Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1548 This is a necessary sacrifice

If there is no chakra reaction, it will be mistaken for real. If you forget your name, even if you don't know the clone transformation technique, you will definitely have the financial resources to cultivate a fake body.

Obito's black question mark face is a face that is shown off by mortal wisdom.

Who are you? If you let me go, you can tell me whatever you want in the entire Water Country.

The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water was trying his best to stay calm, knowing that this was his last chance.

As long as he survives, there is hope, and even when the water shadow arrives, there is a possibility of counterattack.

If you die, doesn't the Kingdom of Water belong to us?

Another daimyo from the Kingdom of Water came out. His appearance and voice were exactly the same, so the daimyo almost thought it was his substitute who was not dead.

It was just the naked and pale body that made him realize that this thing was not a human being.

There are many hidden secrets in the Water Kingdom that only I know.

To reflect his final value, the daimyo was very anxious and delayed for time.

Why hasn't Mizukage come yet?


A figure wearing a water shadow hat came out from the darkness, but the atmosphere was very harmonious with the bad guys around him.

I don't care about secrets, I just want the kingdom of water.


Sarutobi Hiruzen revealed his true appearance, which completely chilled the daimyo.

The corpses were decomposed into nutrients. There was no longer a so-called daimyo of the Kingdom of Water in this world, and the bloodline belonging to this branch was completely cut off.

Okay, let's go out and calm down the chaotic Daming City.

The new daimyo, the fourth generation Mizukage Yagura and several masked guards walked out of the secret passage again and came to the outside world.

Seeing the Daimyo and the Fourth Mizukage walking out together, everyone who was still in panic felt relieved. In their opinion, the Mizukage's arrival would make them safe.

At this time, Rikage in the ninja world was synonymous with invincibility.

The Habitat Mountain Pufferfish Ghost surrounded in the middle was a little confused. Why did the leader appear here?

Get out of the way and leave it to me.

Yagura slowly walked towards the Pufferfish Demon, then raised his hand to make a few special seals.

Water escape. Exploding water and rushing waves! Water escape. Water formation wall!

A huge water flow was generated out of thin air, and under the control of the caster, the two techniques combined to form a huge water curtain, blocking everyone's sight.

The splashing water also woke up the pufferfish ghost.

The chakra lingering in his mind finally dissipated, and he remembered many details that he had not noticed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's spiritual suggestion, A Fei's Sharingan illusion.

It's not just one person who applies a ninjutsu that confuses his mind. It's equivalent to being backed by the entire moon organization.

Otherwise, how could he take on such a task with his selfish personality?

You're really despicable, Hiruzen Sarutobi!

Unfortunately, the roaring sound was obscured by the roaring sound of the water formation wall and the rotating water waves, and even the shape of the mouth could not be seen at all.

This is a necessary sacrifice, puffer ghost.

The person who was sacrificed did not agree.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon aimed its same shark muscle at the enemy in front of him.

Maybe he is not an opponent, but with the advantage of weapons, he can definitely resist one or two, as long as he breaks the water escape blockade and delivers the news of this group of sinners.

Then the Kingdom of Water is the tomb of the Moon Organization.

Why do you think you just left the genjutsu behind?

When the water formation wall fell, there was only one dead fish left in the field. The unwillingness and resentment in his eyes were shocking.

Perhaps thinking of something, Yagura used a very simple fire escape ninjutsu, Go Fireball Jutsu, to incinerate the body.

This is the consequences for offending a daimyo.

The Fourth Mizukage returned to the Daimyo with Samehada in hand.

The storm was over, and the man named Hidan was also caught.

Without the support of his teammates and his own strength, he could only gain a temporary upper hand by relying on his immortality.

The single target skill of Curse·Death Si cannot be used based on blood at all.

After everyone gets used to the fighting style of this monster, it feels like it is not difficult to deal with.

As long as you don't think about killing him on the spot, it's really not that difficult to capture him.

