Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1736 The third game officially begins

Game start!

Everyone in the audience can see that Darui's shot in the arena was Black Spot Cha.

The black thunder represents the reputation of the third generation of Raikage, and it can also be regarded as the orthodox inheritance of Kumo ninja.

It gathers the lightning released from its body to create a black cheetah, which emits a thunderous sound like a roar.

This kind of combo attack without any gaps can annihilate the opponent in an instant, and the speed is as fast as lightning.

In addition to annihilating enemies, it is also an excellent field control skill, so it is just right for use here.

For a speed ninja, losing speed is equivalent to losing an arm.

Even though his psychological defense was at risk, Darui still maintained his fighting qualities.

Noah was giving passionate explanations, educating everyone on tactics and ninjutsu.

After all, in the eyes of many people, Yun Ninja just waved his hand and threw out a ball of black lightning. This kind of viewing effect was still too poor.

At the same time, it also removes the mystery of ninjas and makes everyone less unfamiliar with the extraordinary system.

Darui was not in the mood to listen to the off-site analysis, because he fell into a disadvantage after starting his move.

The red light flashed away.

When I looked back, I was already outside the familiar Kumogakure gate.

The Fourth Raikage was nailed to the rock wall with a long knife, and there was endless fear in his pupils.

Black smoke rose into the sky in Yunyin Village, and the smell of blood was truly terrifying.

Illusion? !

The most powerful thing about Uchiha's genjutsu is that it is instantaneous. It can peek into the most fearful side of the heart and then amplify it.

It's also very tricky for ninjas with a determined mind.

Although he solved the illusion within a second with his tenacious perseverance and rich experience, it was a pity that the blade had already cut in front of his eyes.

The disgusting pretty boy's fighting experience is surprisingly sharp, and he captures opportunities very accurately.

Thunder escape chakra mode, open.

The sharp sword light hit the phantom, and the real body had already retreated dozens of meters away.

As the second right hand of the Fourth Raikage, Darui must be able to do this kind of speed-increasing ninjutsu.

I just didn't expect to use it first.

In the past, Kumo ninjas had taken the Thunder Release mode as an honor, but it became a pain in their hearts after everyone knew about the Thunder Release orthodoxy in Konoha.

And on the other side, Sasuke looked at the blood on the Kusanagi sword and shook it.

Very soon.

Darui wiped the blood from his cheek and was ridiculed again.

The Lei Dun failed to hit the target at the beginning, and he lost caution after being affected by his emotions.

The sound of a thousand birds chirping sounded from the opposite side, and Godspeed, the fifth generation under his tutelage, finally appeared.

Darui plans to test this boy's speed!

Yellow and blue currents began to travel between the fields, and would pass by each other from time to time.

As you can see, this is a battle of Thunder Release Ninja physical skills.

The yellow one is Darui, and the blue one is Uchiha Sasuke.

Because the audience could not clearly see the movements of both sides, passers-by began to broadcast the battle live.

This is a contest between two schools. Ever since the Godaime Hokage created the Thunder Release mode based on Chidori, the two parties have had several contests.

Back then, the Raikage tried to kill the Fifth Hokage and use ninjutsu to completely crush the original Chidori-ryu, but unfortunately he failed.

Later, the Raikage was defeated by passers-by because he bullied the younger ones.

When the explanation came to this point, Raikage's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He hated passers-by.

But Noah didn't care about it at all and continued to explain the story of nintaijutsu.

When the two sides competed in the Iron Kingdom for the second time, they were already evenly matched in ninjutsu.

Of course, this is not because the Fourth Raikage's ninjutsu qualifications are insufficient, but because he chose another path to transcend his father's shadow, so his progress is naturally slower.

And the Fifth Hokage is extremely talented and has met a famous teacher.

The audience was attentive when listening to the off-site story of this bar. They didn't expect that there was so much content hidden behind a ninjutsu duel.

Tsuchikage and others also listened with interest. Anyway, as long as the person who makes a fool of himself is not himself, it is an interesting story.

And the battle inside the field became more and more intense.

The two people moving at high speed did not hear any gossip, but they were still fighting hard.

Darui is also a good swordsman, and his swordsmanship specifically combined with the Thunder Escape mode is even more impressive.

In terms of this alone, he is even stronger than Sasuke. The two pillars' swordsmanship has always been average, but the Kusanagi sword and other divine weapons are indeed better.

In the end, Darui was helpless when he saw that his weapon had been hacked into holes.

Rich people


The two collided and separated, ending the nintaijutsu duel.

They were evenly matched in terms of speed, and even had a slight advantage in swordsmanship, but in the end they were victorious in terms of weapons.

Even the commentator repeatedly lamented that the strength of ninjas still needs financial resources to support it.

Then he did some popular science about the price of chakra metal and the scarcity of divine weapons.

Darui was silent for a moment and finally withdrew his weapon.

When fighting an enemy like Sasuke, you have to use your own rhythm.

Lan Dun · Encourage and defeat the harsh elements!

The clasped hands use water vapor to turn into multiple powerful lasers that penetrate the opponent and have a inducing effect. Since it is a combination of thunder and water, this technique can be understood as charged water or soft thunder.

To sum it up, it is a laser that can turn. It is too gorgeous to look at. It can be said to be the secret of S-class.

The speed after this technique is activated is extremely fast, absolutely beyond the reaction speed of normal humans.

And it also has a tracking function, so even a speed ninja would have a hard time getting rid of it.

Sasuke became serious when he saw such a powerful technique, but he couldn't underestimate a Jonin who was doing his best.

He chose the one-power breaking method, Susana Ichi.

Relying on the hard resistance of the ribs, this is where Kaleidoscope is more rogue, it is really strong and comprehensive.

Both physically and mentally, he has impeccable skills.

After seeing this, Darui could only say that he finally forced out part of the opponent's strength.

The two started fighting back and forth again, making everyone in the audience excited.

It can be seen that the current Darui players have no other means except Lan Dun.

I believe this player can play a very powerful role in a squad or legion battle.

It's just that strength is very much about talent and opportunity.

Noah still pronounced his sentence, and it was the end here.

The four shadows watched with great enthusiasm. They had never seen such a level of fighting in their daily lives.

At this time, the Mizukage came back with a calm expression, and Kakashi glanced meaningfully.

With this step taken, war is really coming.

The battle in the field continued and became more intense.

Sasuke obviously has the power of a supermodel but has never used it. He is honing his regular combat power.

It is relatively rare to have the opportunity to practice with other Ninja Village masters outside the battlefield.

And Master Noah said that the battle should be kept interesting.

If you can't feel happy for a while, what will the audience watch?

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