Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1839 The disappearing history


Yes, when we were in the East China Sea, once we achieved any victory, we would find a small island to gather together to have a bonfire party, drink wine, eat barbecue, sing, dance and so on.

Oh~~~~Sounds good!!!

Leonai and Brand's eyes shone.

Najexitan is also willing to use this method to let everyone relax. Since the appearance of Noah, it seems that the dawn of the liberation of the empire has also appeared.

With Susanoo's presence, organizing a dinner party is no problem.

Only this time Noah is in on the action, bringing some gritty, ocean-style barbecue.

Noah, your cooking skills are very good.

Susan felt that this Teigu companion really knew a lot, he even knew how to cook.

“You will know it after seeing it too much, just like you know so many dishes.

You know, that's what time means to us Teigu.

Noah said that he has a solid set of characters.

When night fell, everyone started singing and dancing.

Leonai had already started drinking with a big wine barrel. She may not have the best drinking capacity during the night raid, but she was the most courageous in drinking.

That wild temperament really goes well with the atmosphere on the sea, and half of the atmosphere group is made up of her.

If you were in the One Piece world, you could also assume the position of the boss of the Lion Pirates.

And Noah naturally performed a part of Binx's wine.

This sea-style song is full of freedom and ease, bringing everyone to the blue sea.

Taking advantage of the banquet, Noah chatted with everyone in Night Raid.

It is very important to deepen personal feelings, and this is how Hunter fell.

Leonai said that he wanted to drink a lot of wine and then blow the heads of all the bad guys.

Chitong talked about why he was so thirsty for food, and Brand loudly boasted about his empire's reputation of killing hundreds of people and his belief in saving the country.

When Najiexitan arrived, her style changed.

Mr. Noah, from your lecture just now, I often heard your views on revolution, yes.

Najexitan was curious about why Noah understood revolution so well, and not just in general.

Even more professional and in-depth than the group of people at the southern headquarters.

She had been impressed by these random phrases.

Noah, who was holding the wine glass, started a short story with the attitude of If you have to ask, I'll make it up for you.

This starts from 400 years ago.

Boy, this one grabs everyone’s attention right from the start.

Who wouldn't want to hear this kind of gossip?

What's more, it's a true story hundreds of years ago. They were both humanoid Teigu, and Susano'o couldn't say anything.

The wave of resistance against the empire is not new. The decline of the empire takes longer than you think.

I once served as a theoretical line researcher in the East China Sea Revolutionary Army, and together with the then revolutionary army commander Dorag, we formulated the revolutionary army's charter.

Revolutionary Army!!!

Everyone exclaimed, shocking!

Don't make a fuss, it's just the same name.

Revolution itself has the concept of seizing central power, but it is much more than that.

There are also complicated contents such as changing the distribution of power in society and restructuring social structure.

A revolution without these is just a reincarnation of the feudal empire. In the next few decades or hundreds of years, new forces will continue to overthrow the old forces.

Noah pierced Najexitan's psychological defense with the most casual tone.

Of course, he won't explain in depth now, but will mainly tell stories.

A magnificent history of maritime revolution is told, bringing everyone into it.

As a Teigu, Noah studies theories with the founder of the Revolutionary Army, recruits experts, creates a base, and instigates rebellion against the top brass of the Imperial Army.

Finally, they raised their troops and carried out a truly violent revolution with red as the background color.

Back then, we had already reached the imperial capital, liberated most of the empire, and suppressed the foreign tribes from all directions who wanted to take advantage of the situation.

Foreign races from all directions

Najiexitan's eyes flickered. The headquarters chose to use land to win over foreigners. It seemed to be very different from the other party's route.

Then what?

Then naturally it failed and was thrown into the dust. I only remember a towering figure appearing in the clouds, and then the light flashed, and then it returned to the original body of Burning Blood and was recycled by the empire.

When I woke up again because of Tazmi, I realized that this period of history had been completely erased. There should be no one in the world except myself who knows about it.

At the core of the empire, there is power that can subvert the world.

The missing version of the One Hundred Years of Sisterhood is now online, along with the existence of the Supreme Imperial Instrument, allowing those who are interested to slowly explore it.

Any clues found can in turn support the historical text of Noah.

It can be called a logical closed loop.

After listening to this, everyone was very excited and understood the meaning of Noah better.

the next day.

It's time to part ways.

Noah and Tazmi are going back to the hunter to report with their big and small bags.

The difference is that from now on Tazmi will go there once a week, while Noah will stay in the imperial capital permanently and become the mainstay of night raids in the city.

Everyone be prepared to fight and abandon your base.

I'll arrange everything.

Everyone in Night Raid nodded and began to arrange the battlefield.

Najiexitan finally agreed to Noah's booby trap plan.

As the protagonists, the two people also found the hunter's stronghold with ease.

Hello everyone, do you guys miss me?

Noah, who kept his promise, was welcomed by everyone, and small gifts such as Heitong's candies and Lan's books were all in place.

Even the Three Beasts and Dr Fashion have them.

It's just that Liva and the others didn't pay attention to this kind of thing at all, while Dr. Fashion took it in a hurry and left.

The last person to give to Esdeath was of course Tazmi.

The two engaged in a second battle.

This is the condition that Noah negotiated for Tazmi and Esdeath.

Fight once a week to conquer the boy with force and love, or be conquered by the boy.

This SM-oriented game is indeed Esdeath's favorite, especially the more difficult it is, the more it arouses her emotions.

Tazmi was defeated for the second time and was severely ravaged by the witch.

After a while of kissing and hugging, Tazmi once again rejected the witch's solicitation and love like a scumbag, and even said that she would only practice to defeat the empire.

Then he turned around and left calmly.

Do you think this guy will join the night attack?

This was what Noah said.

Others are a little bit inconsistent with God. Is your relationship so bad?

Just kidding, what Tazmi wants to defeat is the darkness of the empire. It is impossible to accomplish it by relying solely on the killer organization.

If he joins, you don't have to give me face. After all, being able to die for your beliefs is also a kind of romance.

Right, Dr. Fashion.

Noah, you are right.

Dr. Fashion's face was very ugly when he returned to the laboratory.

A month ago he was still a high-spirited scientist, but everything changed after he was summoned to join the Hunters.

Although General Esdeath is fashionable, so are his teammates.

But I am no longer fashionable.

In order to obtain the Five Vision Omnipotence, he issued a military order and found the enemy's base within a month.

As a result, I attacked Shenyin at night for 20 days. If I hadn't had some tricks, I would have overturned.

But then Tazmi appeared, instantly arousing alarm.

Dr. Fashion always felt that this boy was related to the night raid, and he was probably a man trick used by the other party, or a spy.

What's even more terrifying is the strange humanoid Teigu, whose eyes that can see through everything are more mysterious than the omnipotent five-sighted one.

His strange social skills even gained the trust of the hunters.

Make your situation very passive.

But that's okay.

He has locked the area 8 to 12 kilometers north of the imperial capital, and the android troops have begun the final deployment.

And Tazmi is his final confirmation tool.

Dr. Fashion came out with all his combat power. This time, he wanted them all, Teigu and Night Raid.

The ultimate victory belongs to fashion.

Noah watched Dr. Fashion disappear into the imperial capital.

I have to find some reinforcements for you. Fighting alone is not our hunter's style.

ready to go home

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