Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1777 There is not much difference between the dead and the living

At this time, he reached a very terrifying state, with only the desire for eternal peace in his heart.

It doesn't even matter to the information about the ninja world that Black Zetsu sent back.

Five villages united, 100,000 ninja troops?

Well done!

This greatest scene requires the grandest stage, and countless people will dance in this desert.

I will give everyone an equal dream of happiness.

As for the Akatsuki organization and the eight tailed beasts that have never appeared, they are not worried.

Noah will definitely come if he says he will come. This is a promise made by the strong.

But Hei Jue doesn't think so.

He believed that Noah had a huge conspiracy, and it was definitely aimed at him or Uchiha Madara.

The early stages of this war have been completely dominated by the other side.

In order for his mother to successfully escape the seal, the thousand-year-old filial son will not let go of any possible danger.

Although Uchiha Madara has theoretically become the most powerful human being in the world, he is still fully prepared.

100,000 White Zetsu have moved from the volcano to the desert, and all the war weapons originally used to fight against the Otsutsukimoto family have been activated.

But this damn environment taught Black Zetsu a lesson, the desert lacked vegetation.

The mass-produced White Zetsu doesn't matter, but the elite White Zetsu will be disgusting if they can't use the Mayfly Technique. Could it be that they can only squat in the oasis?

hateful! Even this step has been calculated.

Black Zetsu could only accept the unfavorable situation and let 100,000 White Zetsu hide in the desert.

The elite Bai Jue is preparing to carry out transformation operations to split the coalition forces.

One of the characteristics of a creature like White Zetsu is camouflage.

Unlike ordinary transformation techniques, after absorbing other people's chakra, the same chakra is transformed into the same chakra as it is. Even the most familiar people or perceptive ninjas cannot recognize it.

Sneak into the ninja alliance, use transformation skills to continuously assassinate ordinary ninjas, and let the seeds of doubt grow into towering trees.

You can also sneak into the rear to destroy the logistics and medical systems and paralyze all actions of the ninja army.

This is one of the most appropriate uses of Bai Zetsu.

This is how I used to replace my name before, and the effect was very good.

He has almost half of the ninja world under his control.

The hatred between the five great ninja villages will become the sharpest weapon in my hand!

Such insidious tactics make him very proud. Humans are just lower creatures.

Only after becoming White Zetsu can they be closely connected, not only spiritually, but also physically.

But even with this operation, there is still a trace of uneasiness lingering in my heart.

A little anxious, he went to Sarutobi Hiruzen's place for inspection, which was also a key part of the plan.

Before they even got close, they heard various noisy sounds and the air of death in the sky.

It seems that he has fulfilled his promise. This is because he failed to take back Konoha and completely fell into the devil's path.

Even non-humans like Black Zetsu thought the old guy went a little crazy in his final moments.

Time goes back.

While Black Zetsu was laying out his tactics, Hiruzen Sarutobi also started the final group-dirty soil reincarnation technique.

A large number of signals are sent from the ninja world to the unknown void in preparation for linking to the Pure Land.

The Immortal of Six Paths saw such a violation of the rules of life and death and did not stop it. Anyway, my mother will be sealed again after the Thousand Years War. Let it be such a trivial matter.

Then a large number of souls flew out of the Pure Land and returned to the Yang World.

Row after row of Bai Jue were wrapped in ashes coming from the void, and then coffins rose from the ground one after another.

In an instant, this place became the most terrifying burial ground. Even the blazing sun in the desert could not dispel the death energy here.

Boom, boom, boom

Is this the ninja world?

Am I not dead?

Resurrection? What kind of technique is this?

The coffin boards were pushed away one by one, and a large number of deceased powerful people returned from the pure land.

Three entire ninja wars provided Black Zetsu with too much material.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen felt quite complicated when he looked at his own operations.

The second generation master created this technique, but it was me, the third generation Hokage, who carried it forward.

This wave of group summons is definitely a crime of death by a thousand cuts.

Looking at these familiar second- and third-generation movies, it feels like stepping back in time.

And it has reached the period when every strong man is at his strongest.


So I walked to the stage and explained to these old friends who had returned from the dead and the famous strong men in the ninja world what was going on.

Everyone, basically it is that Uchiha Madara has a big conspiracy, and I am an accomplice.

Now I will use you to fight a life-and-death war with the five great ninja villages.

The explanation was completed in an instant using straightforward and concise language, without any concealment.

The weakest ones here are all elite jounin, how could they not understand.

The situation exploded instantly, this villain is so arrogant!

Sarutobi Hiruzen added after seeing everyone's lack of cooperation.

Don't worry, I will arrange appropriate mission goals for you.

Please cherish this hard-won opportunity.

This can be considered a good intention, after all, not everyone can return from the Pure Land.

It would be quite warm if I could meet and fight with my relatives and friends who are still alive.

