Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1588 First Arrival in New Konoha

That's Konoha over there.

Looking at the direction where the crowd had gathered, the little ghosts became excited again.

Naruto, who was still relatively new to Konoha, regained his vitality again and came back to life from the bloody storm he had experienced in the previous journey.

I don’t know if it’s because I was born big or something else, but even though my mind was like that of a child when I first left the village, I became much more determined after walking all the way.

Itachi mentally recorded the speed and nodes of this transformation. The teacher said that he should pay more attention to Naruto's mental changes, which must have deep meaning.

Yeah, that's Konoha.

Neji looked at the village with an expression of joy and worry.

It was the first time that I left the village for so long without any relatives by my side, and the longing for my family was in my heart all the time.

I just don't know if the bandage on the head can block those people's sight.

After the caged bird is cracked, there is nothing but freedom and fear.

He was afraid of being discovered by the Zong family. His background told him that this matter was serious, very serious.

Itachi saw through this idea and touched Neji's head.

Don't worry, it will be fine soon.

Then he took the two little devils and walked forward. Only when they entered the village could it be considered safer.

The mercenaries bribed by the Kingdom of Wind still don't have the courage to run wild here, and being able to take action against the eldest son of the Uchiha family in the wild is already extremely courageous.

Teacher Noah said that the bounty represents a person's worth.

For example, an elk is only worth 50 taels, but a preacher who overthrows the foundation of the Kingdom of Wind's rule has to start with at least 500 million taels. Those people are still too stingy.

At present, my amount has not reached the value recognized by the teacher.

This strange statement made many people wonder if Noah had been offered a reward.

The closer you get to Konoha, the safer it is, and more and more caravans on the road are gathering on the main road.

I also saw a lot of ninjas in the village, but they were relatively cold during the mission and didn't talk much.

But Uchiha Itachi's message still got out.

Feeling the dark gaze, Itachi was also helpless, it was just a ninja's instinct.

However, this vibrant scene is so nice.

He returns to the village only rarely, and every time he comes back he feels a unique sense of strangeness full of life.

That kind of easy policy adjustment and control made Itachi feel sincerely envious.

An already excellent ninja village only needs to make adjustments based on the original foundation.

As long as the power is strong and the means are superb, reform from top to bottom is always simple.

Combined with the information he saw from the teacher, he couldn't help but feel that Konoha was the cradle of geniuses.

Some rotten villages were completely activated after cutting off the carrion, and they are expanding their tentacles at a terrifying speed.

After all, the foundation for decades is there.

It is completely different from the Kingdom of Wind.

What most parts of the Kingdom of Wind need is to rebuild civilization and restore normal order.

Nobles are easy to deal with. In the world with extraordinary power, as long as you break through the blind spots in your mind, you will find that cleaning up insects is an easy task.

It is even simpler when the minds of this country are all its own people.

The numbness and short-sightedness of the people at the bottom are his biggest enemies, although the deadlock that has remained unchanged for thousands of years has been broken through the economic advancement and material strategy of the economic mutual aid platform.

But getting started is still difficult.

There are too many obstacles to the ideological liberation movement. Currently, the Liberation Organization of the Kingdom of Winds he leads is using 12% of its efforts to achieve one or two results.

However, with the modernization process and the continuous influx of external forces, the effects are getting better and better.

One day all ordinary people in the Kingdom of Wind will get out of the prison of their minds.

Itachi, who was full of wind and sand, led the two brats to the gate.

The new gate is at least 3 kilometers further away than before.

You must know that the village has always used a circle as the shape to build the edge of the village because of the perception of the barrier.

Originally, Platycodon Castle was an obstacle avoidance site on the west side of the village, but now it has become a peripheral core.

Even further away, it will almost reach Nanhe River.

Uchiha has been encouraging Lord Hokage to include this river in the development zone, but has been unsuccessful.

Pushing forward 3 kilometers with this construction method, the area expansion is extremely terrifying.

There is no other way to actively expand the area of ​​the village to fill the growing population and buildings.

Along with the flow of population, the flow of economy. Konoha has become the choice of more and more people.

Due to the complete showdown of the Akatsuki organization, the village connected to the economic cooperation platform almost without any obstacles.

A large amount of materials circulated in the Country of Rain and the Country of Wind, which brought about countless new industries.

Even because of the Iron Country contract, it is operating normally in several other countries.

As a member village that enjoys the Western Continent Convention, Konoha is changing rapidly.

This village has become more and more like a behemoth, almost catching up with the new towns in the Rain Country.

However, the new town has multiple railways and is positioned as a multinational commercial hub and freight distribution center.

Konoha's ability to do this is also due to the seemingly radical policy guidance of the Fifth Generation Hokage.

Even because they caught the trend, the number of ninjas skyrocketed.

Take this enrollment as an example.

Under normal circumstances, there will be hundreds of children in a batch to save their lives. Forty or fifty children of the right age will be initially screened to enter the Ninja School for study and further screening. Classes will be eliminated and merged continuously on the road of growth.

After the final selection, you will have the opportunity to become a genin.

This was the original enrollment scale of the Ninja School in peacetime.

Now, anyway, there is a general school for ordinary people to take care of everything, and everyone will be sent to the Ninja School for assessment first.

Coupled with the rapid growth of the village's economy, the number of students in the Ninja School has more than tripled.

The increase in the number of ninjas in Konoha will definitely make Rasa jealous.

Similarly, after accepting the economic platform transformation organized by Akatsuki, Suna Ninja Village has never been able to keep up with Konoha's progress.

Of course, this also caused the relationship between Konoha and the daimyo to become increasingly tense.

Kakashi himself has a history of being unfairly placed in power, and the change that his armed department now has its own financial backbone and can even become independent makes the daimyo very uneasy.

I was once so nervous that I couldn't sleep.

The increase in both the quantity and quality of ninjas has shocked the superiors. If things continue like this for a long time, they will inevitably have inappropriate thoughts.

What if a large number of ninjas suddenly refused to be inferior and dedicated the Daming City to the Hokage.

The daimyo, who lacked the means to contain the ninjas, thought about it and still felt great dissatisfaction and malice about the root cause of everything that happened.

The Daimyo strongly disagreed with the reform wave initiated by the Akatsuki organization.

If the fat man from the Kingdom of Wind hadn't taken the lead in doing this, and that bastard from the Kingdom of Water had followed suit, he wouldn't have acquiesced in allowing this ghost to enter the Kingdom of Fire.

A short-term reform wave can only bring superficial benefits, and there may be a big crisis later.

He and his staff became increasingly wary of the power of foreign ideas, which were evil and could shake the foundation of rule.

I just mentioned a few words in Daming City about terminating the circulation of economic cooperation platforms with other countries.


I think


A simple test made many nobles jump out.

They all bought equipment or invested in projects in the Kingdom of Rain. If they terminated at this time, they would lose everything.

The point is that the rebates on this platform are really fast and visible to the naked eye.

I don’t know why they are so rich. Even if they have money, they don’t make money themselves, but use it to make everyone rich together.

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