Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1726 The power to pacify the ninja world


In the forest.

After dawn, Darui, as the commander-in-chief, began to attack Konoha.

Sakura and Shikamaru had already prepared defensive measures. After all, the Eastern Three Kingdoms had the advantage in terms of the number of ninjas.

As if the Third Ninja War was reappearing, the Wind and Fire Alliance used various tactics to fight with a smaller number of people.

Combined ninjutsu. Fire escape. Explosive blast!

Combined Ninjutsu. Earth Release. Return from Earth Road!

Various large-scale ninjutsu attacks began, followed by a volley of throwing ninja tools.

Like black raindrops, the sharp kunai struck hard with a cold light.

The screams one after another echoed throughout the battlefield, which also heralded the beginning of the war.

Cut to the rear and kill the medical ninja first!

Protect Sakura!

Naruto and Sasuke have been separated, go to support!

Don't worry, trust them.

Neji, block the front line!

Ninjas from both sides were fighting fiercely by the river, in the deep forest, underground, and in the open space.

The duel between each seeded player was arranged with a tacit understanding between the two sides, with generals against generals and soldiers against soldiers.

Ninji, Xiao Li and other ninjas from the Taijutsu class had a fierce confrontation with Kumo Ninja's Ninja Taijutsu team.

Even though the opponent was obviously no match for Neji, he was still using his life to create opportunities for his teammates.

Xiao Li opened five doors without rushing out, but was blocked by the joint sealing technique.

On the battlefield, even shadow-level experts will be killed.

Other Xiaoqiang also fell into a one-on-two bitter battle. The enemy's intelligence work was very sufficient, and they used their numerical advantage to even out the gap in individual combat power.

Blood, stumps, broken swords, explosions, the smell of burning.

The hellish scene made those who saw it know what war is, it is destruction, death, and trampling on humanity.

At this point, both sides were furious, and it didn't matter what the scroll of heaven and earth was.

The seeds of hatred were planted first, and a life and death outcome must be decided today.

The Five Shadows were silent, everyone who died here was the best genin in the village.

If I say I feel distressed, I definitely feel some pain, but I have to fight.

Kakashi stood up and looked at the people beside him.

Ninjas are tools of war from the moment they graduate.

And war is a continuation of human politics.

So...Tsuchikage, Raikage, Mizukage.

Do you really want to see this scene magnified countless times and repeated again on the Ninja Continent?

The three shadows did not speak. They were all people who had experienced several wars, and their determination would not waver.

Even if it is ten times more brutal, it will not change. They all have reasons behind why they have to fight.

The shadows haven't changed, but there are people in the scene who won't let the war continue.

As a disciple of the Hokage, Naruto naturally encountered siege from many people.

The scorching magma rain covered this small space, and there were also a large number of hidden weapons and detonating symbols attacking from all directions.

Not only that, various Five Element Escape Techniques will fly from the corners of the battlefield at any time, and some people even rush into the magma regardless of life and death, hoping to cast forbidden techniques and die with the Hokage disciples.

If the power of perception in Sage Mode had not been raised to the limit, he might have been seriously injured.

Sasuke also received the same treatment. Even Kakashi's limit when he debuted was to kill three jounin at one time.

There were more than three jounin mixed into this batch of chuunin exams.

The fighting style of the Eastern Three Kingdoms was very brutal, using their numerical advantage to massacre the Hokage disciples. As for the other ordinary genin, they used their lives to hold back the genin of the Western Continent Convention.

In terms of layout, Darui, who had participated in many bloody battles, was clearly superior.

Because he really implemented the concept that ninjas are tools, and also personally participated in the mission of surrounding and killing these two people.


Before he had time to pull out the kunai from his shoulders, Naruto used the Rasengan to smash the triple thunder escape and blasted Darui out.

He dodged another water-iron cannon and fired back at Gui Deng Shui Yue with an immortal spell.

In the end, he used the psychic toad to crush the ground and force the Iwa Ninja out, which was considered safe for the time being.

This is war


Before the war, Naruto and Sasuke thought that since they had mastered their skills, they should win for Konoha and the Akatsuki organization on the battlefield.

The young man's determination to make great achievements and achieve great success is stronger than those of the old ninjas.

But when they really faced this scenario, they found that their previous imagination was too good.

Man is no longer a human being, but an evil spirit.

The so-called heart-to-heart connection is also nonsense.

What Choci, a little fat guy, usually does most is lie in the corner and eat snacks, and the gentle smile on his face never disappears.

But now his eyes were red, and he transformed into a crazy tank of meat bullets, rolling out blood and mud on the battlefield.

Akamaru, who usually looked cute and adorable, was drooling and biting the corpse.

Tenten's cheongsam was stained red with blood, and Gaara's sand was mixed with pieces of meat.

Everyone is crazy, there is no good or evil, no right or wrong, only life and death.


Naruto used his Substitute Technique to pull away and decided to do something to end the fight, enough blood had been shed.

After witnessing real war, he instantly matured and no longer considered using rhetoric to persuade the enemy.

It's just that he is very strong now, and he should have no opponent in a one-on-one battle. If he puts down his respect for life, he and Sasuke can kill the enemy, but this is not what he wants!

I need strength! The power that can end war!

His mind sank into the sealed space, and he looked at Kyuubi who was watching a show out of boredom.

Nine Lamas, help me.

Have you thought about it, kid? Kushina should have told you about Asura. When you decide to take action to quell the war, it is the time to accept the will of Chakra again.

It was my decision, Naruto Uzumaki, to want to end the war.

Then it's as you wish.

Understand each other and become one.

Hot power surged out from the sealed space, and golden-red light covered the body.

Yang Jiuwei had already thought about this day. Although he had been working outside, he felt most at ease being in this child's body during the holidays.

This human cub has grown up by himself. In this case, give him whatever he wants.

Perfect Jinchuuriki mode. On!

The violent momentum directly blew away the fog ninja who was trying to kill him.

The first jinchuriki mode made the boy feel a steady stream of power, and Naruto shouted loudly.


There was a flash of lightning and a thousand birds chirped.

The black-haired boy came to his best friend's side.

Do you remember what Mr. Iruka said in history class about how the Warring States Period was pacified?

of course I remember.

Sasuke's Sharingan began to rotate at this moment, the power of the pupils gathered, and the kaleidoscope opened!

The chakra in the body has undergone inexplicable changes and is stirring crazily.

It's just that neither of them cares about this anymore. They are ninjas of the new era and the executors of their own will.

Terrifying chakra fluctuations appeared in the battlefield, abruptly interrupting the two sides who were furious.

Sixty years ago, two heroes from the ninja world conquered the Four Kingdoms!

Sixty years later, the golden Jinchuuriki and the purple giant silenced the ninja world again.

Let's go!

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