Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1535: Getting rich first leads to getting rich later?

For the sake of Konoha, we should abandon the shortcomings of being too kind and weak in the past.


Kindness and weakness? Hokage’s secretary said that he was too kind and weak before

Despite some mental preparation, this opening is really hard for people to agree with.

There was a lot of blood shed in the village, so they didn't want to be like the blood mist.

In Shikaku's view, the current degree of reform is already very radical, almost comparable to many operations performed during Senju Tobirama's reign.

And even more bold. It has exceeded his vision as a ninja, and he can only speculate on some business predictions. After all, he is short of money.

According to what the Hokage wants, the village should form its own caravan and use the Country of Rain as a hub to conduct business and trade with the other four countries?

How can this be done? As the military organization of the Fire Country, Konoha is not allowed to conduct transactions in the name of the village, so it can only be a private business group.

With the Nara clan's prestige among ninjas, it shouldn't be a problem to form a caravan for commercial trade, right?

so good?

The profit income of this kind of business group will definitely make people crazy, especially if they are done by ninjas, they have both armed forces and good information channels, and they can make money no matter how they do business.

Just like the previous medicinal material business, capable ninjas also belong to the dragon level for ordinary business.'s a bit of a side story. Nara's medicine business is only for the ninja community.

And this time the business also includes ordinary people, and the daimyo would not want Konoha Village to do this.

For the sake of Konoha, I have to aggrieve the daimyo. I hope he can understand.

It seems that Hokage-sama is determined to support civilians to rise to power and completely realize the original Senju's will on the basis of Nidaime-sama. Even non-ninjas are included in the plan.

Every villager is equal. What a naive idea. The orthodoxy of the Will of Fire really lies in the Fifth Generation.

Shikamaru knew that only a lot of money could produce a suitable ninja.

In addition to the lack of education, civilian ninjas have difficulty in getting ahead because of their own lack of resources.

In terms of diet, ninjas will strengthen their physical fitness through some food preparations since childhood. After all, chakra is a combination of the spirit and the body. When the body becomes stronger, the spirit will not weaken, so that more chakra can be extracted.

There will also be drug reinforcement in the later stage, as well as various secret medicines for training.

For example, when practicing physical arts, there are special wound medicines to assist.

The wound ointment that Hinata tried to give away at the beginning was a low-key luxury. Just that small amount was enough for an ordinary family to eat and drink for a month.

And hard training is like Matt Day's situation.

Opening the Eight Gates only killed four Seven Swordsmen, but Kai still made up for his physical deficit through the village's relief during the peace period after the end of the Third War.

Becoming an emperor in one battle also requires solid physical fitness.

As for the ninja tools used for training, detonating talisman grain pills, etc., all aspects cost money.

In the era when there was no ninja school, civilian families were not qualified even if they wanted to become cannon fodder with a death rate of 99%.

Every ninja is a tool made out of money.

The profits brought by this kind of commercial trade can be said to be violent. In order to get these profits, we have to resist the pressure from the daimyo. So what should we get?

In particular, the Hokage's secret technique has always been used by the ninja clan to cut it off, and they have always upheld the idea that everyone in Konoha is equal.

Anyone else would have been ecstatic about the sudden offer of such a huge benefit, but Shikaku would always think twice more about it.

Don't think too much. The wisdom of the Nara clan can sometimes be a shackle.

Please tell me, Secretary.

I can point you to some projects and products with very high profit margins. As an example, I can lead people on this list to participate in investment.

Shikaku took it and saw that they were all supporters of the Hokage family, as well as many ninjas from civilian families.

Of course, there is also the issue of sharing, which as the Hokage's secretary will definitely account for a large share. This is the part of the quota that belongs to the Hokage.

After putting it away, he waited to hear the rest of the story. He had a feeling that the next step was the focus.

“Ahem, there are also some long-term and extremely profitable projects.

I want you to lead some of the backbone of the village to participate. These people are all people I trust very much after repeated inspections.

After receiving the list, the Hokage staff member broke into a cold sweat.

Is this a trade list? This is the book of life and death.

These are all families who made wrong choices when rebuilding the core area, and some are also those who secretly work together to fight against the rise of the common people.

There are also some die-hard conservatives and groups that are too close to the former elders.

Almost everyone is on the list.

I think it's okay to use your wisdom to get everyone to invest.

Can I trust you? Shikaku.

This is the second person after Naruto to ask him this.

There were no confidentiality measures on the road, so he asked like a commonplace question, but it made the smart man feel extremely frightened.

When the Hokage secretary asked this question, he had already lost the chance to refuse.

This is obviously to allow him to use the status and ability of the Nara family as a black and white glove.

When it comes to the survival of his family, he is somewhat indecisive, and his extraordinary wisdom is spinning crazily in his brain, trying to find a way out that has the best of both worlds.

In fact, there is no better choice, and Lord Hokage doesn't want to give up on them.

It's just that some people are destined to be eliminated by the times.

So don’t have any psychological burden. The Nara clan will always be the Nara clan, and some people will shine in another way.

Sir, what if the people on the second list are not willing to participate in Konoha's construction projects?

“The people on the first list got rich first, and the people on the second list thought they could get rich later. This is called an alternative version of getting rich first and getting rich later.”

There was a strange expression on Noah's face.

We even have to limit the qualifications of people on the second list. They can't participate without giving them enough benefits.

Knocking on the bones and sucking out the marrow, someone is using cruel methods to peel off Konoha's stubborn diseases.

Shikaku took a breath, suddenly feeling a little sympathetic to the ninjas living under the rule of Lord Nidaime.

No wonder some families in that period of history became lonely for no apparent reason. This is a monster that combines great wisdom and strength.

Even though they were walking under the long-lost sunshine in the Land of Rain, the smart people of the Nara family felt a chill to their bones.

No choice

So he took the two lists into his arms.

Please rest assured, sir, the Nara clan is the Nara clan of Konoha, and everything is for Konoha.

From this moment on, his position was completely sealed.

The new Hokage is much stronger than the old Hokage, and he has no scruples after gaining power.

The point is that what he is doing seems to be for the good of the village, so he should devote himself wholeheartedly to the wave of reform.

As for those who are still chattering behind their backs, their end has come.

The strong men who caused bloodshed in front of the Hokage Tower didn't care what the ninja thought, and would even take advantage of those people's desires to rob the accumulated wealth.

This is an invisible war.

After finishing the conversation with the smart man, the Hokage secretary went to change his clothes. He had to attend the second investment meeting today.

The Akatsuki organization is going to send warmth to the Kingdom of Wind.

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