Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1571 The Curse of Uchiha

The two thunderbolts were entangled endlessly, and soon they came to separate between the empty rocks.

Hokage, why?

Raikage was puzzled, but he could understand if Kazekage joined some Akatsuki organization.

After all, Luo Sha's strength was very dangerous to the outside world, and it was normal for Sand Ninja Village to be so barren that he heard about it even as far away as the Kingdom of Thunder.

His question was about why Konoha wanted to get involved.

The Sannin can be regarded as Konoha's signature, and the addition of the Hokage and the guard captain confirmed that Konoha Village has truly embarked on a dangerous path.

It's not surprising that Kakashi himself would join.

Countless copies of Naruto's information have been collected on the desktops of various countries, and there have been several gaps in Kakashi's growth history.

During the Fourth Generation period, he was just a talented genius, but after the Night of the Nine-Tails, he became even more degenerate.

The next information he received was to kill three Jonin of the Kingdom of Thunder and gain the title of Blood Thunder.

After being seriously injured by the Raikage, he fell silent for a period of time. When he reappeared, he defeated the Third Hokage by himself in a military coup in Konoha Village.

Now that these historical faults have a reasonable explanation, Kakashi joined the Akatsuki organization to gain power after losing the protection of the fourth generation.

Although I don't know how that organization does it, it may be Kakashi's own talent that created this monster genius.

It's just that they have become Hokage, why not break away from the Akatsuki organization.

This is the best choice for a village. It can maintain simple cooperation but never take sides easily.

What Kakashi did is hard to understand. Is there any benefit that is hard to refuse?

If there is any purpose, it is to spread the will of fire throughout the world.

Are you serious, Naruto?

Seriously, Raikage. Don't you think there are too many wars in this world? Only by breaking the old pattern can the world usher in true peace.

Is the idea of ​​peace really so tempting? Would you not hesitate to drag your own village into it?

For the sake of peace, we will not hesitate to drag the entire ninja world into war.

You're really crazy.

Kakashi smiled, this was similar to the story he heard during the mission many years ago.

That was the man's answer then.

Why not this world?

The Fourth Raikage gave up his plan to continue persuading. It was difficult to determine the winner in this battle of ideas.

The ninja world has its own way of solving the problem, that is, the living person can continue to move forward with his ideas, while the dead person will lose everything.

You were beaten badly by me last time.

So I came to find you.

The biggest hurdle for Bloody Thunder since his debut is right in front of him, so let’s complete the battle at the level of Shadow.

Raikage looked seriously at this opponent who was much younger than him.

The intensity of the fight just now proved that the boy he once was had grown into a real strong man.

Then let's try it. I won't be the same anymore.


Kakashi's Sharingan was always ready to capture the action, but in a split second the Raikage disappeared from sight.

This is a speed that exceeds the previous limit, and even the Sharingan cannot adapt to the rhythm for the time being.

Although the eyes can no longer see it, the instinct will take precautions in advance.

In the back!


He raised his sword to block, and the huge force was transmitted from the sword and directly shattered the ground under his feet.

The chakra metal sword in his hand trembled under the attack of nintaijutsu.

After the blow, Raikage's figure disappeared again and appeared behind him.


What followed was a bolt of lightning that exceeded the limit and struck Kakashi crazily within a square inch.

Attacks like a violent storm occupied all directions, and Raikage's fist was as heavy as a meteorite.

The blade of the sword kept whining, and the bones were also making creaking sounds.

This speed! This power!

Why did Raikage's strength increase to another level?

After many adjustments to the Sharingan, he was able to continue to catch up with the speed of the black-skinned man, but the figure was stretched and distorted.

It meant that it would take a short time to return to normal. Kakashi still maintained a passive defensive posture and thought about the battle strategy.

But Raikage couldn't wait any longer, he was impatient.

The flow of chakra accelerated again, and thunderous sounds were heard inside the body.

The strongest thunder escape armor!

The lightning burst out to the extreme, all the hair stood on end, and the power of lightning escape was maximized.

After the fourth generation Raikage activated this stance in the original timeline, he moved so fast that even the Mangekyou Sharingan couldn't see it, and he could instantly dodge Sasuke's Amaterasu.

You can dodge as far as you can see, which shows how domineering this move is.

It's just that the unlucky one now is a certain Hokage who vowed to take revenge.

The Raikage appeared in front as if teleporting, arms outstretched.

Double. Thunder-torture level Chiyomai!

Under the dazzling lightning is a killer knife that has been charged to the limit, breaking through like a pair of scissors.

Sparks, arcs, and the force that distorts space constantly collide at this distance.

Finally, he broke through the defense of the sword circle.

boom! ! !

A huge shock wave exploded, and the fifth generation of fire flew over at low altitude like a meteor and was embedded in the rock wall and no longer lived.

The Raikage also stayed in place to adjust the pressure inside his body. The blood-smelling steam that kept flowing out of the corner of his mouth showed that the person who initiated this move had to bear a heavy burden.

At this moment, a handsome guy lying among the rocks felt something was wrong.

Shouldn't it be a gorgeous revenge script after being trained in hell?

Fortunately, I pretended to come and go as soon as I could, but now I almost got killed.

If Teacher Noah found out about this, I might have to experience real cuts in half several times.

The strongest thunder armor mode that suddenly appeared just now is really exciting. If Kakashi's kaleidoscope hadn't condensed a huge chakra armor in front of him at the last moment, it might have been cut off directly.

It's really embarrassing.

Even though he didn't die this time, he still suffered serious internal injuries. Susan's defense was almost unreliable except for Uchiha Itachi.

Sasuke stopped talking and was slapped in the face for his daily pretense.

Uchiha Madara's Susana was shattered by the Raikage and Tsuchikage's joint aggravation rock and Raisaku level Chiyomai.

And Kakashi felt like he was also cursed by the Sharingan.

Anyone who pretends to be cool will be fooled.

Hey, what is this?

Then the orange eyeshadow shows up and he gets really angry.

Over the years, his body transformation has made his compatibility with the power of nature constantly improving, and now he is somewhat qualified to call himself an immortal.


Rubbles flew everywhere, and the Fifth Hokage came back online.

The Yang Escape and the power of nature continued to repair the body. Kakashi walked towards the Raikage again with the long sword in hand. The sword energy in his body would increase a little with every step he took.

When he finally stood still, the sword energy and the thunder light merged into one.

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