Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1775 The first crisis of the coalition forces

The Kingdom of Wind, somewhere in the desert.

Five villages gathered together and there was a lot of people.

The five shadows stood on a high platform, with a coalition of ninjas bearing the word nin underneath.

Each shadow brought out a famous and powerful person in the village, and they were all organized into various types of brigades and squads by the Joint Staff for command.

That is to say, the average quality and cooperative combat ability of ninjas are extremely strong, so that they can complete the rearrangement and combination in a short time.

But the Akatsuki organization, which is a top-level organization with explosive combat power, is not here.

Yahiko said that the Akatsuki organization will appear in the critical battle, and this is the moment when the five major ninja villages gather.

Their appearance was not good and they could easily take over the place. Even Konoha's Sannin and Scorpion did not return.

This makes the other four shadows somewhat comfortable.

If Noah and others really come to the high platform, how to allocate seats will be a problem.

After all, the Akatsuki organization does not represent the entire ninja world. They are just a civilian peace organization that promotes the development of the world's economy, science and culture.

The shadow talents of the five major countries represent the embodiment of power in the entire ninja world.

Besides, even if the Akatsuki organization really comes, the many ninjas below will not obey their orders.

The Akatsuki Organization and Gomura reached a consensus on this point, and the two sides formed a very tacit understanding of distance.

Just looking at the mess underneath, Siying also had a headache.

Once there are more than ten thousand people, there is no limit.

This time the total number of ninja troops still reached an astonishing 100,000.

And it's not like the original timeline.

After all, in recent years, with the explosion of productivity and the skyrocketing population, the number of ninjas has soared.

Some of the 100,000 ninja troops belong to the logistics and medical departments.

The proportion of force components such as combat and reconnaissance is also not that high.

This is the true elite division and the gathering of the strongest martial arts essence on this continent.

The fluctuations in chakra have given the heretic demons some signs of recovery, which can be called a peerless delicacy.

When so many people come together, they face countless troubles.

The hatred between the five great ninja villages will never end.

The team leader couldn't control it either, or in other words, the more captain he was, the deeper the hatred and hostility between him and other ninja villages became.

It's really unpleasant to have the Fifth Hokage become the joint commander. Shouldn't a senior like the Tsuchikage be so respected?

Someone made a very conspicuous complaint. Putting aside the differences between the shinobi villages, the strict relationship between seniors and juniors alone caused great discomfort.

Of course, the person who said this was a ninja from Iwagakure Village, and the resentment in his tone was a bit direct.

As a result, the Konoha people didn't say anything and the Kumo ninja people quit.

Asshole~~~~~~~~~~~~Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. This is the commander-in-chief recommended by our fourth-generation Raikage-sama. His heart and strength have been recognized by the Kumo ninja.

Kakashi's senses are very unique in the Kumo ninja. Although he hates this Hokage, it is not okay if other ninja villages belittle him.

It's just this tongue-licking bastard word that provoked a series of abuses in various accents.

Taking advantage of the position of commander-in-chief, he started to get involved in other things.

One said I wanted to avenge my brother, and the other said I wanted to restore my father's life.

Their last restraint was not to draw out their weapons, but to confront them with their eyes and physical pressure.

But as time went by, some emotional ninjas could no longer restrain their murderous intent.

Some people are even starting to make moves. After all, people who are really caught up in the hatred of their father or all kinds of hatred don't care so much about justice.

When the first person took out a kunai, the atmosphere completely changed.

Perhaps the biggest internal strife in the history of the ninja world will break out before heading to Loulan.

The five shadows on the stage watched all this happen.

This scene had been expected for a long time. It had already happened once in my own village, and it would definitely break out again when the five villages came together.

The plan has been prepared a long time ago, but

I hope Iwa Ninja will perform so bravely on the next battlefield.

Onoki's face was very ugly. There were so many people among the Iwa Ninja who were causing trouble.

There is no way, who knows that this village used to follow the explosive style, and every time it relied on stacking the number of people to fight with other villages.

As a result, the general strength will be reduced by half a level, and the number of deaths in the Ninja Village will be the highest. Naturally, there will be a lot of hatred.

And he has done a lot of slightly immoral things in the past few decades in power, and has made a lot of enemies.

For example, he once surrounded and killed the Third Raikage, and once took advantage of Konoha's weakness to send a surprise attack force to attack Konoha Village, etc.

When the quality and strength of the individual soldiers were slightly lower than half a level, they took the initiative to provoke them. Unexpectedly, the consequences would erupt at this time.

In view of this, a person is still needed to suppress these tens of thousands of ninjas at this time.

You can't really die here, then Uchiha Madara will die laughing.

Luo Sha walked out confidently.

In the desert, his combat power can increase by half his body, and he thinks he can reach the forefront of the Five Shadows here.

I saw him holding his palm in the distance, yellow sand surged, and countless hands of sand accurately separated each pair of ninjas who were about to conflict.

The control and range of this power amazes everyone. This is the existence that stands at the top among conventional ninjas.

Luo Sha, who was a little proud, retracted his hands that controlled the sand.

It's a small trick, it's ridiculous.

Then he signaled that the commander-in-chief should speak next. This awareness was very well done.

Strength is the most useful passport. None of the four figures present dared to take this position because they were impressed by their strength.

At this time, Kakashi gave up this kind of showy behavior for some moral reasons, but humbly gave up to the old senior Tsuchikage.

He couldn't say that line after all.

Ohnoki didn't care. He walked to the front and summoned a huge earth and stone golem to stand on it.

The huge movement also attracted everyone's attention.

Onoki, the third generation Tsuchikage of the Earth Kingdom.

I have some heartfelt words to say to you all.

For the benefit of their own country and the village, the ninja world has experienced three wars.

We hurt each other and hated each other.

And hatred makes human beings admire strength so much that it intensifies the birth of the next war.

We long for new territories and more resources, but we do not long for war.

From the beginning, we could jointly conduct in-depth development of technology, humanities, and various things as we do today, and we can still achieve the current results.

But why did it slide all the way into the abyss of war?

Up to now, it has been a journey of Ying's life, his understanding of war, and his outlook on the development path of mankind.

Then the conversation suddenly changed.

Because the cause of the war is not that simple, it all comes from the source of all evil——Uchiha Madara!

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