Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1590 The strongest ninja in the Akatsuki organization

The simple wooden door was pushed open.

There were three people inside who had been waiting for a long time.

One is Uchiha Shisui, the captain of the Konoha Guard, and the other is Hyuga Hizashi, who was originally on a mission but came here temporarily and didn't know what to do.

After he heard the news that Itachi Uchiha had returned with his people, he went directly to the Hokage's office to wait. In the mood of an old father, Kakashi said that it was okay and it would be good to wait for them together.

Now when father and son meet, there is no hugging and crying that everyone expects to see, not even a hug.

The Hyuga family has a very high quality of being decent people, so Kai should be allowed to help them liberate their nature.

This was Shisui's idea. We couldn't let that green-skinned bastard always bring trouble to the young men of the Uchiha family.

Who knows that a weak point with big mood swings will be caught by a rare beast? The current atmosphere of the police force is really scary.

Father, I'm back.

. Just come back.

Even though the medical power of the Land of Rain is incredibly powerful, technological means and sealing techniques are already at the forefront of the ninja world.

But of course I was very happy to see my son return safely, but I just didn't want to show it in a crowded place, so I deliberately suppressed some physical activities.

How could those slightly trembling hands hide it from the strong men in this office?

Neji saw his father standing there and took off the bandage on his forehead with understanding, revealing his smooth skin.

The complex and ugly lines have disappeared.

When Hizashi saw this, his eyes first showed relief, then joy and excitement, and finally an indescribable complex feeling.

Spread your wings and fly high. To be honest, no branch family will not care about this matter.

Hizashi doesn't have any resentment towards his brother. Hizashi is already a very good brother.

In times of crisis, he was willing to commit suicide to save his younger brother, and he was also willing to stand by Hokage's side in the most critical moment for his family.

Moreover, due to Neji's apprenticeship and the relationship between the Japanese and Kakashi over the years, he has not suffered any injustice within the clan.

But shackles are shackles, and deep down they will always be inferior to the Zong family.

At that time, that bastard Hizashi who used the Cage Bird in front of Neji really wanted to kill him. Unfortunately, even with a special status like Hizashi, he could not harm a clan without permission.

This is the most twisted class division within the ninja clan, like slaves.

Now that Neji's caged bird is broken, it also means that all the caged birds of the split family are broken together.

It also means that the conflicts between the branch family and the clan have accumulated over thousands of years, and there is no chance of reconciliation.

Hizashi didn't know what the Hyuga ancestors thought thousands of years ago, but they actually used this method to preserve the continuation of their bloodline.

Have you never considered the hatred that comes when the caged bird is broken?

He had seen the moment when the Millennium Ninja Clan was destroyed.

Itachi also took out a scroll and some sealing runes at the right time, which were all brought from the Kingdom of Rain.

In the scroll is a method to completely release the caged bird, which requires a ninja who is proficient in sealing to learn for a period of time before he can perform it.

There is also the technique of applying a second seal in a short time to shield the caged bird. This is much faster to perform and only needs to be applied to the forehead.

Of course, these are not free, and Kushina, who suddenly has education anxiety, charges a very high price.

Kakashi paid the full amount directly with a swipe of his pen, Konoha Village was not short of money!

Of course, this payment is just an advance payment, and the real payer will be the leader of the new Hyuga.

The main character is someone who doesn’t feel bad about spending other people’s money.


Oh, you can take Neji home. Just be careful not to expose him. We'll talk about the details after school starts.


Hizashi re-disguised Neji and then said goodbye and went home.

After finishing Hinata's affairs, Kakashi looked at the other child.

This is Minato-sensei's child. Although he has been to the Land of Rain a lot, he doesn't have many opportunities to meet Naruto.

They look quite similar in appearance. They both have yellow hair and blue eyes, and their clothes are the same as the teacher's.

But why do her eyes look a bit like Kushina-sama?

Kakashi had a strange premonition. According to Orochimaru-senpai's genetics, this disciple should have inherited Minato-sensei's talent.

My three disciples will all become great people in the future.

Naruto, please wait. I'll be off work soon.

He put aside his disciple's matters and looked at Itachi.

Itachi, I'm sorry to trouble you this time.

It just so happened that you were coming back to take Sasuke to school, so I asked the teacher to second him for a while.

After all, there are some things that require absolute trust in people.

Kakashi's tone was still very polite. Although Itachi still wore Konoha's forehead protector and was considered a registered ninja of the village, his work content was always in the Kingdom of Wind.

Besides, this person is considered a fellow disciple, and has now become a new generation of strong men, so he cannot give orders so simply.

I understand, Brother Kakashi. It's just how long that mission will take. The Country of Wind cannot leave for too long.

Within a week after school starts.

That's no problem. Some things should be eradicated earlier.

Time is Itachi's biggest problem. As for the difficulty of the task, it is no longer within the consideration of several people in this office.

By the way, did the teacher ask me anything?

Teacher Noah said that we need to go to the desert together after you finish your work, so you should reserve time in advance.

Kakashi nodded. As far as he knew, Teacher Noah had been personally controlling several top-secret tasks.

There may be a big crisis that requires the entire Akatsuki organization to gather together to deal with it.

I guess going to the desert has something to do with one of them.

Okay, I won't waste your time anymore.

When you get home, help me have a nice word with Mikoto-senpai. Your mission was not arranged by the Hokage, so it's useless to keep looking for me.

Shisui, who had been silent all the time, nodded. He had been searched for several times, which was really worrying.

Itachi smiled awkwardly, wondering why his mother's personality was becoming more and more like Aunt Kushina's.

Wait until only Kakashi and Naruto are left here.

The Fifth Hokage stood up and looked at the bored kid who was already waiting and said.

Welcome home, Naruto.

Looking at this hokage with a sharp temperament, Naruto swallowed nervously.

This is not the weird uncle who was decadent in the original timeline and liked to read 13,000 volumes of The Magician for a long time, but the bloody thunder Kakashi who suddenly appeared.

Defeated the Hokage in front of the Hokage Tower, the super strong man who killed the Raikage in the Iron Kingdom.

There are thousands of legends about the Fifth Generation Hokage in the ninja world. Some say he is a conspirator, some say he is a murderous maniac, and some say he is a rebel.

And too young.

Kakashi has just entered his golden age, and while his strength is still growing, he is already at the top that countless people cannot see.

Such a high-spirited young man has developed an invincible aura. Even though he is deliberately restrained, the little bits of aura are still very terrifying.

In a small space, Naruto will still feel nervous no matter how big his nerves are.

Seeing this tension Kakashi found an excuse to lighten the mood.

Ahem, you will definitely be a little scared when you first come to Konoha, right, kid.


A child hates being treated like a child.

Naruto's nerves immediately went into action.

I will not be afraid! I am Uzumaki Naruto who wants to become the strongest ninja in the Akatsuki organization!!!


Is it okay for the Akatsuki organization to be the strongest?

You were no longer nervous, and Kakashi was startled by your bold words.

Kids these days are really brave. Even if you say becoming Hokage is not a problem, it's just that the difficulty of being the strongest in the Akatsuki organization is a bit outrageous.

The images of honorary leaders who look like bad guys come to mind, as well as the aftermath of team battles in the past few years.

Do you want to spar with the woman holding the four tails of the Five Elements Mountain in one hand first?

Teacher Noah was not considered. Kakashi always felt that monsters like teacher were humanoid creatures from the outer sky.

But the atmosphere has calmed down. Let's strike while the iron is hot and have a perfect first communication.

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