Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1575 Watch the sunrise together

Damn it, Hiruzen Sarutobi came to a terrible conclusion. The five-attribute compound ninjutsu such as Dalian Dan has been learned by the opponent, so the other

Next is the battle between the real and fake doctors that Noah had been looking forward to.

Any ninjutsu performed by Hiruzen Sarutobi will be overridden by more powerful techniques, leaving no way for him to survive.

Although Yang Jiuwei was a little leisurely, he still felt full of pressure at this moment.

The five-form escape technique is easy to use, and the sealing technique is extremely vicious.

There are also many forbidden techniques recorded in the Seal Book of Konoha Village, which makes Sarutobi Hiruzen particularly awkward.

When his vision recovered from the dark art, he no longer took any chances.

It’s true, the sealed book has been leaked.

Logically speaking, this thing should be an undisclosed secret. What's more fatal is that he doesn't know whether it was passed on when Kakashi was in power or when he was in office.

And how many people have read The Sealed Book.

Teacher Tobirama, the art of Konoha is spreading in the ninja world. I wonder if you in the Pure Land will be so angry that you can survive.

What's even more frightening is that now the strongest tailed beast with unlimited chakra has learned to really make people feel heart palpitated.

Is Noah crazy?

This even involves a core question, that is, does mankind still have a future?

The Nine-Tails is even involved in sealing techniques. It cannot be sealed. It has unlimited chakra and no lifespan limit. What is that?

That's God!

It can only be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen still lacks knowledge. The Yin Kyuubi has already embarked on the path of nature and is about to become a local immortal.

The battle between Ninjutsu Doctors became more and more intense, and Sarutobi Hiruzen became more and more difficult to fight.

If he didn't use the Ghoul Seal, he really wouldn't be Kyuubi's opponent.

It was difficult for Sarutobi to kill him, but it was even harder for others.

Because there is no additional guidance task, several masters of the Xiao organization can take action more freely.

For example, Konoha's security captain had a great time.

His mission is very simple, just take care of the eight tails.

For Uchiha, who has the Mangekyo Sharingan and has looked directly at the sun, it is really a job that can be done easily.

But it can't be too simple. It will be very difficult to deal with if you beat someone to the point of being autistic or giving up on yourself.

As a teacher who had followed Noah, Shisui knew very well where the bottom line was, and he couldn't let his teacher down.

Maybe you can also experiment with some forbidden techniques that you are curious about.

The Eight-Tails on the opposite side didn't think so much, and the tailed beast jade was released with a bang.

It is the second-ranked Ushiuki among the tailed beasts. The quality, quantity, and charging time of the tailed beast jade are not comparable to those of ordinary tailed beasts.

It is even more exaggerated when fueled by anger. The speed of chakra condensation increases with anger.

Because it hurts.

Susano's combo, what kind of taijutsu attack could a shameless and inhumane guy do?

He really didn't hesitate to kick such a big foot down. Thanks to this guy's sunny and warm appearance, there are no good people in the Uchiha family.

Facing the Tailed Beast Tamashisui who fired continuously, he just activated Susanoo and flew around in the sky, one S at one moment, and one 13 at the next.

In short, body language is used to implement the essence of Shuangyue Kendo.

The Tailed Beast Jade fired more ferociously, and the Iron Country was really miserable.

Niu Gui only regained his composure after venting his anger. There was no point in continuing the fight like this.

Bi, listen carefully, the enemy has the Mangekyou Sharingan, this situation is very detrimental to the tailed beast.

But we are already connected, so it is not easy for illusion to control us. We must stay awake!

Kirabi nodded calmly. Facing such a difficult enemy, he really couldn't be willful.

Having been captured once by the Fifth Hokage, they are fully prepared and must not be captured a second time!

Seeing that the enemy has calmed down, Shisui will take action.

While landing from the sky, the giant made a small adjustment, that is, it grew four hands.

Susanoo Although everyone has their own characteristics, it is not difficult to change it through simple chakra shaping. Shisui can perfectly control every form.

Don't forget that his Sharingan is special.

The origin was infected by a certain force and gained the power of transcendent yin attribute chakra.

The four long swords started the ninja world's version of Blade Storm, and started fighting with Ushiki's eight tentacles.

The eight-tailed beast's fighting style is relatively primitive, and it is still the style of the tentacle-tailed beast.

Relying on the fighting style that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, he can maintain his top position in the ninja world, and naturally he will not seek change.

This made Shisui fight extremely easily, and he even had time to think about the difference between tailed beasts and tailed beasts.

If Lord Kyuubi were here, the battlefield might have turned into purgatory long ago. Thunder, fire, tsunamis and landslides are the normal ways to open it.

The secret chakra arms, various sealing techniques, and illusion techniques are even more difficult to guard against.


This sigh made Niu Gui and Kirabi frown. What did it mean?

Do you look down on me? !

Let me give you a great one!

It's just that Shisui didn't wait for these two guys to get serious before they got serious, because the agreed time was coming soon.

The huge Susan suddenly conjured eight arms and a long sword and pinned Ushiki to the ground at once.

The Mangekyō Sharingan looked directly into Ushiki's eyes, and a special stream of light flickered in his eyes.

No! Bi, be careful to interrupt each other's chakra flow!


Last time, he was unprepared and was taken by the Fifth Hokage as a bargaining chip. How could a person fall into the same river twice.

But they were wrong.

Let me ask, have you ever looked directly at the sun?

The Sharingan gradually covered the minds of Ushiki and Kirabi, and a burning feeling rose from their souls.

The two people's consciousnesses were pulled into a special space at the same time, and Shisui's consciousness also appeared here.

This is where?

Even Uchiha who has lived for so long doesn't know much about Uchiha's unique eye technique, or even if he does, he doesn't know about Shisui's one.

This is the inner world of the three of us. There is nothing special about it. If I can do it, you can do it too.

After saying that, Shisui floated up and wandered around, as if he didn't know much about his own genjutsu, and he was having a great time.

On the other side, even the souls of the Jinchuuriki combination were on alert. This illusion was definitely not that simple.

What the hell are you doing, Uchiha brat!!!

Shisui, who had had enough fun, looked at the person and beast opposite him seriously. The Sharingan in his eyes had changed from blood color to bright gold.

I alone cannot carry the coming of red, so this technique requires everyone's help to cast it.

The soul carriers of Mr. Kirabi and Senior Niugui are very tough, and it is precisely because of this that you have the opportunity to appreciate the most beautiful scenery in the world.

The three of us must persist until the end.

He is very polite in his words and very domineering in his actions.

Who wants to stick with you?

It was just too late, a flash of red was rising from the horizon in the direction of Shisui's finger.

Crunch, crunch, crunch

An unspeakable behemoth was squeezing in from the horizon. The huge pressure made Niu Gui understand why multiple souls were needed to share it.

Light is projected from a distance, reflecting the three people's fantasy space into the same color.

There are voices roaring in my ears, flags waving in front of my eyes, blood, sacrifices, and

After an unknown amount of time, Kirabi and Niugui regained consciousness, but they could not remember what had just happened, only the endless red color was vaguely visible.

But not remembering is the biggest problem.

They didn't believe that Shisui did nothing in the time he stole.

What's even more deadly is that the enemy has disappeared.

I'll let the village do an inspection later when I go back.

Niu Gui and Kirabi hate the village's monitoring methods the most, but now this is the only way to make them feel at ease.

Damn Uchiha brat! Why can’t I explain it?

Ouch! !

At this time, Niugui felt the fear from his soul coming from the direction of the main battlefield, interrupting his guess about Shisui.

This is!!!

Posted in advance, wishing everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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