Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1722 Put the Shadow on the Scales

You are just showing off in the whole place, why are you pushing me out at this time?

You have a better relationship with Hokage-sama and are more suitable to announce the last question.

I want to see what kind of questions can scare Big Brother during the day, huh!

After taking it, brother, you are trying to kill me!

Hizashi's heart was extremely complicated, but looking at the curious eyes below, he finally had the courage to say it, the worst, the worst I can do is take on more tasks to leave the village.

Ahem, as we all know, the cause of the changes in the Konoha Hokage Tower was the Fifth Hokage. He was dissatisfied with the Third Generation's political clique that controlled the Konoha regime but achieved nothing. He conducted illegal human experiments in private, and corruption distorted the will of fire.

The ninjas below, especially those in Konoha, felt terrified. What was Hizashi Jonin saying? !

Can this be said? ! Still in the midst of the Joint Chuunin Exams!

These questions will inevitably spread to the ninja world after the exam is over, and Konoha will become a laughing stock in other people's mouths.

Hizashi was feeling flustered when he felt the gazes below, but an order was an order.

Quiet! This is the tenth question from the Hokage Tower! Listen carefully! I won't repeat it a second time.

After seeing the silence, Hizashi finally thought of the question.

If there is a conflict between the shadow's path and the people's path, it's your choice!

Quiet, the whole place is quiet.

Not only was it quiet here, but the room where Wuying was located was also unusually quiet.

From the time Hizashi started reciting the tenth question, he had already shocked everyone.

They didn't understand why Naruto would do such a thing.

Even though Konoha is prospering now, even after the chaos is brought to an end, the village is thriving.

But the military coup will always be a thorn in Konoha's history.

Hokage, you are too young!

The Tsuchikage was furious, he was angry at the Hokage's lack of dignity.

Although the relationship between the two villages is similar, their identities belong to the same class, that is, they are the shadow of one village.

Why was Kakashi disliked by the four village shadows when he came to power, and also by the five great kingdom daimyo?

Because he made a very bad start and seized the supreme power through force.

It also harmed the sanctity of the Kage and Daimyo.

Let people know that even those in power may make mistakes and may be ousted.

Countless people who originally believed in movies suddenly have different choices. This is an act that harms class interests.

Later, after Kakashi came to power, except Sarutobi Hiruzen who still tirelessly mentioned the Hokage Tower coup, almost none of the other four shadows helped.

Because the Godaime has firmly established his position as a person of the same class.

How shameful it is to bring up old matters now.

The Raikage was also annoyed.

Kakashi, how come the shadow and the villagers are so different from each other? This kind of multiple-choice question is a bit too much for a ninja.

It was indeed too much. It takes a lot of courage to be able to speak out about your choice with the attention of the entire ninja world.

Because they all know what the correct answer to this question is, but they can't say it directly.

Ninja is a tool.

Feng Ying remained silent, expressing his objection to this question.

water shadow

Hokage's question makes sense. I'm looking forward to what kind of answer the Kirigakure ninjas will give.

The candidates in the examination room made their choices within limited time.

I abstain.

I abstain.

I choose to follow Shadow.

Along with one choice after another, those who chose to abstain were invited out, and the number of people staying in the field was slowly decreasing.

The power of the tenth question is indeed powerful, and more genin from the great powers are leaving this time, which restores the balance among the candidates.

The ninjas of the small country know that they will win as long as they advance to the next round, so they can choose to follow the shadow or the village chief without hesitation.

The great nation's ninjas have a lot to measure.

The most common people at one end of the scale are the answers to this question, but choosing this is betraying the Kage. They may not be able to wait until later to be sentenced to death. Even if they are successfully promoted to chuunin, their future will be bleak or they will die unexpectedly.

Following Kage will cause a blow to the village's image. After all, following the Akatsuki organization's footsteps in publicity is claiming that it is their duty to protect ordinary people.

So giving up is the easiest option, and even the ninjas of Konoha do this.

It's finally our turn when the number of people drops sharply

Uzumaki Naruto, your choice.

