Fifty kilometers outside of Konoha, there is a large-scale arena that was built in just a few days.

The venue is so big and empty that you can have a small team encounter no matter how you look at it.

The design is very simple, basically composed of ninjutsu, and the construction cost is based on local materials.

Only the auditorium and the arena are blocked by layers of solid concrete and steel plates, with some sealing runes mixed in.

It seems that the people who built the site also knew how abnormal the destructive power of these genin was.

Basically, except for some soft furnishings inside the private rooms, the style of other places is similar to that of the Colosseum, highlighting an original and disposable feel.

Although it is a bit crude, the atmosphere is very good.

People with money and leisure from all the ninja world gathered here.

The first and second exams were so exciting, it would be a shame not to be able to watch the last one live.

There are a large number of temporary stalls around the arena selling special food and drinks, and there are even items to support the ten players.

In three days, in addition to adjusting the players' condition, they also rushed to produce these materials.

Even if it's just a formality, Konoha must make the most of every resource.

Naruto's same jacket, Deidara's Garuda figure, etc.

What's even more explosive is the Chunin Lottery Sales Center, where the number of people queuing up has reached a new high.

In the past few days, people have been winning huge amounts of wealth through lottery draws, and the final grand prize in the last draw is even more crazy.

Most of the Konoha Guards are here to maintain security, while the Anbu are responsible for security within the venue.

Before the start of the third exam, the sixteen doors of the venue finally opened and the crowd began to pour in.

Today is the time for this venue to fulfill its mission.

The game was already boiling over before it even started.

Several popular players have their own support teams, and because of the differences in countries, the audience group is also extremely cohesive.

Who wouldn't support the ninjas of their country?

Oh, it's really noisy.

The Hyuga ninja who watched from the front row didn't like the atmosphere and complained a few times. It was definitely not because there were too few supporters of Hyuga Neji.

Nizu put an end to this useless complaint.

Turning the ninja duel into such a fancy competitive game is a resolution unanimously passed by the top management of Konoha. As a ninja, you only need to implement and comply with it.

Moreover, the effect of universal participation is very good. According to the public opinion polls and data collected by the General Staff Department, Konoha's reputation has now returned to the top of the five major organizations.

You must know that after the Third Ninja War, he has fallen to a level similar to that of Kumo Ninja.

It is a big crisis for the village's task volume and task unit price.

After the Fifth Generation came to power, he joined the Akatsuki organization, which gave him an absolute upper hand in terms of economics and high-end combat power. This joint chunin exam showed the overall appearance and strength of Konoha.

It's a good thing for all Konoha ninjas.

At least many ordinary people who don't know the truth are really in awe of Konoha.

Five of the ten outstanding genin are from Konoha, and they are extremely powerful.

And considering that the genin can already cut a sword of more than 40 meters, how can the chuunin and jounin still do it?

The wealthy businessmen even felt that they got a huge advantage from the price of hiring ninjas in the past.

Fugaku was also on the stand, speaking to the Uchiha people behind him.

Since you're here, study hard and at least understand the fighting style of these genin.

Lord Patriarch, I'm with you.

Fugaku's face changed slightly, what did he say? !

Hmph! I'm here to test Sasuke's progress, which is naturally different from yours.

But I still feel a little sour in my heart. Why are there so many kaleidoscopes now?

It was said to be the power that could calm the troubled times, but it sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Lord Hokage, Shisui, Itachi, Sasuke.

In addition, there are five of them in total, and the other four are better than me in developing kaleidoscopes. It is simply unreasonable.

However, it also confirmed that Sharingan is the top bloodline in the ninja world.

Fugaku and Nichizu brought their clansmen to learn, and the other jounin basically had the same mentality.

The Ino, Deer, and Die families and other veteran ninjas all took care of their families.

After observing the Chunin Exam, they made a surprising discovery. Even if they put themselves into the exam, it would be difficult to stand out.

Even the first level will eliminate many people. The more jonin they are, the less they dare to go against the shadow.

In the second level, in the face of that kind of combat power, all living beings are almost equal.


The many jounin who were talking suddenly fell silent, and the five shadows arrived at the same time.

The Hokage is in high spirits. No matter what happens next, now is the most glorious moment since he became the Hokage.

Kazekage was beaming with joy, he would be able to become the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization after the Chuunin exams.

Mizukage was dull and bland, but he actually had a hint of transcendent Buddha nature, which was completely inconsistent with Kirigakure's usual style.

Raikage's face was expressionless, and there was a layer of anger underneath his eyes. Today's third game was probably the Kumo ninja's day of shame.

The Tsuchikage laughed. The old man solved his biggest worry during this Chunin Exam, and even if something unexpected happened next, Iwagakure Village would still have a successor.

Wuying came to the highest position on the podium and sat down, looking at the crowded arena and feeling quite shocked.

The audience below was not only people from Konoha, but also people from the other four countries, as well as people from many small countries.

A rough estimate would be close to tens of thousands of people.

There are at least one million people watching behind the scenes through the media.

It is indeed the largest group activity in the ninja world so far. The power of this wave makes people see the vigorous vitality.

When did the ninja world become so prosperous?

Ohnoki felt a little emotional. His life could be considered as having experienced the Warring States Period and the Three Ninja War Era, all the way to the current period of confrontation between the East and the West.

It always feels like this world has suddenly been injected with some vitality, and it's already like this when I look back.

Time is the best medicine. As time goes by, the effects of the first three conflicts in the ninja world have all dissipated.

The population has returned to its peak, so prosperity can be created.

It would be nice if it could keep up.

Onoki attaches great importance to population. The reason why Iwagakure studs every time is because he has enough trump cards.

Thousands of people besieged the Third Raikage, and fifty elites attacked and killed Konoha.

Including the grand occasion of this Chunin Examination, there is also a large population, so only a few geniuses who are unique among ten thousand can emerge.

The Tsuchikage started the discussion, and several other shadows also participated in the discussion.

After all, there were not many opportunities to sit together and chat calmly before the war.

There must be an extremely tragic war between the Eastern Three Kingdoms and the Western Continent.

As a Kazekage, Luo Sha naturally has his own opinions. He thinks it is the role of the railway.

The daimyo introduced the desert train plan organized by Akatsuki and completely opened up the oasis link in the west.

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