Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1581 Actors please take their places


Nagato's howling sound echoed across the battlefield with the help of ninjutsu.

Although they lacked emotional support, the huge chakra reaction on their bodies and the visible power of the reincarnation eyes made the people of the Ninja Village Alliance stand ready.

As for why the pupil power is visible to the naked eye, even if he covers his face with his hands, a gorgeous purple light is shooting out from between his fingers.

They couldn't think of anything other than the purple samsara eye emitting from the face. It couldn't possibly be a laser light.

As the guardian ace, Xiaonan seemed to be at a loss as if she was in a panic.

Nagato squeezed out a few words through his teeth while holding back the pain.

Go and ask for Teacher Noah!

Several strong men on the main battlefield also rushed back after seeing this.

Kushina, the Sannin, Yahiko, Hanzo and Chiyo formed the second line of defense and guarded the surroundings in a state of high alert, causing the Ninja Village coalition forces who wanted to increase their intensity of sneak attacks to miss the opportunity.

When the Rhinoceros and Cats joined the Ninja Village coalition forces on the main battlefield, the situation immediately became clear.

The fifth tail died in battle, and the fourth tail was trapped under the Five Elements Mountain. No one had the time or ability to help it lift the seal.

Vulpix and Erwei were in poor condition, and the Akatsuki organization still maintained a high sense of oppression.

The commanders of the three villages met urgently, and they must seize the breathing space given by the enemy.

Hey, something seems to have happened with the Akatsuki organization.

It's the Immortal Eye. Did the last warrior use some forbidden technique just now?

Well, the semi-finished melt escape in our village shouldn't have this effect.

That means there is a high probability that something will go wrong.

That's true. How could the blow that almost destroyed the Ninja Village just now not pay the price?

Be prepared to face the impact. I have an ominous premonition that the Akatsuki organization will be faced with a formidable enemy. Our survivability is much lower than the opponent's under this change.

Mabuyi didn't have much thought about schadenfreude. Instead, she was worried about the safety of the large army.

The way the people of the Akatsuki organization were prepared was a bit scary. You must know that they had never been so nervous when facing the three village elites, several Kages, and six tailed beasts before.

The losses in today's battle have been very heavy. Every jounin and ANBU is a valuable asset of the village.

If they were completely destroyed, half of the three major ninja villages would be destroyed.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, Nagato's chakra finally poured into the eyes of Samsara along an inexplicable path.

From an invisible angle, he was frantically forming seals, and then pressed down on the ground.

boom! ! !

Huge necromantic smoke appeared on the battlefield.

The movement was far greater than anyone imagined, and the smoke almost reached the sky.

The psychic beasts and tailed beasts of the Sannin are already huge in size, and almost no creature in the ninja world can surpass them.

But the new shadows that appeared definitely surpassed these monsters in the eyes of ordinary people, reaching the level that even the tailed beasts looked up to them.

What follows is the squeezing of the heart and the trembling of the soul.

It seemed that at the moment the unknown creature appeared, the chakra closely connected to the human body experienced strange fluctuations.

The cat watched the smoke gradually dissipate, and the flame hair on its body began to riot, its back began to arch, and its claws clawed hard at the earth.

It didn't know whether it was nervousness or fear, but the instinct of the body was beyond control, and it even wanted to spit out a tailed beast jade.

I always feel like my natural enemy is in the fog.

The mucus on Vulpix's body was flowing down like rain, and his flesh was trembling under the slimy appearance.

It seemed to remember something, that familiar yet frightening feeling.

The four tails at the foot of Five Elements Mountain had no idea what was happening.

Unfortunately, there was no smoke visible from the direction where it was sealed, only the shadow covering the mountain, which was when his heart began to beat abnormally.

The thick smoke is slowly dissipating.

Roar! ! !

A roar that resounded across the sky blasted out from the smoke, and the violent wind pressure blasted away the fog.

The sound waves are like an attack, indiscriminately causing pain to everyone's ears, but what is truly terrifying is the body of the mysterious thing that has descended.

The wooden demon statue, which is more than a thousand meters high, is in the shape of a human with nine eyes. It sits cross-legged on a lotus flower and has ten dead branches reaching to the sky and the earth on its back.

It has a withered shape, neither life nor death, just like a cliff or a jungle. In perception, it is no different from the natural creation of heaven and earth.

All the ninjas were terrified the moment they saw Him.

Chakra is a combination of spirit and body, so returning to the origin means taking away everything about the ninja.

The Jonin present could not ignore this instinctive premonition.

If it were a purely dead thing, they would stay away from it, not to mention that it seemed to be alive.

At this moment, the demon statue, which is far beyond human imagination, is roaring, as if to celebrate its re-entering the world.

One of the nine eyes opened slightly, giving him the slightest bit of vitality.

Although there was another sword mark above his eyelids.

In order to make the ten-tailed body cooperate with Noah, it took a lot of hard work, and part of the eight-tailed body that was chopped off by Kakashi was used here.

The scars left last time and this time formed a cross shape.

It also made Ten-Tails understand that he must still obey this man's instructions before he fully recovered.

It's very simple to respond to the call this time. You only need to roar a few times and move to complete the task.

And the effect of this roar can be described as earth-shattering.

After the clouds and fog dissipated, the cat and the rhinoceros immediately stepped back with wide-eyed eyes.

The ancient memories suddenly became clear, and it could be said that this was the monster that stood at the beginning and end of the tailed beast.

Ten tails! ! !

And the voice of the Heretic Golem was like a signal conveying to each battlefield.

A bolt of lightning from the sky returned across the battlefield, and Kakashi Hatake looked at the huge golem with a long sword in shock.

This is it! Go and ask for Teacher Noah!

Then the Susano giant also fell from the sky, and Shisui's Sharingan also felt suppressed.

He was also an insider who had met a few times, but the golem that had regained a little bit of life was really a bit scary.

After Yang Jiuwei returned, he squatted behind everyone obediently. The fox's head was not strong.

With mediocre acting skills, it's better to be used as a power bank.

The Nine-Tails Fairy Fox looked at the existence of the Ten-Tails with disgust. This kind of trick was something Noah liked to do.

I have to say that the ten tails are just right here, but what if something unexpected happens.

There were many tailed beasts present, and Black Zetsu was secretly watching.

oh? The five tails are gone? That's okay.

But the gap between myself and Him now is still too big.

Sure enough, there is basically no way to surpass the ancestor within the chakra system, and one can only find breakthroughs in natural energy.

The originally sluggish desire to become stronger burned again.

Amidst the thousands of calls, a red sword light swept across the sky from a distance.

When it comes to acting skills, no one in the Xiao organization is better than him, so he roars regardless of who comes.


A slightly nervous sound.

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