Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1690 The final practice

That's enough! Just pretend you haven't said this before. If you say it again, I'll kill you.

Thinking of the doll that belongs to my daughter at home, and the smiles of more and more children in the village.

After all, Luo Sha's ambition did not burn up.

I felt a little regretful after driving Maki away, but Sunagakure Village has now been fully integrated into the Western Continent's business system. It's too late.

After Maki walked out of the Kazekage's office, he was quite impressed. This fourth-generation Kazekage must be very good at answering multiple-choice questions.

With a gesture, someone in the dark disappeared into the Kingdom of Wind.

Being able to save his life from Wadou Ichimonji many times, the strongest man in the ninja world has actually been born a long time ago.

Things are going well inside the Country of Fire, as the daimyo system is gradually withdrawing from the stage.

The biggest concern in Konoha Village is also why the first Hokage appeared.

After finally learning that the forbidden book in the sealed book used by the Sandaime was reincarnated, he also cursed.

It is simply inhumane and desecrates the corpses of our ancestors.

At the same time, I was also a little panicked, how could I fight the Ninja God as an enemy.

The Hokage has to deal with the Shodai-sama's matters, so you don't have to worry.

Kakashi used his authority to minimize panic.

Then he said that the east side will definitely be ready to go to war after having such a trump card, so everyone in Konoha is asked to practice well and maintain the future of the village together.

A sense of tension gave everyone.

In the office.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Neji have arrived.

Kakashi looked serious.

The existence of Naruto and Sasuke will cause huge waves, and in order for the plan to succeed, their life-saving combat power must be greatly improved.

Being a disciple of the Hokage is destined to bear more responsibilities.

In the next two years, I will take you to the Jedi to practice. If the practice is successful, we will one day meet master and disciple.

The three of them were naturally happy to be summoned by the teacher.

In recent years, even Neci has rarely seen the Hokage-sama, and he has always followed the clan leader to learn the basics of soft boxing.

Hizu said that when Naruto graduates this year, it will be the time for Kakashi-sama to formally teach the three of them, and it is indeed true.

But what is a day when master and disciple meet?

Sasuke also has this doubt. If he fails to practice, can he still be separated from heaven and man?

Yes, I only have two years left for you.

If you want to complete the lifelong path of countless strong men in two years, you have to risk your life and survive.

I can only say that as long as you don't die, you will definitely achieve great things.

What a dangerous feeling.

The three of them swallowed nervously.

In fact, the three of them were not as mentally prepared as they thought, and their desire for strength was not pathological.

Neji did not see his father die tragically when he was young, nor did he experience being suppressed as a member of a separate family when he was growing up.

Sasuke's whole family was not slaughtered, and his brother always used his perverted love to spur him on.

Naruto is not a wild dog on the roadside, but an orthodox son of the fourth generation and a disciple of the fifth generation.

It's just a matter of pride between young people. Anyone who takes a step back now will be a social death, and they all say that they must become stronger even if they die.

Very good, that's the momentum.

The Hokage's praise made the three teenagers very proud.

I've been spending more time with my family lately. Fugaku and Itachi have both been recalled by me, and Hizashi has no missions in the near future.

Naruto, Kushina-sama has prepared a lot of delicious and fun things for you.

Finally, if you can, record a little bit of your past years.

When the three Hokage disciples walked out of the Hokage Tower, their aura was so low that it was indescribable.

Can you still swallow the big words you just said?

After the three disciples arrived, Iruka brought Sakura to the office.

Originally, Kakashi wanted Shisui to continue training Sakura alone, but no one in Team 7 had yet been promoted to chuunin.

As for the Chunin Examination, which the five major nations participated in together, there was no trace of it.

But Shisui believes that his Sharingan system can only improve girls in a limited way.

Iruka also said that the teaching of Water Release has been completed, and the girl needs a new guide on her path.

Sakura's fighting style has been evaluated and is indeed valuable to cultivate.

So Iruka, are you really willing to give up?

Iruka's eyes were firm, he believed in his disciple.

Moreover, Sakura finally understood her path as a ninja after witnessing the entire battle in Wave Country.

I can't teach this kid anymore so please.

Okay, you take her to the moon to find Tsunade-sama. The laboratory was recently moved there. The recent experiments are too dangerous.


After finishing the matter of the new generation, Kakashi began to arrange the government affairs of Konoha.

For example, give the power to Guoying, so that guy can bear a little more pressure temporarily.


Although no one told me, I know that the First Generation and Kyuubi-sama were caused by you.

And the word Guo Ying was slipped out of my mouth.

Next, I will take a few disciples to practice in seclusion, and the village will be entrusted to you.

By the way, if the Zhuludie family has any demands, you can tell me directly.

Shikaku almost knelt down, saying that the three of us didn’t want anything.

The smart people could see that the final finishing stage of this group of conspirators was about to come, and they began to prune some branches and leaves in order to ensure that there would be no internal trouble.

This is the worst time to put forward conditions or apply for a position.

In that case, I'll take them away in a few days.

Inside the Uchiha clan's mansion.

Like a man, Sasuke was making his final confession to his family, as if he was about to go to a battlefield where it was impossible to survive.

Fugaku laughed and said that Hokage-sama was just teasing you, and he would say this before practicing.

This is true for all hellish practices and the most brutal practices.

I don't know if the Uchiha clan leader's strength has increased over the years, but his mentality has really become more relaxed, and he has learned to joke.

It's just that Itachi, who always chimed in a few words, had a serious face.

Sasuke, come with me and I'll teach you some life-saving moves.

Well, Fugaku, who was laughing, froze.

it is true?

It is said that the Fifth Hokage almost didn't survive during his training.

.Then just hide it from Mikoto.

The clan leader’s first reaction was very genuine.

The Hyuga family is also experiencing the joys and sorrows of the world at the same time, and Hizashi still knows his old comrades very well.

Since Kakashi said so, it will definitely be tragic.

The father and son reminisced about old times and practiced normally. Before going out, Hizashi hugged his son.

Come back alive.

It's easy with Naruto.

Kushina regarded it as a holiday and took her son everywhere to play wildly.

Or that I had a great time.

Naruto had something on his mind and couldn't eat.

Mom, it is said that if you practice spiritual practice, you will die.

It's okay, the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan will be very difficult to die, and the medical technology is so good now, at most, half dead.

The big-hearted Kushina knew that Naruto was carrying the legacy of the Sage of Six Paths, and it would be difficult for him to die even if he wanted to.

Noah may be the only one in the entire ninja world who has the ability to completely kill this child of destiny.

So I am completely relieved.

When the time came, the three apprentices gathered together again with their bags on their backs, expressions on their faces that were hard to express.

Let's go.

Kakashi and his three disciples disappeared into Konoha Village under the cover of night.

Teacher, aren't we going to the Forbidden Training Ground of the Land of Rain?

Naruto asked, having lived in the Land of Rain, he still knew the legend.

The Kingdom of Rain can no longer be used, so let's go to a broader world.

I think it would be less regretful to die there.

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