Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1747 Mifune’s Sorrow

Outside Kirigakure Village.

Kisame, the village will be left to you for the time being.

Just let Chojuro go as the escort this time.

If there is anyone, shoot to death without mercy.

Terumi Mei handed over the responsibility of supervising the village very confidently, which seemed quite grand.

It's just that Kisame's mood is not wonderful.

He had always been resistant to tedious internal work, and there was no Nabe Kage like Shikaku in the village, so he refused to compete for the position of Mizukage.

I didn't expect that the head of ANBU would be able to take over the power one day. It was not in line with the rules of the ninja world at all.

Why are you, a woman, not afraid of me at all? Does this shark face make me look like a good person?

The Fifth Mizukage smiled slightly.

Someone told me that Kisame-san is a warm and gentle man.

The Kirigakure Anbu chief was a little at a loss. What an unreasonable realization this was, damn it!

Taking a boat out to sea, Terumi Mei first landed in the country of waves.

Then continue north along the coast to the Iron Country.

Along the way, you can feel the atmosphere of an imminent war, and prices are rising unabashedly.

In less than a week from the end of the chunin exams to now, prices have increased by more than 50%.

The amount of food, salt, etc. for living security has more than doubled.

But surprisingly, not so many human tragedies occurred.

The main reason is that the food production in the society has increased several times compared with that during the Third Ninja War.

Improvements in planting technology, optimization of grain varieties, and mechanization have made ordinary people much more resistant to risks.

And even before Terumi Mei left the Country of Waves, the price fluctuations had been calmed down.

Many big businessmen from the Western Continent Convention shipped massive amounts of supplies and wiped out the small businessmen who tried to speculate. At the same time, they also maximized the influence of the Western Continent Convention.

There is simply no solution to the dimensionality reduction attack.

From the end of the chunin exam to the collection of supplies, the efficiency of transporting supplies is amazingly fast.

It's like being prepared before anything happens. It's really a complete plan.

When the shadow of the ninja changed his perspective and looked at the world from an ordinary person's perspective, Terumi Mei discovered that the world had indeed been completely changed.

Just like Mizukage 2.0 said, they have got everything they want.

As a result, Godaime felt more relaxed and looked much better.

Especially compared to Mifune who came to greet him.

The former number one samurai in the ninja world now looked really ugly, almost to the point of death.

Tired, heartbroken, helpless, and forced to smile.

Welcome, Mizukage-sama, please come this way.

After all, he is a master among the best in the ninja world, and he is also a strong man who has seen strong winds and waves, so that's not it.

.Who has come before?

Masters Kazekage and Raikage.


No wonder Mifune looked so bad.

Kazekage is recognized as a very active shadow recently, and his joining the Akatsuki organization has been announced to the world. According to rumors, he even bought a page for himself.

With a big tree at his back, he is naturally full of energy.

It is estimated that it is now in a period of belated expansion.

As for Raikage's temper, he understands everything. Except for the Hokage, who looked at him differently, the other Kage were all corpse-level vegetarians.

Probably in his eyes, the Tsuchikage is an old loser half-buried in the earth, the Mizukage is a prostitute, and the Kazekage is an inexplicable bastard.

The two of them had arrived early and there would have been a lot of verbal friction. No wonder Mifune was in such pain.

Reluctantly, Mizukage and his team were arranged to the same location as last time.

The 5-kilometer pit has not yet been filled, as a lake has been formed due to groundwater and rainwater.

He hoped that these few people would not get into a fight this time because of this scenery.

He even thought viciously that after leaving Tie Zhisui, you can fight however you want.

After the Mizukage, the Tsuchikage arrived late because of the delay in setting up the last line of defense.

He was a little worried that the enemy would take advantage of the opportunity to attend the Five Kage Conference to steal his home and save others. If Iwagakure had the strength, he would definitely do this.

Rasa, who was a little restless when the Tsuchikage arrived, finally calmed down.

It's not that Onoki has any deterrent power, but if the three Eastern Ocean Convention shadows on the opposite side don't practice martial ethics, they will kill him in advance.


I feel like I'm wandering on the line between life and death again, but why do I say 'again'?

Don't tell me, Onoki really has this idea.

The Earth Kingdom has abundant martial virtues, but the Tsuchikage distributed all his martial virtues to all ninjas, and he didn't have much left.

Raikage expressed disdain as usual, he did not want to use inferior methods outside of war.

Kakashi is the only man he wants to defeat.

Mizukage Mizukage also refused.

Terumi Mei, this little girl, suddenly became upright. How could a person who was very shameless during the internal meeting of the Eastern Three Kingdoms...

He won't be another deep-seated ice man like the Fourth Mizukage.

Ohnoki had an ominous premonition.

Luo Sha, who was a little regretful, finally waited for an ally, and the Hokage finally came.

Mifune and Kazekage breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Sorry, some things have been delayed.

The arrival of the Hokage officially opened the curtain on the last Five Shadows meeting.

Five figures gathered in the conference room, filled with murderous intent.

Mifune was squatting in the corner, feeling very anxious. He hadn't started to speak yet. What are you doing?

Look at the big lake outside the window, don't you feel guilty?

Among the five, Mizukage is the most murderous, which is understandable.

The grudges and disputes of the previous generation and her current weak state forced her to maintain a fierce aura.

Raikage and Tsuchikage were eager to give it a try, as if the outcome of the war had already been determined.

Feng Ying's expression was the most joyful. He believed that following the Akatsuki organization, he would definitely not lose in this game and win all the stud games.

The most magnanimous one is Kakashi Hatake, the Hokage. I don't even see much anger and sadness because of the death of my famous name.

The death of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire was the personal action of the fourth generation Mizukage of the previous generation, and he colluded with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The Mizukage began to delay the process, while the Tsuchikage started to take cover in a self-righteous manner.

In short, we must buy time for Kirigakure to rectify.

At the same time, the Land of Fire, Konoha Village, and Shadow Rock.

There are two people chatting.

Has the cursed seal in the filthy soil reincarnation offering been broken?

No, it's just a part of it that I don't know about. Now even if it is lifted unilaterally, it can't be sent away. In other words, it can be fully resurrected before it can be sent away.

Noah and Hiruzen Sarutobi finally met in the sun, but the news they brought was a bit magical.

The performer of the heretic technique has almost reached the standard, and even the samsara eye has been inserted into it.

It's just that Sarutobi Hiruzen was kicked out before this, and it is estimated that the real resurrection location will be moved. This unabashed distrust is also quite direct.

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