Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1865 Decisive Battle in the North

In the northern wilderness.

This is a foreign land outside the empire, and it is also the battlefield chosen by the two.

The two figures hit the ground from the air, and then separated again.

With his versatile swordsmanship and the power of Ichimonji, Tazmi has no fear of her opponents.

He has already used his sight and weapon colors with ease, and even if the opponent turns out thousands of troops, he will not waver in the slightest.

Jian Wen Se launched with all his strength. Although he did not foresee the future, he still killed seven in and seven out in the charge of the ice cavalry.

In the end, a large number of Ice Cavalry fragments were scattered on the ground, while Tazmi only had minor scratches.

The various weapons made of ice that appeared out of thin air did not cause any trouble to the boy.

The ice dragon that was hundreds of meters tall was exploded by the boy's punch, and the icicles that were dozens of meters thick were also kicked into pieces by Lan's kick.

As for the power of freezing, it was directly shattered by the advanced physical skills.

Just relying on his reborn swordsmanship and domineering spirit, he has achieved impressive results.

They fought for half a day without a winner.

The young man who has been tempered by the sea in terms of combat endurance is also true.

Esdeath kept marveling that Tazmi had surpassed General Bude and could be said to be the real second in the empire.

Even though he is watching the opponent become stronger, the change is still unbelievable.

Once again, they were repulsed, and both of them stopped their attacks.

The test ended, and Esdeath confirmed that this was no longer an ordinary battle, but would escalate to an unimaginable battle.

Tazmi, are you really ready to face the real me?

In addition to the crazy love, there is also a crazy fighting spirit in Esdeath's pupils.

The aura of the young man opposite her at this moment made her feel like she was seeing the most powerful dangerous species in the sky.

His body, will, and desire to fight have all been perfected.

Such an opponent is what she has longed for all her life.

The Demonic Essence has never been so active at this moment, and it seems that it has come to life again.

The power of ice and snow in the entire northern territory is converging on this wilderness battlefield.

It's just that Esdeath is still vaguely bound to the last string in her body.

It's hard to control your power in this kind of fight.

Having never unleashed her full power, she will definitely lose control of what will happen next.

That's why I asked this question very formally.

But she is also looking forward to it


The young man's sword intent soared into the sky. Little bits of light are emanating from his body.

Allow yourself to escalate the fight.

Suddenly a flame ignited between his eyebrows.

The smell of war and gunpowder smoke rose in the wasteland, and a roar came from behind Tazmi.

I don't know when thick dark clouds gathered in the sky, covering the battlefield sky.

Red and black lightning flashed through the clouds, deafening.

These preludes are just visions after the young man made up his mind.

He raised his sword and pointed at the demon-like figure.

Esdeath, I really want to save you.

The terrifying power begins from the depths of Tazmi's soul to break the rules of the world.

Starting hand, overlord color.


The red torrent began to flood the world from the young man's body, and the spiritual tsunami swept across all directions and shocked everything in the world.

The boundaries of domineering began to expand rapidly, which was filled with Tazmi's anger, belief, and hot love.

The earth and the air trembled at the young man's will.

The crisis of death lingers in the heart of every living being, and dangerous wild species on the edge of the battlefield flee in haste.

Just because the power that leads the times is blooming again in the wasteland of this world.

The glory of the revolutionary warriors is so dazzling.

And such domineering momentum also shattered Esdeath's last psychological defense.

Hunt him, ravage him, dominate him.

Since Tazmi has shown such domineering power, she must also use a higher level of power to fight against it.

The power of ice gathered from the fragments of ice cavalry scattered on the ground, from the snowy mountains, from under the frozen soil, and from the cold wind in the north.

A chill escaped from the corner of Esdeath's mouth.

Let me make this battle a little more difficult.

General Binglan!

It is very appropriate to name it after the god of the north, because in the eyes of humans, he is no different from a god.

Centered around Esdeath, the wind began to rise.

The terrifying power of frost exploded at the highest point, and the cold current began to rage.

The blizzard started from scratch and intensified, expanding high in the sky.

Not only in the north, but even as far away as the Imperial Capital, a sudden blizzard began to fall.

The climate of this continent has been artificially changed, and countless people have been eroded by the cold.

All forces were horrified, and they could not figure out how this strange climate was caused.

Has the empire finally become angry?

Only General Bude looked at the sky in horror. He couldn't even believe that humans could do this.

But that terrifying energy seemed to condense a crazy figure in the sky.

What is the strongest? This is the strongest.

This old stubborn finally admitted that he was behind the times. Maybe he could only compete with Esdeath two and a half years ago. Now he is no longer qualified.

Noah, who was heading south, looked north.

Very good, Tazmi can let go and fight.

On the northern battlefield, Esdeath stood in the air and looked down at the domineering red torrent below.

A smile blooms.

Tazmi, your enthusiasm cannot cover me.

You see, most of the country is covered in ice and snow.

In the face of a blizzard, only those with strong vitality can survive, while the weak will only die.

Use all your strength to defeat me, the hero who saves everything!

There was no need for Esdeath to cover such a large area, but in order to defeat Tazmi, she needed to show her true power.

In the original timeline, double digits of Teigu envoys and millions of troops were slaughtered with just a single move, and the empire's strongest combat power was unleashed by one person at this moment.

This is preference.

The place where Binglan is located is her home field.

Under her development, the Demon God's Essence has surpassed the Supreme Imperial Instrument buried in the earth.

This is the strongest empire, this is Esdeath.

There is a fierce confrontation between the domineering realm and the violent ice and snow realm.

In this situation, Tazmi also knew that he had no way out. He couldn't figure out how there could be such a terrifying limit-breaker in this world.

Even General Aokiji can't reach this level. This woman is amazing.

In order to return the world to normal as soon as possible, we must fight quickly!

The battle begins!

Tazmi gathered all her domineering energy into the word Hedao, dominating!

In the wind and snow, the young man had a fierce fight with the God of the North who stood in the sky.

With Binglan's blessing, Esdeath's speed, strength, and ability to control ice have been greatly improved.

Fast, too fast.

As if teleporting in the snowy mountains, he appeared behind Tazmi, above his head, and in all directions.

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