Uchiha's high fire extinguishing and high fire extinguishing have always been the signature skills.

Although it is only B-level, masters like to use it in the starting stage.

This is because this move is powerful and suitable for taking the lead.

Madara is no exception. The fire escape during the Warring States Period was not a mercy escape, but a real secret of destruction.

The rolling heat wave hits, and even if you keep retreating, you can still feel the dryness in your mouth and nose, and the burning on the surface of your skin.

Mifune was even more desperate. If he started with this skill, he would not dare to think about the follow-up.

Without any thought of fighting, he rushed back to the rear to let the samurai arrange the evacuation.

The originally reserved safe zone distance is definitely not enough. Referring to the Land of Waves, we know that the range is beyond the imagination of ordinary ninjas.

In a daze, he seemed to have seen a term spoken at the moment when the Akatsuki organization attacked.

‘Surface war. ’

This world really has no way for ordinary people to survive.

In the battlefield.

Flames filled his vision, as if the heaven and earth were on fire.

The five shadows faced the sea of ​​​​fire in front of them with very solemn expressions, and Ohnoki was once again attacked by the fear in his memories.

Kakashi even believed that there was no one else in the ninja world who was more accomplished than Fire Release, including his own teacher.

Noah just relied on the powerful bricks to fly to perform it, and relied on the chakra of the Nine Tails to break through the range of the technique.

After Kyuubi learned senjutsu, the power of the teacher's escape technique also exceeded the upper limit.

But Uchiha Madara uses pure chakra. The extraordinary power and range of fire escape are due to the use and study of ninjutsu, and the change in nature has been achieved to the extreme.

The point is that this is just the ninjutsu used to say hello, and the subsequent damage will be even more shocking.

There was no other way, thinking about the battlefield after the fight between himself and Teacher Noah, Kakashi decided to do something.

Uchiha Madara will be stopped by you first, and I will go to the outside to set up defenses.

The Raikage didn't care, he also wanted to see Uchiha Madara for a while.

The names of the two heroes of the ninja world have been spread all over the world since childhood, and they are already on the level of gods and Buddhas.

Even his own father had said how terrifying these two people were.

But the Fourth Raikage, as the shadow of a village, would not think that he would lose until there was a fight.

He has a secret weapon, and even a legend in the ninja world must fall.

Mizukage didn't care either, to a certain extent he couldn't cause trouble to his own people at critical moments.

She understands very well what Lord Noah cares about.

Kazekage said that even if Naruto went, the legendary Uchiha Madara would never be able to defeat the four shadows. The main thing is self-confidence.

Since you can't regain your dignity from the Eastern Three Kingdoms, then you can regain your reputation from the legends of the ninja world.

The three shadows of wind, thunder and water were a bit powerful like a rainbow for a while.

Only the Tsuchikage was furious, he was the Kage who knew Uchiha Madara's combat power best.

That was a real monster. Even Noah was not as intimidating as the King of Dance in Ohnoki's heart.

Only by uniting can the five shadows stand a chance against each other.

And although he doesn't want to admit it, among the five shadows, the Hokage belongs to the upper echelon of combat power. How about running away without a fight at this time?

It's not about escaping, but because I don't want all the people in the Iron Country to be destroyed.

Onoki was confused.

You are acting in a compassionate way at this time.

Where was the ruthlessness when the Ninja World War was about to start?

The lives of ordinary people are lives, but the lives of ninjas are not lives.

Can you figure out the key point? There is definitely a big conspiracy behind Uchiha Madara being reincarnated by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

The three Eastern Kingdoms have all been fooled, and you, the Western Continent, will not get any good fruits.

The Akatsuki organization's battle in the Iron Country did not affect civilians. Naruto, at this time, we really need to be consistent with the outside world.

That's because the members of the fighting organization took the initiative to find uninhabited places to fight, and Teacher Noah was releasing the sea.

Kakashi knew Ohnoki's thoughts, but his will had its own choice.

Huh~~ I'm going to set up defenses on the outside. I'll leave this to the four of you first. Hold on.

By the way, the Mangekyou Sharingan can easily control tailed beasts, so Gai, and Sakura, you two take the other village shadow guards to protect the two jinchūriki and go far away, and don't interfere in the battlefield.

After saying that, he disappeared from the spot, leaving Ohnoki to beat his feet and chest.

Uchiha Madara couldn't be a conspiracy created by Konoha, otherwise it would be too nonsense.

The Raikage believed the last sentence very much. Kakashi had defeated the Eight-Tails back then.

There's no reason why the Sharingan, the strongest member of the Uchiha clan, wouldn't do such a thing.

Bi, wait for me far away.

Mizukage also asked Bubble to go with her, but she couldn't protect her own bodyguard.

Funny to say, the Shadow Guard seems to have always been a laggard in the history of Ninja Village.

Now even the jinchūriki have become objects that need protection, which shows that the level of fighting in the ninja world has reached a very dangerous level.

In the end, only the Four Shadows and Madara Uchiha were left here.

Kakashi's temporary departure did not affect anyone other than the Tsuchikage.

After all, the most powerful person in the world currently has a high-profile record with one against three, but he can't kill Ying.

So the confidence never went away.

Terumi Mei looked at the raging sea of ​​fire and planned to test it out.

It happened to be right next to the artificial lake, and the power of water escape increased dramatically.

Water escape. Big explosion of water and waves.

A large amount of lake water gathered from nearby, forming a real tide, killing it with a surging momentum.

The violent water flow and the sea of ​​​​fire began to confront each other. Then the flames surged and the shadows continued to retreat.

This unscientific.

It was rare for Mizukage to categorize the problem as science.

Normally speaking, a duel between water and fire should have incompatible attributes. She also had an artificial lake to help her, so why did she lose?

Water escape, so-so.

In the swirling smoke, a figure cuts through the water vapor like a dragon.

The Dance King was dissatisfied with Mizukage's strength.

The first-generation Mizukage back then could still bring a lot of fun, but it would be boring if it was just that.

Terumi Mei. Senior is really nice to talk to.

Boiling Escape·Qiao Mist Technique!

A special escape technique formed by combining the chakras of water and fire attributes, spraying extremely corrosive acid mist from the mouth.

It was a good start in this battlefield full of water vapor. She wanted to see if the senior's strength and reputation matched.

The art of powerful fireball.

At this time, Madara actually used the Fire Style, which has appeared most frequently and caused the most damage in the history of the modern ninja world.

Although it is jokingly called the Jutsu of Mercy in the main plot, the C-level Fire Ball is one of the favorite techniques of chunin-level ninjas among many fire escapes.

Entry-level fire escape can kill people, destroy supplies, or breach strongholds.

It can also be upgraded to master property changes and morphological changes, which is absolutely unparalleled in terms of cost performance.

It’s just that none of the enemies in the plot can be solved by Go Fireball. So what if Amaterasu is so strong? The performance is no different from Go Fire Ball.

Madara's powerful fireball is naturally no ordinary product.

He directly dispersed the smoke with the help of high temperature, and then directed the fireball to suddenly deform after flying closer.

Fire escape. Long Yan sings!

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