Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1702: Cultivation in hell is a joke

As usual, at the end of the dungeon, Naruto would perform exceptionally well and crush everything with a big ball.

Since then, the Moon Heart Trial has been cleared!

Without the explosion of Nine-Tails Chakra, without the assistance of the power of the curse seal, he can still grow.

Orochimaru, who was hiding behind the scenes, also collected the special fluctuations he wanted to see. This kind of chakra began to surge since Kakashi told the story, and now it is even more exciting after defeating the dark monster.

The power of chakra at the last moment is like changing from water to mercury. There is something strange about it.

Is this the inheritance of will?

Orochimaru's research desire was completely stimulated.

After clearing the level, Sakura appeared again and began to heal the three of them, and gave them rewards for completing the level.

A suspended high platform descended from the sky, leading the four people back to the core of the moon.

After everyone left the altar, the power of darkness emerged from the gap.

Hahahahaha, I am still immortal. As long as there is darkness in the human heart, I will be okay?

Threads of dark chakra passively swam in one direction, and finally entered a crystal ball.

The monster feels very familiar.

A feminine and terrifying voice sounded.

Congratulations, you have once again broken the fate of certain death.

Get ready to meet the next class of chosen children.

The demon breathed a sigh of relief. Although Orochimaru wanted to destroy it before, he could still live after he discovered his value this time.

Even in the future, he will always act as the target of being punished, which is really not a waste of resources.

Inside the moon, when the three disciples saw the remaining crescent moon and the empty islands floating everywhere, their eyes were full.

Finally they arrived at the core Yuenei Experiment Base.

Tsunade didn't say much after seeing the three brats, and began the physical examination roughly.

Lie still. Don't move. Don't ask.

Sakura, this assignment is body data analysis. After the analysis is completed, come to me in the laboratory.

After collecting all the data, he left coolly.

She hasn't gone to the casino for half a year. It's normal to feel a little depressed.

As for Naruto's appearance, does it feel familiar?

It definitely doesn't exist, it's just a stupid yellow-haired cub, and it was almost observed on the surveillance camera that it was vomiting.

Now her obsession with her brother no longer needs to be pinned on a certain yellow-haired brat, so Naruto doesn't get any preferential treatment.

Orochimaru also came over later and took the three people for a second physical examination and examination.

This one was quite pleasant, and even established a high-end image of Sannin for the juniors of Konoha.

Don't think Tsunade has a bad temper. She is just a little irritable because she works too long.

Jiraiya and I are best friends, and I watched Minato grow up.

Itachi Uchiha was a good boy, but it was a pity that he was snatched away by Noah.

Hizashi and Hizashi were once my subordinates, and we fought side by side on the Water Kingdom front.

Uncle Snake abandoned his aloof appearance and courteously cultivated relationships, as if he didn't mind at all that the three people in front of him were what he called uneducated trash.

The distance is just right, it would be best if it can make the little ghosts feel a little admiration.

After all, Noah said that longing is the emotion farthest from understanding. If you want these brats to cooperate with the experiment, you should put a little more thought into it.

Lord Orochimaru is such a good man.

Naruto sincerely praised the senior, and Sasuke also expressed his approval.

Neji could see that when this good senior looked at Naruto and Sasuke, he didn't look at his juniors, but as if he was looking at some kind of cherished material.

Come on, let me show you around this base.

The unique architectural styles of various moons and the high technology in various science fiction movies amaze the little ghosts.

This is the Taijutsu training room, also called the gravity room. It is made of special alloy steel. Even the glass of the observation port is a special product of Iron Heart. It can be said that the material is the strongest in the ninja world.

The principle is a combination of sealing technique and super heavy rock technique. Currently, we are the only ones in the ninja world who have mastered this technique, but unfortunately not many people can use it.

Orochimaru pointed to a small room and said. Several people didn't understand. Shouldn't the place for physical training be in an open place?

Currently, Metkai Jōnin is undergoing long-term training inside.

Teacher Kai?

As a first-year senior, Ningci was taught by Metkai for one year.

I am still very curious about what this instructor is practicing.

Because I just heard that Mr. Kai is very strong, but the style of painting in daily life is not acceptable to Neji.

The three of them looked inside and saw the Konoha Jinmon in green tights doing push-ups tremblingly.

The skin all over his body was red, his muscles were congested to the limit, and sweat had spread all over the floor.

Um. The viewing quality is extremely poor.

Has Teacher Kai done tens of thousands of push-ups?

If the counter is correct, this is the 199th one.

? !

This seemed like a joke to Neji. He had never seen Mr. Kai do any training below four digits.

Come on!

what sound!

As you can imagine, the sound of broken bones.

Orochimaru operated the instrument at the door a few times, seeming to be releasing some sealed ninjutsu.

When the airtight door opened, the three genin standing at the door felt a wave of heat.

Kai was already lying on the ground with his hands broken, but now he looked much more relaxed.

Lord Orochimaru, please excuse me.

Orochimaru checked it casually.

Fortunately, this time it's just a broken arm. Just walk to the medical room and find Tsunade.


After Metkai stood up, he greeted the genin of the three villages warmly. He was as energetic as if the broken arm was someone else's arm.

Teacher Kai, your hand.

This little injury is fine. When you have the chance, you will also come to this gravity room to practice. That kind of burning passion at the limit of death is really touching.

Are you okay with your arms like this?

Sasuke watched this precious beast's arms swinging around, feeling indescribably weird.

Uchiha boy, you don't know that my heart was so broken before

Seeing that Kai was still chattering, Orochimaru had no choice but to send him away forcefully.

Don't get me wrong. Only people who specialize in physical arts and have special physiques can practice here. They also need the support of a large amount of vitality medicine. Otherwise, not to mention the bones, the internal organs will be squeezed out first.

Make a boom shape on your hand, which makes people's hair stand on end.

Of course this is just an extreme case, and the practice in hell shouldn't be that exaggerated, right?

Orochimaru was still giving friendly guidance, and his words were also making up for the impact brought by Kai.

Then I saw Noah pushing a stainless steel flatbed truck over.

Along with it came the smell of blood that was so strong that it couldn't be boiled away.

Orochimaru, go to the emergency room quickly, Shisui was accidentally cut in half by me.

My body is a little weak, so I can't control my strength very well, and it's a little too much.

? ! ! !

Shisui! Nazu and Zuo were shocked, this time it was their instructor!

When Noah saw the three little guys over there, he quickly slowed down and covered the iron plate with a piece of white cloth.

A natural smile, the wind blowing under your feet.

Let Sakura accompany you on the tour, and I'll take care of some minor matters.

Orochimaru also gave up this action of building a relationship with the experimental subject. After all, Shisui was also a very good material, and his eyes shone with excitement.

The three of them were left standing in the corridor of the experimental base shivering.

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