Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1550 Capture of the Kingdom of Wind

The night I met the daimyo.

Why is the moon so big tonight, and why is it causing trouble?

Noah was a little unhappy looking at the bright moonlight.

Although Akatsuki would look very handsome when the whole Akatsuki team goes out in the moonlight, but he always pays attention to practicality and doesn't like things that are too fancy.

There is no other way. Solve it earlier and return to the Land of Fire. A lot of leeks over there have been taken care of by Shikaku.

Besides, the progress of the Yue organization put him under a little pressure.

After opening the door, he, Xie and Yahiko gently walked out of the inn and came to the next door outside Daming Castle.

After a while, Chiyo also opened the door.

She knew it!

These brats have something to hide from her, so they are fighting with me, huh!

Under the moonlight in the Gobi desert, three people wearing black and red cloud robes gathered together, no matter how you looked at them, they were all bad guys.

Psychic art!


The huge smoke dissipated, and a group of people wearing black and red cloud robes appeared in the venue.

Orochimaru, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kushina, Sansho Hanzo, Kakuzu, Scorpion, Konan, Nagato, Yahiko, Xiaobai, Yin Yang Kyuubi, Kakashi and Shisui who came to help temporarily.

Everyone was arrogant for some reason, and the moon exuded a terrifying aura of strong men.

It can be said to be a characteristic of the ninja world. When multiple people gather together, everyone will assume the appropriate pose, just like instinct.

This is tonight's all-star lineup, which is countless times better than the original Akatsuki organization.

When everyone goes on a mission together, there will be a slight feeling of peace of mind.

The momentum of killing gods and Buddhas is too violent. There is a reason why Noah chose to call outside Daming City.

Then everyone turned and looked in one direction.

Orochimaru said sullenly.

Noah, is this a new member or a little mouse?

Orochimaru-kun, this is an old friend. He may also be a newcomer.

Hanzo gave a rare smile. Seeing people of the same era still makes people feel happy, especially tonight.

It was also in Daming City that he passively obtained the title of Daiming's executioner. I wonder if his old friend can escape this fate.

Facing the attention of so many top masters, Chiyo, no matter how much he claimed to be a veteran in the ninja world, had to step out of hiding.

Otherwise, a bunch of old bones may not even have a chance to be buried, and they will definitely be scattered everywhere.

At this time, the old lady was completely no longer as energetic as she was during the day, and she was still in a state of confusion and shock.

When the tip of the Akatsuki organization's iceberg appears, it's just vigilance. When it emerges from beneath the water, it's just despair.

Just knowing a few old faces can scare the old man into losing his hair.

When she saw the old man with a snorkel appearing, she knew something was wrong. Sanshouyu Hanzo was an old rival. Although she didn't know how many levels of combat power the opponent still had, she was also old.

The hateful slug girl and her two followers are the strongest in the ninja world, as well as the fifth generation Hokage, the son of the White Fang.

None of the remaining unfamiliar faces were weak. After all, those who could hang out with his genius grandson were all made into puppets.

There are four Sharingan alone. Hey, those two little things can't be the Kyuubi. Can there be plural tailed beasts?

Even when she saw two Kyuubi, she had no more surprise to show, and the threshold in her heart was directly exceeded.

From excitement at the beginning, to surprise, to fear, and finally to numbness.

Chiyo's face changed as fast as some special blood inheritance limit in just a few seconds.

Is this lineup going to capture the Kingdom of Wind and start the Fourth Ninja War? There is almost no other reason to show up.

As for whether Sand Ninja Village should resist or not, it makes no sense.

The strongest three generations are resurrected. Oh, he is still in the scroll.


We come with good intentions.

After Noah finished speaking, he made a gesture and pointed his sword at Daming City.

Let's go according to plan.

call out! call out! call out!

Apart from the initial sound of the air being cut, there was no movement.

We are not lame ninjas in Xiao Ninja Village. Sneak combat is a compulsory course.

Moreover, each leader has his own mission, some require bloody cleaning, some require mental control, and some need to lift the seal. The goals are very clear.

Finish early and go back early to work overtime. I'm in a hurry tonight.

Even if Noah Chiyo was the only one left, she would not dare to act rashly. Even if the scorpion passed by, she would not dare to reach out to stop it.

Being able to command so many strong men and stay at ease, Noah's strength has been shrouded in mystery.

The target is a daimyo?


Do you know what you are doing? This is breaking the taboo that has been in the ninja world for so many years!

Chiyo regrets that when he first saw the body of the Third Kazekage, he should have taken away his grandson's legs even if they were broken, otherwise he wouldn't have continued into this irreversible nightmare.

After so many years in the ninja world, what is the meaning of the daimyo's existence?

No matter what it is, ninjas follow the rules

Rules? I'm sorry, the Akatsuki organization is not a ninja organization.

Chiyo was also confused. What the Akatsuki organization did was indeed not a ninja organization.

But, but, this is wrong. As a Suna ninja, we must prevent this from happening.

Elder Chiyo! Please consider the consequences before making a decision.

The combat power of the Akatsuki organization could easily destroy the Sand Ninja Village, but we didn't do that.

Even killing all the people in Daming City is easy.

We will not be afraid even if we are against the whole world, because we have our own will, which does not belong to a daimyo or a certain person, but a higher and more correct idea.

You can listen to it as a threat. Please consider the village, the ordinary people in the Kingdom of Wind, and the future of this country.

The Kingdom of Wind is a Kingdom of Wind for everyone, not just for ninjas, not for nobles, and definitely not for daimyo.

Red flames ignited from Noah's eyes, and his domineering energy was particularly active tonight.

If it weren't for the seal of Six Paths, it would have swept across the entire place and suppressed the entire city.

Even a slight leak brought the majestic force of power to the elders of Fengying Village. The power of that era was particularly dazzling.

Now, follow me and take a look at the changes that are about to happen in the Kingdom of Wind. After this night, the collapse of the feudal system will begin.

The future of this country was determined by a callous declaration.

Chiyo reluctantly followed Noah to Daming City. No matter how bright the opponent's thoughts were, at least he was unstoppable by force.

As soon as they arrived in the inner city, they saw a red-haired woman and Kyuubi modifying the seal.

Kyuubi! ! !

Chiyo rubbed her eyes. Forget it about the red-haired woman, the nine-tailed fox that became as tall as a person was also forming seals!

Forget about the seal, it was actually teaching another Nine-Tails sealing technique!

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