The old man who was cheating on his two sons also saw this scene and had a headache.

The mother's resurrection after the Ten-Tails matures has become a certainty. The connection between this sacred tree in the Ninja Continent and Otsutsuki Kaguya is much deeper than Uchiha Madara.

I hope that Indra and Asura will save the ninja world in the end, so that it will be safe for both parties.

Outside, the giant sitting on the lotus began to change its shape, and its 10 patched tails danced in the air, reaching through the clouds and reaching the sky.

The appearance of the big BOSS coming is extremely intimidating.

The Ten-Tails, which had transformed into the first stage, now looked more like a beast, using its hands and feet to stand up.

There was no concealment of the malice in Noah and Kakashi's eyes as they looked at the tiny figures at their feet.

Especially Noah, this demon kept threatening him even though he had only a shred of instinctive will.

Now the Ten-Tails wants to tell this devil that he has stood up!

Against the background of natural disasters, he is like a devil. He turns around and runs away.

He ran wildly in the direction of Uchiha Madara.

If you don't go, your designated Jinchuuriki will be gone.

It turns out that Metkai, standing in the void, has been beating Uchiha Madara for some time.

All kinds of fancy and cruel moves were used once, and even Madara's Izanagi exploded twice.

Emperor Kai, who couldn't defeat the opponent, finally became anxious. The Eight Gate Armor Formation has a time limit.

In order to be able to unleash all the power within a limited time, all limiters were opened at the end.

There was lightning and thunder in the sky, blood-colored air currents swirled all over his body, his black hair stood on end, and only the whites of his eyes were left. This was a blow that cost everything.

Youth, burn it out!!!

Eight Gates Dunjia Formation. Infinite. Ye Kai!

Red flesh and blood is the body, and black domineering energy is the scales!

The giant dragon rose from the body, its domineering and unparalleled momentum lit up Wushen's dragon eyes.

This is the limit of power that can destroy everything!

When the red-black dragon streaked across the sky, all the creatures on the battlefield felt the breath of death.

Konoha's first generation and second generation, who had been lying on the ground, were stunned.

Tobirama, you can actually create such a forbidden technique, it's amazing.

Brother, if you don't know how to praise others, then don't praise them.

Tobirama is also arrogant. No matter how you look at it, something that is so outrageous that it looks like an alien planet comes from who knows where.

Space seems so fragile in front of the dragon.

Uchiha Madara used all defensive magic and various energy transformations, but they were all defeated.

Finally, the red light shone in half of the sky, defeating the would-be Six Paths Immortal.

At the last moment of life and death, Uchiha Madara abandoned most of his body, leaving only his head and flying towards the distance.

The blurred Immortal could only see the newly resurrected Ten-Tails.

No, I can't die yet!

If he falls here, his desire for world peace will end here.

I will not be a loser, I will definitely succeed in these 60 years of waiting!

Uchiha Madara recalled the war during the Warring States Period that was so tragic that it made people's hearts palpitate every time they recalled it.

Hashirama's younger brother, his own younger brother all died on the battlefield.

After a brief period of peace, there was still endless fighting. In the three ninja wars, young children were still pushed onto the battlefield and became cannon fodder, becoming tools for the superiors to compete for their interests.

And now there are people like Noah who are thinking about starting a bigger war and igniting the world with iron and fire.

This is absolutely not allowed!

I killed many people with sighs, sorrow, anger, and resentment.

These eyes remember all the lives I took.

I accepted it all.

Even if I burn myself to death, I will defeat you!

Looking at the blurry black spots underneath, Madara knew it was Hashirama.

Look, even if I use the ugliest posture, I will survive and bring peace back to the ninja world!

Relying on the strong desire to survive in the will, the eye of spiritual reflection was forced to squeeze out the powerful pupil power again.

Madara maintained his own vitality roughly and directly, moving towards the power to reverse everything.

The Ten-Tails went crazy when they saw this scene. One person and one beast kept approaching each other in the air.

And when the heretic demon held Uchiha Madara's head, a dazzling light was born.

Six Paths. Ten-tailed Coffin Seal!

The monster as huge as a mountain began to twist, and finally turned into a torrent and penetrated into Uchiha Madara's body, helping him reshape his body.

The long white hair, the body full of special aura, and the samsara eye that symbolizes all things. The essence is the same as before, but the energy system has been raised to the height of the sky.

In a trance, he even saw a woman with long white hair appearing behind the immortal god who controlled everything.

The power of the universe finally has the ability to create and destroy the world.

