Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1738 Master Ban, attack!

Kakashi pointed out how Yagura managed to hide the truth, and the others suddenly realized that this was indeed the only way to hide it from them.

Yes, although the Water Mirror Jutsu is a ninjutsu used for combat, and it doesn't last long.

It's just right at this time.

After saying that, Yagura, who was still beside Shikage, turned into water vapor and disappeared in the air.

The few people around him were beating their hearts out after watching Mizukage's frank admission.

Hey, Mizukage, the joke has been made.

Lei Ying said in a deep voice, after all, the Eastern Three Kingdoms are now tied up too deeply.

This happened again when the five shadows were gathered together, which was too passive for them.

It's okay to kill a famous person, but you can't kill him in front of them.

At this time, the commotion caused by the deaths of several guards had begun to spread, and more and more people began to look this way.

A large number of Anbu immediately appeared around, waiting for the opportunity to rescue the Daimyo.

Onoki was also panicked, suspecting that Mizukage's silence these days was just to suppress the situation, but it was too big, and he felt that even the Eastern Ocean Convention could not bear it.

Kakashi gave the ultimatum directly in front of everyone.

Yakura, there is still room for redemption if you let go of the Daimyo issue today, otherwise, even the Kingdom of Water will not be able to protect you.

You should know what the meaning of daimyo's existence is.

The one-country-one-village system is a national policy formulated by the Shodaime-sama, and absolutely no wavering is allowed.

As the Fifth Hokage, I have inherited this will, so please stop now.

Righteous speech is the embodiment of justice at first glance.

Mizukage was very calm, with a sense of looking past everything.

A water flash appeared in the center of the arena with the name.

That's the Daimyo!

The Mizukage kidnapped the Daimyo!

This scene directly shocked everyone present, and it was no longer a local commotion.

Audiences from the five major countries were stunned. What kind of halftime program was this? !

The live broadcast put this scene in front of the whole world, and it can never be undone.

Someone in the audience gave a strange look and then spread the message.

Cut off the signal and then take control of the venue.

If there is a commotion, release the mass illusion!

With the Hokage's order, this joint Chunin Examination involving all people came to an end.

Konoha's Anbu immediately surrounded the entire venue and controlled the entry and exit of people.

The envoys from the Kingdom of Water were all captured on the spot. When Man Yue and others were in shock, they followed their instincts and planned to resist, but they were all knocked down by a swift figure.

At this time, Metkai was sitting in the viewing area of ​​several other countries. Anyone who wanted to take advantage of the chaos and commit suicide would not be able to escape his kick after removing his roots.

Noah also gave up explaining and came to the arena with the four shadows.

Mizukage finally felt a sense of fear in his heart as he looked at the figure that looked like a god and demon.

It's just that this is the mission he promised Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Lord Noah, I know that you are extremely powerful, so as long as you leave my sight, your name will die here.

The Tsuchikage, Raikage and others immediately understood that one of the main purposes of this kidnapping turned out to be this monster.

Then the daimyo doesn’t have to die.

And what exactly is Mizukage going to do?

Noah, on the other hand, thought of something with a surprised look on his face.

The Land of Rain?!

As expected of Lord Noah.

That's right, the order I received is to keep you no matter what method is used.

Noah looked helpless.

Actually, I don't really care about this person's life or death.

As he was about to take action, the terrifying pressure just when he raised his hand almost overwhelmed the entire arena, and the daimyo even fainted.

The other three shadows hurriedly started to block the killing god, and even the Hokage was hesitant to speak.

You don't care, Shadow does.

How can Konoha fight a protracted war with the Eastern Three Kingdoms without the support of the Fire Nation's national strength, and the Eastern Three Kingdoms are also worried that the death of the Fire Nation's daimyo will affect the attitude of the daimyo in their respective countries.

At this moment their positions were surprisingly the same.

Raikage was caught in the middle while spitting anger at Mizukage.

Tsuchikage's murderous intention towards Yagura is greater than Noah's, but he still wants to stop him now.

The shadow of the wind is at a loss.

On the other side, outside the rain.

Uchiha Madara walked out of the cave and stretched his muscles.

Although he hid a few times when his strength was low, in the later period, he basically didn't do many things like hiding himself.

If there's any problem, just rely on yourself. Even if it's more difficult, you can add Hashirama to run rampant in the ninja world.

He didn't expect that he would have to suffer this injustice after dying once, and he would kill Sarutobi Hiruzen after he was resurrected.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that this Uchiha was really a pure-blood and a complete psychopath.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m overconfident or because I feel like I have no choice, a lot of thoughts are on my face.

I tried my best to help you find a way to get the Samsara Eye, but in the end, you wanted to kill me.

Organization this month is the pill sooner or later!

At this time, Madara looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen behind him and asked casually, are you really holding him back?

It's unusual for the Flying Thunder God technique to be used across borders, and I don't know why it was mutated by Noah.

Just use the name of the Fire Country to hold the opponent back.

He doesn't care, but the other four shadows do care and are indirectly restraining him.

Yakura is old and under our control, so why not send him on this fatal mission.

It doesn't matter if he dies, the new Mizukage is also one of ours.

When we regain the Samsara Eye, we can unleash the power of the Three Kingdoms and take advantage of the chaos in the Fire Country to launch a world war.

This conspiracy was played very safely, and Hei Jue looked very proud of it.

He and Sarutobi Hiruzen found a way out after calculating for a long time.

So brave, you have learned 100% of Tobirama's tactics.

I also think there was something wrong with Hashirama leaving the position of daimyo to those stupid pigs back then. How could a group of ordinary people stand above us.

Madara looked at the sky outside and laughed wildly three times, and then his eye power exploded.

After many years, the legend of the ninja world finally returns again, and the blue giant stands between heaven and earth.

The god as huge as a mountain is covered in armor, with wings spread out from his back.

He wants to wipe out the land of rain alone!

Madara-sama, Nagato's combat prowess is also quite good. We need it.

In my life, only Hashirama has been my rival, and Noah can only be counted as half. Just Nagato. Hahaha.

Go and come back!

The giant Susanoo's final form waved its wings and soared into the sky. The air flow it created swept away the forest and headed straight for the new town at high speed.

The whole body was full of momentum, and the violent aura swept across the wilderness in all directions.

In the Land of Rain, Nagato, who was already prepared, felt the huge chakra reaction from the distance and flew forward to fight. He must not let the enemy land in a crowded place.

At the same time, alarms also sounded in the new town, and all residents began to evacuate under the command of the ninjas of the Land of Rain.

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