Three years after the First War for Peace.

Rain Country Laboratory.

The three honorary leaders, Kushina, Tsunade, and Orochimaru, were circling around an experimental table.

A little boy was lying on it, his body covered with various tubes and runes.


A suppressed groan still came out.

The child who is about to enter second grade feels a little ashamed. As a man, you should not show weakness.

And my father said that you must behave well after coming here.

Kushina helplessly looked at Neji who was holding on and said.

Shout out if you feel pain. This is a normal way of diverting pain.

No, it's okay.

The young man still bit his lip tightly. I still remember what my father said about how hard it was for them to survive on the battlefield at a young age. This hard work is nothing.

In fact, Neji is naive.

The stories Hizashi told his son were somewhat bragging.

The Hyuga clan is indeed very dangerous on the battlefield, but most of the time they stay behind.

The time when he was really in danger of death was when he followed Kakashi behind enemy lines. It was this experience that gave Hizashi the opportunity to break free from his prison and fate.

The experimental subject's vital signs are normal, but the phantom pain is within the normal range.

Orochimaru watched the changes in the data with great interest. He felt that the ancestor of the Hyuga family was also a very technical guy, or that he had been exposed to higher energy levels.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to design such a retro yet advanced curse seal method.

As the research deepened, the scientific research team gradually discovered the differences in white eyes.

I originally thought that the Byakugan and the Sharingan were closely related, but after digging deeper, I discovered that the source of this Blood Succession Limit's ability is much older, but the Sharingan has a rather local style.

So where did such an ancient bloodline limit come from?

The Chakra system is only a thousand years old.

The unknown is so fascinating to Orochimaru, and the curiosity about Byakugan in Snake Eyes has reached a new level at this moment.

The development of Yang-type potions has reached a bottleneck. Although he currently has many projects on hand, his level of exploration is far behind Baiyan.

Tsunade on the side was a little irritable.

In Noah's words, the real world will be revealed bit by bit.

Even intruding in a way you don't like.

I always feel that the person who said this sentence deserves a beating, like a magician.

She looked down upon Hinata's caged bird very much and even thought it was stupid.

The ability to maintain a thousand-year inheritance relies on the protection and enshrinement of separate families. This style was common in the past.

It's just that it doesn't fit in with the new Konoha under Kakashi's management at all.

After Neji's cage is shattered, the Hinata family will undergo a major change that is slightly bloody.

As far as she knew, that brat Kakashi had been watching the still stubborn family with eager eyes, and I was afraid that a certain Hokage secretary would take action again.

It’s just how many years have passed.

Why are the experiments here never completed? !

The God of Gamblers, who once roamed the ninja world, has been trapped in this small country of rain all day long. He has not gone out to teach bosses in other areas for a long time.

What's even more frightening is that after she discovered the truth about the fund circulation in the Land of Rain Casino, there was nothing she could do.

Because the other party is really just a casino, and being constantly taught is purely due to my own incompetence and luck.

Should I find a witch to come and curse?

This idea has been wandering in Tsunade's mind several times. Can she volunteer for the recent mission of collecting demon materials in the Kingdom of Demons?

While thinking about it, he injected medicine into the boy on the experimental table.

This is a necessary measure to ensure that the vitality is maintained, even though the caged bird is a double curse of body and soul.

But it is difficult to die under the support of the three masters.

At this time, the fluctuation value reaches a peak value.

“The caged bird is about to reach its trigger peak.”

Operator Kushina began to form seals, and after several years of practice, her sealing skills reached new heights.

If it weren't for the fact that this thing was engraved in the mind of an innocent child, he could use his own skills to violently crack it in minutes.

Of course, this is also where the caged bird is vicious.

The bird in the cage~~When will it come out?

At dawn in the evening~~The crane and the turtle slipped

Who is directly behind?

The very existence of the ballad Caged Bird, which was created with a woman unable to give birth to a child, was a mistake.

Kushina has a child herself and cannot tolerate such a vicious thing that could curb the future.

Tsunade maintained her physical condition, Orochimaru assisted and collected data, and the experiment officially began.

It almost started to be cracked using the sealing technique version from the local natural energy period.

There is nothing wrong with using ancient times to decipher ancient times.

The black caged bird curse mark began to heat up, but it was isolated by another force.

The isolation system that took two weeks to establish is the most reliable guarantee.

Blue light flashed, and Neji's white eyes opened uncontrollably.

With the replenishment of vitality and chakra, dots of blue light spots appeared in the pupils.

The light and shadow only flickered once, but it was also caught by Orochimaru.


As time went by, the marks on the caged bird were slowly being erased. When the last mark disappeared, Neji finally couldn't hold on and fainted.

The caged birds and some people will also be swept into the garbage.

Orochimaru showed an evil smile, he felt that he could harvest a batch of perfect blood successor materials.

This time, a key was found for the caged bird. The experience of reverse reasoning was very simple for the three big guys.

A few people worked together and wrote down the routine method of cracking it in less than half a day, without even directly erasing it, which was a bit troublesome.

A freshly baked second sealing technique superimposed on it can make the original curse seal unable to activate.

This is the power of research.

As for how to deal with the Hyuga clan, that's Kakashi's business. We just need to wait for good news here.

In the ward.

After Neji woke up, he felt that his whole body was different, and he had a sense of transparency.

He rolled his eyes almost instinctively.

The blind spot that had always bothered people disappeared. At this time, Byakugan was no longer a incomplete thing, but a complete Ōtsutsuki Getsugu.

For some reason, the tears just flowed down.

Children in the ninja world are very precocious, and Neji has long discovered the difference between the main family and the branch family.

Even though I and my father are special, we have never been treated differently.

But the other children in the separated family would say some creepy things.

Besides, the Zong family just didn't dare to do anything to Neji, rather than giving up the idea of ​​superiority and inferiority.

The faint feeling of superiority was not hidden in the eyes of a child.

Especially in Konoha's rapid reforms, more and more branch families were no longer content with the status quo, and after all, there were still several conflicts.

The power of the curse seal appeared in front of Neji's eyes.

The friend's father, a powerful-looking man, fell to the ground without any resistance. Although he wanted to stand up, the caged bird interrupted the ninja's dignity.

Neji was once afraid, afraid that the same thing would happen to his father, and also afraid that the same thing would happen to him.

But my father said that this kind of thing will not be allowed to continue to exist in Konoha Village, so just wait quietly.

During the first-year vacation, he was taken to the Country of Rain, the headquarters of the Akatsuki organization, for treatment.

Now that I have regained my freedom, it feels very special and very happy.

The haze was swept away.

Neji, right? Now that you've recovered, prepare your luggage and take you back to Konoha tomorrow.

Neji, who had just spread his wings to fly high, looked up.


What he saw was the legendary figure in the village, Itachi Uchiha.

The reason why he is said to be a legendary figure is because of the natural bonus of being the disciple of Hokage's secretary.

Everyone knows that the Hokage's secretary is not the real Hokage's secretary, and is most likely a super boss of the Akatsuki organization.

But this secretary is very mean.

He has been running out of this identity from time to time, and every time he appears, what he does will make people feel scared.

This word was said by the old men of the Hyuga family. They seemed to be very afraid of the secretary, even more afraid than they were when facing the Hokage.

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