Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1552 The sun still rises

The sun rose as usual the next day.

The Akatsuki organization also started its own activities.

With the full support of the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind, they could finally let go.

Under Noah's command, the daimyo began to sign orders one by one in front of everyone.

The Kingdom of Wind will become great again.

Several big nobles felt that the daimyo's administrative ability was slightly stronger at this time. Is it possible that he was hiding his true strength before?

This is just what Xiaobai kept. He has been in the Xiao organization for many years and can definitely beat a few big names in terms of administrative ability.

As for the daimyo's vocabulary and habits, there are some secret knowledge that cannot be hidden before the soul of the human world is extracted.

With the support of the entire Akatsuki organization, even slight flaws or exposures will be quickly made up for.

The people who should be praying for are those who accidentally discover the truth.

The Kingdom of Wind is infecting this country from the source, and this special top-down reform is also a brand new version that Noah has never embodied.

After Chiyo accepted the reality, he quickly became a trainee member of the Akatsuki organization.

After all, his hands were stained with the blood of the daimyo that night, and he could no longer look back.

But it should be said that that moment was really happy. All the memories after the beast died in his hands came flooding back to his mind.

Oppressing the village, cutting military spending, and arrogantly accusing the village.

Why don't you get up and try again?

Also, the musculoskeletal touch is really bad, just like a completely ordinary person.

The first task Chiyo received from the Akatsuki organization was to deliver a letter back to the village, and to conscientiously assist the Kazekage in the reform and opening up of the Kingdom of Wind.

After all, Sand Ninja Village also needs the help of Akatsuki's economic mutual aid plan.

A handwritten instruction from the Daimyo was stuffed into the envelope. The basic content was to cooperate with the Western Development Plan and do a good job as a ninja.

She returned to the village with Noah's scroll and the daimyo's handwritten letter.

Luo Sha received a handwritten letter from Daming City, asking Amomi to cooperate with the Akatsuki organization to build the platform.

I always feel like this organization is really great.

He was able to organize the Five Shadows Conference, and he was able to persuade the daimyo to agree to these reform plans that seemed to bring instability.

Elder Chiyo. Didn't the daimyo say anything else?

The daimyo didn't agree at first, but later the person in charge of the Akatsuki organization just offered 70% of the profits to make it easier to negotiate.

Luo Sha nodded, this was slightly reasonable.

But only 30% of the Desert Train is left, and it still needs to be divided between the Sand Ninja Village and the nobles.

But does a project like this still have any significance to that group of outsiders?

“Kazekage-sama, don’t underestimate the Akatsuki organization.

In the early days, the forged finished products such as rails and trains were imported from the Land of Rain, and we also had to provide raw materials.

So it's not that they are thankless, they just earn money from the market of the Kingdom of Wind. After all, the Kingdom of Rain is so big.

Luo Sha said that the elders saw clearly and made sense.

So the next day I found a reason to leave the village and secretly headed to Daming Castle.

After the appearance of Scorpion, the trust in Chiyo has dropped a level, and the shadow of a village is not that simple.

Although everything was reasonable and reasonable, he still had to confirm it again regarding the changes in the entire country.

Feng Ying? Got it, just ask him to wait for a while.

Xiaobai passed on the information with a backhand, and then began to change clothes to see what this person was going to do.

I hope he doesn't act recklessly, otherwise he may die on the spot.

Rasa's secret visit to the daimyo did alarm Noah.

This guy is quite capable.

So he held his sword and stood guard outside Daming City. Feng Ying was still able to cause quite a stir with his own abilities.

The daimyo behind the bead curtain still has the same arrogant look and talks nonsense.

It's just that there is no hiding the fact that the Akatsuki organization gave profits in exchange for permission.

Of course, Xiaobai also added a little drama, saying that when the country of wind's own industrial level improves, it can directly swallow up the assets of these outsiders.

That shameless face made Luo Sha feel relieved.

Yes, it still tastes the same.

Moreover, there were no other changes in Daming City except for the people from the Akatsuki organization who were still causing trouble. In this case, he could leave with peace of mind.

Noah also came out of the darkness.

Luo Sha's life is quite tough.

After returning to the village, Feng Ying seemed as if nothing had happened, and began to go all out to support the reform of the Country of Wind.

He had a feeling that his village was finally going to get out of trouble.

At the same time, the daimyo's approval also made the nobles below excited.

The desert train was launched with great fanfare, and the remaining three cities were like carrion, attracting every wealthy person.

There are many decent and dishonorable ways, and the bottom line of the nobility is lower than anyone imagined.

But for an experienced player like Noah who is good at handling noble groups, these methods are too low-level.

It is obvious that the Kingdom of Wind, which is completely in the feudal class, does not have the support of its old friends in the City of Water.

Besides, having a daimyo as your own can easily resolve many boring actions.

The main job he has to do now is to hype things up.

The huge investment in publicity gave Jiaodu a headache.

Does this really work?

Don't worry, this is the final investment. You will be scared when the funds from the Kingdom of Wind start flowing.

No one knows why something that doesn't even have a shadow is so hot. The fire is so hot.

The question is that the big name is optimistic about it, and it is guaranteed to make money without losing money.

And because of feudal rule, this continent has been like this for thousands of years, so this industry can be passed down.

Don't get excited, everyone. The Desert Train project will build a trial run first to let everyone see the results.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not Noah who has a good heart.

But the 30% was not sold at a price that satisfied him.

Do you want to start construction with just such a small amount of money? Do you also want to make the Kingdom of Wind great?

In order to drain the treasury of this group of people, he could only slow down the pace and promote the progress of other projects first.

After that, the silky little combos came one after another, and the group of nobles were stunned.

The idea of ​​freeing manpower from the fields is also running smoothly.

Naturally, there will be doubts at the beginning, thinking that it is just manpower, and you can just find your own subordinate tenants.

So Noah went crazy and organized a study tour to study advanced work experience in the Land of Rain.

Just let the nobles send their own manpower to visit the birthplace and you will know that the traditional production model should have been eliminated long ago.

The effect is also super good.

The confidants of the nobles and minor nobles embarked on this learning journey under the protection of ninjas.

Of course, he is still full of arrogance in his heart. Damn it for the Kingdom of Wind, one of the top five!

Don't you guys have to pay for the road being built like this?

What, it is expected to pay back the capital in 3 years, and then make a net profit?

Make a note of it, there is still such a method, I learned it.

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