Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 224 Old friends need to confide in each other

When we arrived at the official pier, we were greeted by a lot of people, all of whom were old friends.

There is the mayor, several big nobles and big businessmen. The last time I dealt with them was in 1508. Five years have passed now, and I didn't expect that they are all still alive. It's great, but a few of them are not in good health and may not be able to see them next time.

In fact, Noah came back in 1510. At that time, he was doing maintenance on the Voyager and laying the groundwork for the sea train plan with Tom, so he didn't go through official channels.

This time I revisited the old place and it was a different experience.

After getting off the boat, I greeted my old friends cordially, hugged them, and took photos with them. It was so affectionate. This time I am asking for something from someone, so I must do it with good etiquette.

Come on, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Tezog, a diplomat from the South China Sea Federation. Let's get to know each other.

Oh, the South China Sea Federation, a frequent visitor in newspapers during this period. It had just won a war in the South China Sea and was an emerging country. The impression given to people is that they are full of martial virtue, and not all wars can be fought like in newspapers and novels, and they can also annihilate their opponents.

When they first received the diplomatic letter from the South China Sea Federation, they were also confused and had no idea what the connection was with the Capital of Seven Waters. Said it would be coming soon.

I didn’t expect that I came with Mr. Adam. What’s the relationship?

But since people are here, we must entertain them well.

Nice to meet you

The two groups of people greeted each other in a very businesslike manner, and the mayor looked at Adam, what was going on.

Oh~ I have been living in the South China Sea recently. You all know this. Later, the South China Sea Federation found me and paid a lot of money to hire me as their ambassador. I thought about it. For the peace of the sea, this kind of spreading positive energy is my duty. Yes, I agreed. This time I came here to discuss some things. But shall we just talk about it here?

Hire a lot of money? That's certainly not a big deal. Someone originally suggested letting Adam stay in the Capital of Seven Waters, and offered a lot of conditions, but they were all declined, so it probably took a lot of effort to invite him. It is also very helpful for Mr. Adam to spread positive energy across the sea during such a chaotic time.

Ah, yes, yes, let's go back first and talk about anything tomorrow. We will still welcome you in the evening. I believe our banquet in the Seven Waters City can wash away your fatigue, hahahaha.

The group of people took the deluxe version of Blue and took another sightseeing route. The same commentary was repeated again. The mayor was an old tour guide. Tezog also expressed some exclamations and compliments at the right time. The guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

After arranging their respective lounges, Noah heard a knock on the door.


Mr. Adam, the mayor invites you to go to the mayor's office alone. I want to catch up with you.

Reminiscing about old times? It's just that little thing, it's up to me.

Okay, let me lead the way.

Following the waiter, we arrived at the mayor's office. The waiter also closed the door when he went out. In addition to the mayor, there were also several big nobles inside.

Please sit down. I'm sorry, but I'd like to invite Adam over in advance. You have always maintained a good relationship with us in the Seven Waters Capital, so we want to talk to you first.

After organizing his words, the mayor asked anyway.

Mr. Adam, may I ask why the South China Sea Federation came to the Seven Waters City this time? I don't know if it's convenient for you to tell me.

There's nothing I can't say about this. It's for Tom's sea train. I want to second Tom to the South China Sea for a year.

Sea train, the mayor remembered at this time. There have been rumors coming from the South China Sea that sea trains are to be introduced. Many people actually came here for on-site inspection before, but there are other forces in the South China Sea that block the introduction. Because of this incident, there was a big commotion in the Capital of Seven Rivers.

Many nobles don't understand why Nanhai wants to introduce such a thing that wastes people and money. I found out after communicating with a businessman from the Sobel Kingdom in the South China Sea.

Although this thing costs a lot, it really makes money. The reason why the Seven Waters City does not make any money is because it is located on the Grand Route. Due to the complicated climate and sea conditions, it can only build a few escape routes. But it's different in a normal sea area like the South China Sea. The paved road can be said to be a golden road.

The biggest output value of this thing is to transport goods. The advantages are many.

The running speed is fast, and the speed shown in the animation is definitely much faster than ordinary ships. According to the set image of the train, if compared to the speed of a steam locomotive, the speed would be about 40 knots.

The transportation capacity is large and the main train has many carriages. This is difficult to benchmark, because if the traction power is a steam engine, the traction power is definitely not 300+ kN. But there are too many black technologies in this world, and there should only be a lot more.

It is less restricted by natural conditions, has strong continuity, and can ensure year-round operation, especially in the South China Sea. The Grand Line is definitely a good helper in traffic accidents.

It has good general performance and can transport both passengers and various types of cargo.

The arrival and departure time accuracy is high, the operation is relatively stable, safe and reliable. The railway track developed by Tom is a black technology among black technologies, which can overcome ordinary waves and Neptune types.

The transportation cost is low and the energy consumption is low. This is why many people will break their heads because of this. If it is not handled well, the industry within the South China Sea Federation will collapse.

At the same time, they also understood why there are still people in the South China Sea who are not allowed to build sea trains. Just like the boss of the fourth captain who committed suicide before, the interests are related.

If you are engaged in shipping, if you keep doing this, the freight will come down. The goods will definitely be transported by cheap and fast trains. What can we do with this cargo ship? Cut it up and use it as firewood? The emergence of a new thing will always eliminate the old production model.

There is such a way that anyone can make money. If it is not in their own hands, it is understandable that they would rather not build it. They are all powerful people, so they still know this.

Therefore, it is not the sea train that you resist, but the sea train that is not in your hands.

Everyone is a vested interest, and they are generally highly exclusive. When a small part of them has their own interests damaged, they will show obvious grouping. On the one hand, in order to draw on the power of other vested interests, Reduce its own losses; on the other hand, it will try to continue to maintain a balance that is conducive to its own interests even if its own interests are damaged.

Before, a group of people from the South China Sea came here to take care of this matter, but then nothing happened. It seems that this newly established country of the South China Sea Federation also wants to make a difference. But we don't understand this country very well, that Mr. Adam.

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