Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1573 Live and witness the arrival of a new era

The Fourth Raikage saw the Third Hokage, the Fourth Hokage, Noah, and even his father appearing in the mist or behind the wall.

Ai, you disappoint me so much.

Let's fight again as Kage.

I'm just a passerby.

Actually, I don't know how to kill people at all.

Ai, start running.

The sense of ridicule was immediately filled, and nameless fire continued to stir in his heart along with the faint crowing of frogs.

His full power mode of Thunderbolt is like a household appliance that is constantly short-circuiting, falling into an extremely uncomfortable rhythm.

Even if he occasionally catches the opponent's position, he only exchanges one or two moves. Kakashi will use every method to break away from the Raikage's rhythm and continue to disappear into nature.

The anger that cannot be grasped by the opponent is constantly teasing the bottom line in the heart.

Isn't it because you are so strong that Mangekyo doesn't open Susana? How many times can we fight against such a strong swordsman?

Raikage thought he could continue to crush another speed ninja with his super powerful speed like before.

But I didn't expect that the enemy changed tactics.

If you stop your speed now, you will definitely be taken advantage of, so you can only carry it all the way.

Come to think of it, Kakashi needs to expend a lot more senjutsu chakra to perform these large-scale ninjutsu. It depends on who can't hold on first.

The speed of victory over death is only a fraction of a second.

However, the powerful Raikage was like a mad beast, and the anger in his heart became increasingly uncontrollable with the occasional voice of Kakashi.

Kakashi's chakra does consume a lot of money, and the celestial ninjutsu that can contain the Raikage are all large-scale or have special attributes.

Only the constant loss of chakra reserves could not shake his determination.

Every time the Immortal Technique is used, the dog-headed earth flow wall is wearing down the enemy's patience, and every disgusting tactic is provoking the enemy's bottom line.

Because the core of the strategy this time is not ninjutsu or taijutsu, but illusion.

Myobokuyama's strongest hidden skill is illusion, sound illusion.

No matter it's a toad singing, it's still unbreakable. The basis is all illusion and frog croaking.

The Fifth Hokage was born to rely on his brains to fight.

With the help of tactics and psychological coordination, he can single-kill Pain Tiandao's powerful players. Now with higher configuration, there are naturally unlimited possibilities.

He combined the Sandaime Ninjutsu and Noah's Frost Moon Kendo together.

It only takes one chance to severely damage Raikage, such as now.

Lime powder mixed with detonating symbols exploded underground, blinding the vision like a child's mischief, followed by a bleeding kaleidoscope.

The chakra fluctuations of the Sharingan revealed his position, and the Raikage rushed towards Kakashi angrily.

The anger accumulated in his mind could not be suppressed amidst the croaking frogs.

Then he felt a chill in his chest.

Phew! ! !

All the anger in his body flowed there, along with his own strength.

Although inertia was still carrying Raikage's figure forward, the slower and slower speed showed what had just happened.

When the lightning dispersed, a long sword had penetrated Raikage's chest.

.It turned out to be just for the illusion.

Even Kamui's spatial distortion cannot keep up with the Raikage's movement speed. The sense of danger just before it lands on his body will alert a shadow-level powerhouse.

So Kakashi chose to let the Raikage kill him.

When the Raikage was so furious that he lost most of his vigilance, he used his divine power to twist his long sword as he sprinted forward, and he simply got through.

The red long sword, without any slashing movements, was as inconspicuous as a pebble on the road. After all, any fluctuation in air flow would be an instinctive dodge and defense for the physical arts master.

He just hit it without any hindrance, and it wasn't until the moment the sword touched his body that Kakashi poured natural energy and chakra into it.

This truth tells us that we should not run around without the strongest shield of the Third Raikage.

A young man named Barry Allen has demonstrated this countless times.

Kakashi, who was far away from the Raikage, had no intention of getting closer, but started talking to him.

After a moment, Lei Ying sighed helplessly.

Are you so afraid of me?

This is the quality of a ninja. Before you fall, we can talk more about our ideals.

Unexpectedly, you are the next generation Hokage who has inherited the style of the third generation Hokage.

After saying this, the Fourth Raikage's vision went dark. His body shook several times and he tried to keep standing. Unfortunately, his body, which had been losing blood, fell down with the departure of his will.

The last thing I saw before I collapsed was a chain composed of sealing techniques.

'Father is right. He is.'

When Raikage woke up from the darkness, he saw Kakashi performing the palm senjutsu on him.

Are you awake? Your body is indeed abnormal. It's just that you regained your will after a little treatment after the bleeding stopped.

.Why don't you kill me.

Feeling various seals, large and small, on his body, the Fourth Raikage gave up his inappropriate thoughts and instead began to question whether Kakashi had any conspiracy.

Can't it just be a sympathy between rivals?

No, you're not that kind of person.

So simple, this is a complete insight into the nature of Noah's lineage.

.Okay, it's just that it would be more troublesome if the Raikage died at the hands of the Hokage.

And...we have signed a peace agreement.

This is so false.

The main reason is that if you die, Cloud Hidden Village will be in chaos, and then you will do something that is unacceptable to Konoha and the Akatsuki organization.

The Akatsuki organization will achieve final victory, but they don't want chaos to occur.

Because every time chaos occurs, the unlucky ones are ordinary people and low-level ninjas. The losses suffered by you senior leaders are too small.

For the stability of the mainland, it is best to achieve peaceful liberation. This is my point of view.

It sounds reasonable and kind, but being kind is a bit silly.

But this is also the arrogance of the Akatsuki organization. They are already planning the future of the entire continent.

Even the life and death of a village of shadows is not as important as the lack of chaos at the bottom. Raikage's pride was completely crushed at this moment.

When I go back or I will immediately join the Yue Organization's alliance, I will do everything possible to stop your plan.

The Fourth Raikage said this in front of Kakashi with the consciousness of death.

So what if he was a prisoner? He couldn't accept being ignored by his opponent.

Yeah, it's up to you.

Remember, don't hurt ordinary people.

The attitude of indifference is the most hurtful attitude.

At this time, the fluctuations on the main battlefield came, and Kakashi felt a little helpless as he felt the throbbing of chakra.

Teacher, your ending is so scary.

What is that? Naruto!

There is a problem at the end of the chakra, and the power that can really destroy the world has arrived.

After speaking, Kakashi released a small part of the chakra flow of the fourth generation, raised his sword and prepared to return to the main battlefield to perform.

Suddenly something occurred to him and he turned around and said to Raikage.

Stay alive and witness the arrival of a new era!

It was distributed in advance today, everyone, please pay attention to safety on the road.

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