Hidan knelt down after being tied up with metal locks one after another.

At this moment, the daimyo began to reprimand Mizukage loudly, why is there such a rebellious ninja bala bala bala in the village.

Mizukage said with sincerity that there must be a hidden secret, please listen to me slowly.

When it was almost dawn, everyone had already gathered in the daimyo's dormitory.

The guard ninja were also controlled by the Sharingan, and the daimyo stood in the corner picking his nose with a bored look on his face.

You are really cruel. I thought you would spare the life of the pufferfish ghost. After all, it's hard to find such easy-to-manipulate subordinates.

Assassinating a daimyo is such a serious crime, there must be an explanation. You can't kill someone on the spot because you will doubt whether Mizukage has other intentions.

Sacrificing a puffer ghost can minimize the impact of the incident, and the organization will remember his contribution.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked sad, as if he had lost a capable subordinate.

Obito hated this sanctimonious leader even more. No wonder he could transform from Hokage into Mizukage. He was really not human.

Okay, the name of the Kingdom of Water has been captured, so those nobles will also take care of it. Bai Zetsu is really a good thing.

In the next task assignment, Hiruzen asked Black Zetsu and Obito to go to the mainland to collect the details of the transformation of the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain.

These two guys can't enter the Kingdom of Rain, but they can summarize the information through indirect understanding, and then let the current Mizukage Sarutobi Hiruzen work backwards to piece together and restore Noah's plan.

This will not only prevent them from noticing anything strange, but also give these two people something to do so they can stop staring at him all day long and do whatever they need to do.

When Noah learned through a secret channel that the Kingdom of Water had been captured, he could only applaud, it was so cool.

I have to lament that the efficiency of real villains in doing bad things is amazing.

It's not like he has to mess around, make arrangements in advance, and even send warmth to those nobles to get the results he wants. It's hard to be a good person.

Itachi, pack your things and speed up the progress. We can't fall behind.

Yahiko has done enough without going to Suna Ninja Village to argue with Rasa and the others.

Noah's target is the nobles of the Kingdom of Wind.

The daimyo only needs to be taken down by force, but a few big nobles and many small nobles are not so easy to control, and the manpower of the Akatsuki organization is still too few.

In order for the subsequent reforms to be less sudden, preparations must be made first.

So we come to the part where Noah is good at.

There is no exhibition and sale of works this time, and those nobles are not arty people.

Organize product exhibitions and cultural promotion meetings.

The nobles of the Kingdom of Wind already know how excellent the products of the Kingdom of Rain are, and the goods brought back by the merchants have long been swept away.

Now Noah has personally brought a bunch of rare treasures and high-end luxury products, which are special editions for these nobles.

This high-end exhibition and auction invited almost all named nobles.

In this situation, Noah behaved like a fish in water, chatting and laughing with the nobles.

He can talk about any topic, which is a style that has never been shown within the Akatsuki organization.

The person in charge of Yuzhiguoxiao organization, who was nice to talk and bold in action, was greatly appreciated by these nobles. When he raised his hand, he gave him a collector's edition luxury car, and when he raised his hand, he gave away several interesting mechanical handicrafts.

The character of being rich and generous is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Soon this group of people got together, and they also learned that the Rain Country and Sand Ninja Village were going to develop a new industrial chain.

Until a certain noble accidentally learned about the profit rate of this industry chain and couldn't sit still.

Oh, this is all small money.

Mr. Noah is really brave. Is this all small money?

With the help of Jiu Jin, the generous person in charge began to confess his heart to heart.

I'm telling you, you must never tell anyone that the Desert Train is

Otherwise, why would Luo Sha help us meet the daimyo? Isn't it okay?

Brother, after I get summoned by the daimyo, hehehe.

The next day, some capable people in the Kingdom of Wind knew which business was the most profitable.

Do you still have to ask? It's the Desert Train!

The ninjas in Luosha are quite hidden.

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