Everyone, both inside and outside the court, looked at this yellow boy whose mind was completely blank.

Naruto could feel the malice around him drowning him like a tide,

There were also Sakura's worried eyes, Sasuke's angry eyes, and the expectant eyes of other Konoha people. It was so difficult to breathe.

In the midst of extreme nervousness, he thought of the many stories his teacher had told him when he had just returned to Konoha and stayed at Kakashi's house before enrolling in school.

Maybe the man had told himself the answer ten years ago.

He said in a low voice while facing everyone's gaze.

I was three years old at that time, and I was locked up in a secret location by ANBU.

But the teacher has told me this story many times, and every time I feel very happy.

Kakashi-sensei said that he never regretted the choice he made that day. If he regretted it, it was just that he acted too late.

Because even death cannot make him surrender. Some persistence is more important than life.

I also said that if he becomes corrupt, I hope someone will come after him to fight against him for the sake of the people.

Also...what is Hokage?

He is a talent that everyone recognizes! Yes! Fire! Shadow!

Uzumaki Naruto stood up, the determination in his eyes hurting the hearts of all those who wavered and made choices against their will.

I, the genin of Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto, choose Konoha, the country of fire, and all ordinary people! I will become the new Hokage and fight against the old shadows who betray people's hearts!

Really impressive!


Hizashi was impressed, maybe this is the spirit that the new generation should have.

Kakashi was so determined and dazzling on the eve of the coup in the Hokage Tower.

The other candidates also felt a sudden burst of courage. Maybe it would be good to follow their own hearts and make a choice.

Sakura and Sasuke were not surprised, they knew how determined Naruto was.

It is an honor to be the friend of such a person.

The selection speed after that suddenly became faster, and everyone no longer hesitated in answering.

In the Five Kage's conference room, Kakashi was laughing.

An uncovered smile.

He is proud of his disciples and of this fighting spirit.

“Wherever the leaves dance, so does the fire.”

How about this? This is the answer I want to hear most. Please give me some advice.

The Tsuchikage was silent, the Raikage laughed, and the Kazekage felt that this child named Uzumaki Naruto would become a big shot in the ninja world.

I also like this answer.

Mizukage spoke, causing the other three shadows to look at this one in surprise, what's going on? It's a bit divisive.

But having said that, they fully recognized the value of the Joint Chuunin Exam held by Konoha.

Controversial, deep, and mentally tortured to a perverted level.

There was no intention to criticize the genin who were eliminated.

After all, the chuunin selected in front of all ninjas must be the elite among the elite, whether in terms of thought, will or strength.

You have to admit that you are not as good as others, and you have to admit that you are unlucky.

For example, those ninjas who gave up and left before Naruto answered, and the ninjas in the next few examination rooms were all unlucky ones who did not receive the blessing of Naruto's courage.

Looking forward to the second game.

In the examination room.

At this time, Shi Shiran came up and announced the result crisply.

Okay, the final exam is over. Anyone who is still in the exam room will be considered passed.

! ! !

Don't you need to mark the test papers?

No need, as long as you write it, it will pass regardless of whether it is correct or not.

This makes a brainless ninja like Naruto quite happy, but he is also worried about failing the exam.

The others also breathed a sigh of relief, their backs wet.

This exam is really exhausting.

The torture of wandering between cheating and not cheating, the mental torture of the tenth question, these methods are very painful.

Those who passed the exam were given a note before leaving.

Recorded above is the exam location and time the day after tomorrow.

Konoha Death Forest, 9 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

After receiving the message, all the players went back to rest. Today, it was nerve-wracking.

There is something really special about this Konoha exam, and the second one will definitely not be easy.

Not only the candidates and moviegoers think so, but also the ordinary people watching on TV.

The first written test was so exciting, the next one is definitely not to be missed.

Lottery sales for the United Chuunin Exams are even hotter.

The only one injured was the Third Hokage.

But he was in a better mood, this was the Konoha he longed to see.

Kakashi fulfilled his promise at the Hokage Tower.

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