There's nothing wrong with it, it's done just right.

Noah directly charged up his power in the air. It was too easy to dismember a behemoth. The stone fruit was just a large target. If it weren't for the threat of Dover as the main attacker, it would have been dismantled long ago.

It's not Douglas Barrett, the powerful giant created by the fusion fruit.

Sauron's One, Three, Thousand, Thousand Worlds move can kill him, and my Noah's level A is not bad either.

After accumulating a little strength, he made two gorgeous slashes. The red sword energy smoothly sliced ​​through the stone giant horizontally and vertically, and then continued to fly into the sky and dissipated.

No~~~~~~! Pika let out a desperate roar through the giant. He had a premonition that his death was not far away. He hoped that Noah would not know the truth about the stone fruit so that he could reorganize the giant.

A loud crackling and rumbling sound echoed in Dressrosa, and a giant humanoid mountain collapsed.

Everyone outside the royal city was sweating coldly as they looked at the fighting levels in the distance. Even such a giant would fall. Just some of the rubble that fell first was the size of a person. If it were in a crowded place, it would really cause city-destroying damage.

The stone giant over there was divided into four parts, and its body slowly opened and fell.

While he was still in the air, Noah locked the breath of life in one of the bodies with his sense of sight and jumped over.

Directly turning on the Wushuang Slash, the sword energy storm mixed with the airflow of stone chips flew in the air for a while, and then slowly turned into black particles and scattered on the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With three loud noises, the other three parts of the giant's body fell to the ground, triggering an earthquake in Dressrosa. Many people and houses were knocked down.


Doflamingo, who was blasted out from another stone giant's body, looked at the enemy in front of him. Although I knew the result, I still wanted to confirm it again.

Where's Pika?

As Noah looked at the ground, a layer of fine black stone chips was spread on the ground, and he understood.

He clenched his fists fiercely. This feeling of powerlessness had never existed since he was hung up on the city wall when he was a child. Back then, he swore to take revenge on everyone who hurt him, but now, what should he do?

He didn’t want to die, he just wanted Noah to die!

I am Donquixote Doflamingo. I am a descendant of the twenty royal families who founded the World Government. I have the noblest bloodline.


He's not trying to scare me with his identity as a Celestial Dragon, right? Then he's quite brave. All the genuine ones have been cut down by me. You, a former Tianlong, won’t do the same thing, right?

For some reasons, I have been kicked out of Mariejoia and am no longer a Celestial Dragon. I hate this world and the World Government. So, let's join forces. I can join the Revolutionary Army and overthrow the World Government together!

I almost twisted my waist. What is this guy thinking, has he lost his mind? The enemy of the enemy may still be the enemy.

Seeing Noah's look as if he was seeing a fool, Doflamingo continued to hold back.

I know the secret of the Celestial Dragons, the secret of why they have been able to rule the sea for 800 years. Can this secret be exchanged for my life?

Although you have been there before, in Mary Joa, Pangu City, and among the flowers, there is power that can destroy the world. Don’t you really want to know?

This was a bit interesting, but he turned around and chopped up a torrent of white threads coming from behind, letting the white threads fall to the ground.

I never make deals with people like you. I'm still a person who likes to carry out sneak attacks. As for Mary Joa's secret, I don't care, I will know it one day, well, when I lead everyone to fight everything.

Seeing that his sneak attack was discovered, Doflamingo gritted his teeth. Could such secret information not shake his mind? He wants to lead everyone to hit Marie Joa, he is a lunatic!

Noah was speechless in his heart. I know everything you said, little brother. But what I know, you may not know.

Doflamingo left the Holy Land Marigioa at such an early age. His father was still a good old man, and it was even more impossible for him to tell him the secrets of the Twenty Kings.

With the style of the Wulaoxing, most of the 20 royal families living there may not know the secret. Otherwise, with the cerebral palsy template of the Tianlong people, the whole world would have known it long ago.

Seeing an opponent with a determined murderous intent, Dover took a deep breath. Since there was no chance of survival, he would drag him to hell with him.

Thread fruit, fully awakened skills! Ahhhhh!

For an instant, every inch of skin, every bone, and every blood vessel in Dover's body was in severe pain, as if there were thin threads penetrating deep into his body from the outside world.

This is a forbidden move. After the fruit is awakened and cannot be fully controlled, one can use one's own life force as power to use the ability wantonly.

Since there is no future, then compensate me now for the years to come!

First the earth! Haiyuan·Hakubo! Turning the entire ground into a sea of ​​rolling waves formed by lines, entangling all living things on the sea, Noah had no choice but to take off.

The sky again! Super.Birdcage. Countless silk threads are like a volcanic eruption, continuously ejecting into the air, and then falling like a meteor shower. The countless silk threads form a huge arc-shaped birdcage from the air to the ground, which has already covered half of Dressrosa. Covered.

at last! Huge white line! During the filling of countless white silk threads, it is like endless white waves surging in the birdcage. The whole world turned into a sea of ​​lines.

Even Noah was amazed by this sight. Looking at the flamingo in front of him, whose aura was constantly rising but whose vitality was constantly declining, Noah understood that this evil man who came out of Mariejoia had the consciousness to welcome death.

In order to show respect to your opponent, you must also show some of your strength.

The overlord color of the starting hand fell down. Boundless red domination swept across the sky and the world, the roar of the torrent of humanity resounded throughout the earth, and the huge spiritual pressure was so heavy that the silk threads on the birdcage creaked. The dark clouds in the sky continued to press down with lightning and thunder, as if they were weighing down on their heads.

In the small world inside the birdcage, the sea of ​​white silk threads and the red overlord color are still clashing fiercely, and the sounds and sparks of gold and iron are constantly flashing here.

Even if you have paid the price with your life. Doflamingo, who had no other emotion except hatred for everything in the world, was shocked.

Is your overlord look okay? ! ! You call this overlord color?

With his shallow knowledge, he really had never seen it, and of course someone with more knowledge would not have seen it either.

It is true that the will interferes with reality, but if it is on par with the power of reality, is it a miracle in the sea?

No matter what, at this time, just kill!

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