Of course, there are also targeted eliminations of some individuals who have been resisting the Five Villages Alliance, and there are quite a few on the list given by Noah.

This is for peace after the war.

Some people can die here and still be known as heroes.

It's just that this good intention was not understood by the dead people.

It's a forbidden technique that even the dead can use. Sarutobi Hiruzen, you bastard, I'm going to kill you!

The Third Raikage was instantly furious, with lightning flashing all over his body, wishing to crush this old monkey into slag.

Several other strong men had the same plan, but the control seal in the resurrection carrier had no loopholes after many improvements.

Not even Senju Hashirama could escape, let alone these normal ninjas.

I could only stand there helplessly and rant.

Even the ninjas of Konoha who had returned from the Pure Land could not accept the fact that Sarutobi Hiruzen had rebelled, so there were many people who followed him in abuse.

But they are already dead and can only accept this passive fate.

It's just that although there are many strong people, there are no previous Hokages here.

This further angered the many dead below.

You Sarutobi Hiruzen betrayed Konoha so shamelessly, and even used such an evil group forbidden technique, why didn't you recruit the first and second generations?

You are a true grandson!

Why not let the Senju brothers see how their descendants destroy the world!

Facing the grievances of so many dead people, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care.

I've come this far, so what's there to be afraid of?

Despite these people's threats and intimidation, Shi Shiran didn't hear them and walked to the corner to chat with his old friends.

Danzo, long time no see.

The first Nabe Kage looked at the extremely old Sarutobi Hiruzen with somewhat uncomfortable eyes.

Age spots, wrinkles, flabby muscles, cloudy eyes, and a stooped figure. Apart from the abnormally large chakra, he looked like a dying person.

So old?

Danzo doesn't believe that Hiruzen really betrayed Konoha, so is he still performing Noah's mission?

I told you, you will regret it.

These words from an old friend made the Sandaime regain some of his old feelings.

Danzo, I am the Hokage.

After the inexplicable conversation, Danzo ignored the rebellious Hokage with a cold face. Even if he died, he had to implement the principle of confidentiality and not reveal the slightest information that Sarutobi Hiruzen was an undercover agent.

Hiruzen smiled, I will go to the Pure Land to find you soon.

Just as Hei Jue came over, he went to discuss sending troops with him.

There are several targets that Noah has highlighted that need to be cleared.

Black Zetsu, on the other hand, dispelled the last trace of doubt about Sarutobi Hiruzen. This guy looked forward to the war more than himself.

Others saw the villains discussing how to massacre their own villages and had no choice but to chat with each other.

Most of them were life-and-death enemies when they were alive, but they became united after death.

No matter how big the conflict is, it can't compare to Uchiha Madara, the great enemy in the world. It seems that the operation of transferring conflicts is not only suitable for living people.

After chatting for a while, these dead people finally vented their grievances on Senju Tobirama.

I said at the beginning that that white-haired bastard was a beast, and he could even study the forbidden technique of desecrating the souls of the dead.

This third-generation traitorous ninja was also taught by that guy, damn it!

The second Kazekage, a tattooed bald man, looked melancholy, and it felt terrible to be played with after death.

The puppet technique I developed is unconscious after all. This reincarnation of the filthy earth retains the thoughts of the deceased to act.

Evil, ten thousand times more evil than a human puppet.

Who asked for a good big brother to protect him? Otherwise, I could have taken off his head back then.

The second generation Mizukage also said that there was something wrong, but the Senju brothers were not around anyway, so he was unexpectedly stabbed in the back by another dead man.

Don't brag about Ghost Light Huanyue. When you are alive, your water escape is no better than Senju Tobirama. You don't know that water escape is orthodox in Konoha.

The second Tsuchikage jumped out and slapped him in the face instantly. The hatred between the two of them was not resolved even after death.

Also, even after resurrecting from the dead, his skin still looks like a dick, all thanks to the opponent's steaming danger explosion power.

Gui Lan Huanyue was a little embarrassed. Shouldn't it be told if it was the truth?

Do you understand the general policy of attacking Konoha together? The Earth Kingdom is so annoying because it backstabs others.

That is to say, the control of the curse seal is relatively strong. Otherwise, if there is a fight here, it will not be much better than the five village coalition forces.

They are all unruly heroes of the moment, with much more arrogance and murderous intent in their hearts than ordinary ninjas.

But before they could continue arguing, their bodies started to move unnaturally.

It turns out that Sarutobi Hiruzen had already discussed this with Black Zetsu.

The elite White Zetsu go around to destroy the ninja army's logistics, and the strong ones from the dirty land head on block the opponent's core strength. The remaining three melons and two dates will be devoured by the 100,000 White Zetsus if they run in.

It can be said that caution has been taken to the extreme.

In short, Noah and the tailed beasts did not take action, and Uchiha Madara could not waste any more.

This is a battle between soldiers and soldiers, king against king!

The war has begun!

The winter solstice has been posted in advance, everyone has a good time.

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