you.

The mayor nodded and someone handed over a small piece of paper. After reading it.

Can I think about it?

Another note was handed over.

That’s fine. If you screw up if you continue to perform, it won’t be beautiful. Just give it up when it’s good.

I've thought about it and I'll find a way. Leave it to me.

As expected, Mr. Adam is reliable and will do anything as long as he is given enough money. Isn’t this more profitable than writing a book?

Haha, the trick of using retreat to advance is really effective, it is the wisdom of our ancestors. Noah also sighed in his heart, the matter was done, the money was taken, a win-win situation. Meaning he won twice.

Excuse me, Mr. Adam, if you have any advice, can you tell me?

Let me think about it. Yes! The crux of the problem lies with that diplomat.


Yes, he has a very profound background, and that general-level combatant is his teacher. So he also has a very high status within the South China Sea Federation.

As long as we explain it to him, we can join forces and tell him that the friendship between the Seven Waters Capital and the South China Sea Federation is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea. We can be brothers and establish formal diplomatic relations.

At the same time, the Federation is persuaded to cooperate directly with the Seven Rivers Capital in private. Of course, this cannot be said to the outside world. After all, these quotas for jointly building train routes are reserved for the other 20 countries in the South China Sea to ease relations.

What do you think?

What do we think? We think you are very good. The money is really worth it, and even the follow-up service is excellent.

Gao Ming, directly transitioning from individuals to establishing diplomatic relations and friendship, this pattern is huge. Then please leave it to Mr. Adam.

It's easy to say. But we definitely can't talk about the specific things now. We have to wait until Tom goes to Nanhai to inspect the environment on the spot. Then we will discuss how to build it, how much investment, and the construction period.

Yes, yes, be rigorous and rigorous. Just leave these matters to Mr. Adam. He is worthy of being our eternal good friend in the Seven Waters City. After the matter is completed, we will definitely have other expressions.

After sending Adam off with a smile, everyone returned to their seats again.

This Adam is a bit quick-witted, but don't tell me, his method is really powerful.

Haha. Now that he has collected so many things from us, he must be careful, otherwise the reputation of a well-known writer will be ruined.

Hahahahaha, a group of people laughed very happily. They are very good at using money to play with order.

Little do they know that they themselves are also prey in the eyes of others.

When Noah returned to the room, he called Terzog and told him about the matter. Terzog nodded repeatedly. As someone who had graduated early and worked at a core position in the revolutionary army, he was also very familiar with the current economic problems. Being able to attract such a large investment this time could be regarded as a solution to an urgent need.

As long as you have money, anything can be done easily. Nanhai is not short of manpower and materials, but it is short of money. First, put people from the Seven Waters Capital in, and then trick people from 20 countries into investing money, use the economy to kidnap them, and force them to join the South China Sea Federation's tank.

If they were still alive during the all-out war, they would definitely regret to the point of wanting to die, wondering how they had fallen into this evil trap.

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