Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 226 I had a great chat with General Zefa

In the evening, a grand banquet began. The celebrities present have entered a familiar stage again.

Many upper-class people met their old friend Mr. Adam and the diplomat of the South China Sea Federation Mr. Tezog.

Celebrities are mainly divided into two parts. A group of people gathered around Adam. Some of these people were the powerful people they had met last time, and some were businessmen who had not been exposed to elegance before. A group of people opened a small cultural salon around Noah.

Tsk tsk, Mr. Adam said it well. I didn't expect that you have such a good relationship with so many generals in the Navy Headquarters. A lot of inspiration comes from the materials they provide. It's really amazing.

Fortunately, General Kizaru and I only had a little discussion about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, just a normal pen pal relationship. General Aokiji did the same, but he preferred Water Margin written by me.

The person I have a better relationship with is General Zefa. Many of his views have inspired me a lot, especially regarding justice. I have to say that the sense of justice of the naval admirals of that era was very simple, and it is worth learning from us juniors.

By the way, Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan was very envious of the bookmark I wrote to General Zefa, but there was nothing I could do about it. At that time, I was inspired. It was really an accident that it became popular within the Navy. Marshal of the Warring States Period was also said to be very envious. Of course, This is a bit hearsay, haha. For example, I have relatively little contact with other crane generals.

The onlookers listened very seriously to Noah's blowing water. Although they were some famous people in the Capital of Seven Waters, there was no need to even mention their names in Mr. Adam's mouth.

Listen to what Mr. Adam said about those people. They open their mouths to such and such a general as a pen pal, and shut their mouths to learn from the justice of the former general. Even the lieutenant general mentions it in passing. Some small interesting things are related to the naval marshal. This standard is very high.

This group of people still like to hear this paragraph, and they can repeat it to others in the future. I had a great conversation with Mr. Adam before, and Mr. Adam said that a certain general...

It belongs to the infinite matryoshka doll.

The people surrounding Tezog on the other side were of a higher level, and they were all powerful figures in the Capital of Seven Waters. Maybe it was because of Noah's boasting before that everyone present would speak in favor of this young man. Naturally, Tezog would not let go of the opportunity to create his own character.

It was indeed quite dangerous at the time, and the pressure from the 20 countries was still great. However, our federation remained unwavering despite the turmoil, and we decided to fight them to the end!

Well said. From Mr. Tezog's words, I can tell that the South China Sea Federation must have such a perseverance. It really shocked me. By the way, I heard that the world government was involved at that time, right?

Yes, this is not a trivial matter. Fortunately, Brother Spangdam in the CP department acted fairly and impartially, so he did not give the worms from the 20 countries a chance to confuse right and wrong.

Brother? How can you be fair and just when you are already a brother? The world government does not favor its affiliated countries, but it helps you. Haha, it still has the nerve to confuse right and wrong. It seems that the diplomat of the South China Sea Federation is not a good person.

Several people in the crowd looked at each other. Would you like to stop talking?

I read in the newspaper that the South China Sea Federation completely crushed the 20-nation coalition this time. This is amazing. It's a pity that the sea is now dominated by the top powerhouses, otherwise the Federation can do greater things. , it is indeed a pity.”

Yes, General Akainu killed countless people in the East China Sea, and General Zefa suppressed the Nanhai branch. How majestic.

After hearing this, Tezog stopped talking. Sometimes, it is best to leave blank space and let people think about it.

Someone in the crowd was observing every expression of Tezog, and showed a bit of pride when he talked about the world of top powerhouses. Speaking of General Zefa's suppression of the South China Sea, he looked a little playful.

Is it possible that this small South China Sea Federation really has top experts.

Now it seems that Mr. Adam is an honest man. As long as the things are in place, he will say anything.

The great writer who was blowing water in the distance did not expect that his character would be really hammered down by someone.

The dinner finally ended with a speech by the mayor. The nobles dispersed in twos and threes. After rejecting the invitations of several ladies to study alone, Noah returned to his room with brisk steps.

Oh, just because they dare to covet my body and dream about it. Women weaken legs what Coach Mike said to Rocky back then still makes sense.

After a while, Tezog also came back, and the two met to discuss tonight's performance.

It feels like they still believe you a little bit, so they are very cautious when dealing with you. The last one who didn't say anything was a good way to deal with it. After all, talking too much is not enough.

This is what the teacher taught me well, so what should I do next?

Tomorrow, if you ask for Tom to be seconded to the South China Sea Federation to plan the sea train, they will definitely find a reason to shirk it immediately. Then they will retreat and give them some time to investigate.

If you try to make a request after a few days, you will almost hesitate. It is very possible for you to negotiate with the World Government yourself, and then the Spandam line can be used.


The next day, Tezog formally proposed to second Tom to the South China Sea to plan the sea train. And is willing to pay a huge ransom in lieu of punishment.

As soon as the mayor saw the amount of the ransom, he understood why the World Government had been bribed. It was so rich. He almost nodded and agreed immediately. Fortunately, his remaining reason told him that his power could not be achieved yet. decide this matter.

Here's the thing. Tom is a death row prisoner and is currently trying to atone for his sins by building a train. Okay, let's go find out about the situation first and talk about it in a few days, okay?

Oh well.

Tezog's reasonableness was very useful to them, so they arranged for him to eat, drink and have fun in the Capital of Seven Waters in the past few days.

Speed ​​up the pace of information gathering in private.

It's confirmed. The chief of CP5 was indeed stationed on Battila Island before. And the opposition from the World Government is also very interesting, saying that a country is going through the procedures to join the world. I can't find out more.

That's almost it. You can agree on our behalf first.

Terzog came to the mayor's office again.

That's right, Mr. Tezog, regarding the secondment of Tom, our Seven Waters Capital agrees with our attitude of supporting the construction of the South China Sea Federation, but there are two issues that need you to solve.

Oh, what two questions?

One is from the World Government, and they have to give an explanation. The second one is Tom. This Tom has a rather stubborn temper, and you guys have to convince him.

no problem.

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