Since then, the complete Six Paths Madara appeared in the ninja world, or it can also be called Otsutsuki Madara.

Seeing this, Emperor Kai also stopped chasing. Lord Noah said that his mission would be over when Uchiha Madara transformed again, so he closed all the eight doors and descended to the ground.

A group of white objects merged with it, which is Xiaobai.

Even if he can completely control the eight gates, the damage caused by the burst of inhuman power is staggering.

Without Xiaobai, an experienced top-level adhesive material, Noah would not dare to let Emperor Kai be so desperate.

Now everyone is watching what Six Paths Madara is going to do.

In other words, they are all looking forward to something.

The complete Six Paths Madara does not have the traditional Uchiha laughter. I wonder if the lack is caused by the sublimation of blood.

Having just experienced a death crisis, he has become pragmatic after repeated blows. He is no longer a talkative dream-chasing boss, but a standard villain tool.

Little did he know that he was in danger after losing his personality.

At this moment, Six Paths Madara has been flying towards the moon, flying higher and higher, flying higher and higher.

It's so high that it feels like you can touch it with your fingers.

According to the record on that stone tablet, when a person with the power of reincarnation approaches the moon, the eyes that can realize the dream of infinity will open and be reflected on the moon.

I don't know why you asked me to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, but it can be regarded as complying with the original agreement.

This world... finally has peace.

I can't wait!

I am the sacred tree, and the sacred tree is me!

Madara, who is in this state, understands that the legend of the creation of the world by immortals is no longer false.

He broke off the horns on his head and exposed his forehead.

The inexplicable power gathered here between the eyebrows, tearing a gap open, and a bloody nine-magatama reincarnation eye squeezed out.

Endless power is gathered in the blood-red Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes, and the infinite pupil power is projected onto the largest projection in the world - the moon.

The samsara magatama is reflected on the bloody moon, symbolizing that a crazy plan has finally been realized.

Infinite. Tsukuyomi!

The moonlight emits the brilliance of ninjutsu, penetrating through dark clouds, rock walls, roofs, and soil. No matter where you hide, you can't escape it.

The fleeing Ninja Village Alliance, the ninjas stationed in the five villages and even the distant Snow Country, and everyone in the world pressed the pause button at this moment.

The lines of the Samsara Eye were reflected in the eyes of both ninjas and ordinary people, and everyone was immersed in a sweet dream after being illuminated.

That alone is not enough to satisfy extreme pacifists.


God. The birth of the tree world!

The Ten Tails in the body once again took root on the earth in the form of a sacred tree, growing again with Loulan as the center, moving towards higher places.

The earth began to churn, and the nourishment for its growth was not sunlight or water, but every human being with chakra.

The Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Thunder, many small countries, and even the land of the Kingdom of Water across the sea were destroyed by the roots that broke out of the ground.

All life was wrapped in wooden tentacles and recycled back to the sacred tree.

The sacred tree is a biological weapon that converts the energy of the planet itself into chakra that can be absorbed by Otsutsuki. Now, reverse absorption of chakra is also the most basic operation.

Six Paths Madara felt that uncountable chakra was gathering into his body like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea.

It's actually no less powerful than the Ten-Tails. It's really an amazing energy source.

This is the level of technology used by Otsutsuki to harvest the planet.

When the sacred tree reaching the sky and the earth is completely completed, the world bids farewell to the hustle and bustle, bids farewell to civilization, and bids farewell to the good and evil in human nature.

Thus, world peace.

Six Paths Madara completed all the operations before landing on the earth of the human world, and looked at the few people who had escaped the purge.

Black Jue also appeared behind him again.

Noah, half Kyuubi, Kakashi, Metkai.

This is Madara's recognized opponent. It was expected that they could escape the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and now they are here to clean up the last remnants.

Oh, and there are two weird little ghosts.

Sasuke and Naruto rushed to the street too quickly during the battle, and Madara didn't remember such a small person at all.

The two brothers also saw the Infinite Tsukuyomi just after they were resurrected, and rushed to save Noah and Kakashi. In the end, these people didn't need saving at all, and they were still commenting on the Eye of the Moon.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter to Madara at all.

He now wanted to complete the belated declaration of victory.

After being suppressed and beaten all the way, I had to vent. The one who laughs last is myself.

Noah, on the other hand, looked a little amused at the sneaky look of Hei Zetsu behind Madara, and he really didn't intend to let Master Madara say more.

So I started counting down silently in my heart.

Noah, the world


I have a persistent fever and may be reimbursed for the New Year's Day holiday.

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