Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1544 The Sword Points at the Kingdom of Wind

On the high tower of Yu Ninja Village, the Akatsuki organization held an internal formal meeting.

Except for the leader Yahiko who is on an envoy to the Kingdom of Wind and the honorary leader Xie, all the remaining honorary leaders have arrived.

Noah issued the highest-level order, so everyone did not dare to neglect. They took their uniforms and started to gather.

After gathering together, it was discovered that the Akatsuki organization had grown to a very terrifying level.

Sansho Hanzo, the veteran Akatsuki leader, was even more moved.

When such an organization comes together, the five major ninja villages will feel fear.

We’re not really going to start burning the world, are we?

Looking at the people present, it’s no wonder Sanshouyu Hanzo thought so.

No one knows how far the secret test paper skills of Minister Konan of the Ministry of Education have reached. I just heard that this guy especially likes making detonating charms.

Comrade Kakuzu of the Ministry of Finance is in charge of the economic lifeline of the entire organization. When it comes to the throughput of wealth, even the most insensitive person knows that it will be an astronomical figure.

As for his immortality, it has long been forgotten by the world, and the power of wealth is even more awe-inspiring.

Bai Zetsu, the head of the intelligence department, controls the intelligence department of the entire organization and is responsible for collecting intelligence and various resource information on the entire ninja world.

It is said that the research based on his special physique has made recent progress. Could this gathering be related to this?

The most mysterious Nagato, the successor of Immortal Eye. The two most powerful treasures that control the Akatsuki organization have always been well hidden by Noah.

There are also the Konoha Sannin in their prime.

The medical saint Tsunade, the top biologist Orochimaru, and the communicator of the Three Holy Lands platform Jiraiya.

They are all Kage-level experts who are well-known in the ninja world.

Oh, Jiraiya came in as a temporary observer because this meeting was important, otherwise he would not be qualified to attend the meeting as a trainee member.

The Three Holy Lands also sent representatives to attend the meeting.

The White Snake Immortal came to Longdi Cave in person, and the old woman's expression was very consistent with the temperament of the Villain Alliance.

It's no good if she doesn't come. Ever since her betrayal, the Three Immortals in the Holy Land have been trying to establish themselves, and they have to work hard to hug Noah's thigh.

Miaomu Mountain sent Fukasaku Immortal to attend the meeting, adhering to the principle of listening more and talking less, sitting there in his robe like an old monk entering meditation.

The representative of Shigulin is incredible.

There are two Kyuubi on the conference table. Each one was wearing a black red cloud robe and looked extremely arrogant.

After shrinking in appearance, they look like two cute mascots. Everyone knows that these two mascots have the power to destroy villages.

They are the Fourth Immortal and the Fifth Immortal of Shigu Forest. It seems that the Yin Yang Nine Tails have no idea about the merger.

Wouldn’t it be delicious to have double portions of delicacies and double portions of fox food?

Of course, having a double job is not very happy, even though the salary is double.

Kushina from the sealing class is also here. She loves to cause trouble after getting rid of the tube of the heretic demon. It can be said that she has completely recovered her true nature after dying once.

The finale is the new youth branch leader Kakashi Hatake, who was brought over by the Flying Thunder God, and is now the fifth generation Hokage of Konoha.

I'm sorry for being late. I just cleared out a few rebel ninjas who tried to assassinate Kage.

Promoting the Will of Fire is a little dangerous, hahahahaha.

Everyone understands that one of the jobs of being a film actor is to face assassinations at any time.

When this power was really brought together by Noah, everyone was also guessing what kind of big move would require gathering so many strong people.

Even if it starts a war with the entire ninja world, it is already capable of fighting.

None of the five great ninja villages could stop this group of masters from attacking Konoha Village.

All the honorary leaders sat down one after another with great momentum, and their aura was so powerful that it was a mess.

Itachi, who was the meeting secretary, froze again.

Why do these masters always release their aura randomly? They are not ninjas at all.

Very good, except for Yahiko and Xia, our leaders and honorary leaders are all here.

Noah's emotions fluctuated slightly when he saw everyone gathering, and finally the day came.

Everyone, the Kingdom of Rain is too small.

It only took more than five years to go from zero to one in such a difficult stage.

Despite the earth-shaking changes, are you really satisfied?

Uchiha Madara once said that this world is too small to accommodate the existence of him and Senju Hashirama at the same time. Our Akatsuki organization is no longer large enough for the Land of Rain.

This place can no longer sustain our productivity growth, both in terms of population and resources.

Then it's time to choose your next target.

Everyone looked at Kakashi, wondering if he was going to attack the Fire Country Daimyo this time.

Also, the leader of the strongest armed force in the Fire Country is one of our own, so it is not a problem to actually take action.

Although he looks brave, there really aren't many timid ones in the Akatsuki organization.

Jiraiya's palms trembled slightly and he wanted to stand up several times to stop this decision, but Orochimaru suppressed him with his eyes.

Konoha is located in the center of the world, and one move affects the whole body. Noah must not know this, so it cannot be Konoha.

We have encountered a very important opportunity at this moment. Whether we can seize it or not is related to the strategic layout of the ninja world in the next few years. That is - the Kingdom of Wind.

When Noah wrote the Kingdom of Wind on the blackboard, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Just because you are brave doesn't mean you like to mess around.

Itachi hung up the map. The Country of Rain had been painted red, and only the Leaf Village of the Country of Fire had been painted the appropriate color.

The Kingdom of Wind was directly painted red.

There was also such a map on the Resurrection Island back then. Starting from the South China Sea, it spread all the way and eventually covered the whole world.

This time when we set sail again, any obstacles in front of Noah will be crushed!

As we all know, the entire Ninja Continent has a special terrain and is isolated overseas. The remaining four major countries and many small countries are closely connected to this Ninja Continent.

The only countries that can satisfy our development and slightly block information exchange are the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Water.

It just so happens that the economic cooperation platform between Suna Ninja Village and Akatsuki Organization is under preparation, so let us congratulate Suna Ninja Village for bringing up the Land of Wind.

Everyone applauds, the Kingdom of Wind is a great place.

Sunagakure Village, the armed force used by the Kingdom of Wind to protect itself, is currently at its lowest ebb in history. Both the top masters, middle-level and bottom-level ninjas have experienced faults and aging.

Moreover, due to economic problems, the village's spiritual defense system collapsed earlier than the physical defense system.

The Sand Ninja Village that was taken advantage of has no chance to resist the subsequent series of transformation methods. It is hoped that Luo Sand can keep up with the pace and not fall behind.

Conservative power holders who do not accept transformation will be optimized.

The future of Sand Ninja Village has been seen through, and the same is true for the Country of Wind.

The largest country located in the west of the continent, most of the area is between the Gobi Desert.

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