In addition to the locals from the Country of Rain, some businessmen from other countries have already arrived on the streets of the new town.

It was the first time that they came into contact with so many novel products. They were like sharks that smelled blood and were constantly shuttling in the market.

Although the number of people was not large, the popularity quickly grew.

The Five Shadows Conference is not a very secretive conference.

In other words, under the control of the Akatsuki organization, the so-called Five Shadows Conference has long been known to many businessmen with some ability.

Moreover, they secretly guided many caravans to spread information to attract traffic.

New business opportunities in the Land of Rain. A safe place where the Five Shadows can gather with confidence.

The commercial center under the protection of Sanshouyu Hanzo, the city of science and technology and culture.

Join hands with the Land of Rain and create a new future. The Hokage agreed after seeing it.

These special style copywritings are also circulating secretly. The most outrageous thing is that the starting point of the rumors is the money exchange.

It is said that the legendary undead mercenaries have reappeared in the black market, and there are many menacing-looking people who are also whispering about the commercial gold mines in the Kingdom of Rain.

The wind in the underground world travels the fastest.

Previously, the Kingdom of Rain was under blockade by underground forces, and much of the information was too mysterious.

Businessmen would rather take a few detours than take high risks. The image of Yu Ren is not that kind.

Some good person wears a respirator every day, and his face is filled with a numb look of death.

Now it seems that it is preparing to loosen the country's controls and borders, and even welcome outsiders.

So following in the footsteps of the Five Shadows and coming to the Land of Rain has become the choice of many special people.

First of all, safety can be greatly guaranteed, and there should be no turmoil in the place where many powerful people gather.

Of course, this was slapped in the face. The blow that shattered the clouds that day almost made them pee.

Although the reason announced later was that the Fifth Hokage was declaring his power, it was still very scary.

Fifth generation Hokage. Is he so strong?

At the same time, a lot of gossip about the Five Shadows Conference was circulated to alleviate the panic.

Noah is already very familiar with the diversion operation. He has several rumors plans and directions ready to be launched at any time.

The second is that businessmen and speculators are also very curious. Places like the Country of Rain, which were the site of three battles during the war, are very important transportation thoroughfares in peacetime.

Moreover, in addition to the three countries of wind, fire, and earth, there are many small countries further to the northwest that can extend through the Kingdom of Rain. This is how Kakashi went to the Country of Snow to perform his mission.

In addition to ninjas, transnational caravans can also save a lot of time by traveling from the Country of Rain.

It can be said that the location is unique, and it is precisely because of this that it was brutally punished before.

Now this official establishment of the country has allowed some bold businessmen and some energetic speculators to come here.

The wide and clean wild roads moved the merchants.

I originally thought that dirt roads were the standard in the wilds of the ninja world, and mud roads in weather conditions like the Land of Rain were even more normal.

Unexpectedly, this country actually used a special building material to pile up the road surface, and the rainwater was drained away.

In this way, the efficiency of Hongshang's fleet here will rise rapidly. Just the first impression is very good.

This kind of road, combined with this kind of location, seems to have some shadow of a central hub.

The idea of ​​building a road first if you want to get rich is equally valid in the ninja world.

Going deeper, you will be attracted by the efficient means of transportation such as trains.

Its potential value in business is undoubtedly strong, but they also understand that this is something that can only be handled by people in Daming City. The biggest problem for merchants is not financial resources.

Unless it's like Kaido in the Land of Waves, who almost monopolizes a country's consortium.

Of course, as a big businessman in the shipbuilding industry, he would only hate this kind of transportation.

Moreover, it makes no sense to build many small countries. Only cross-border railway projects that link continents together are worthy of people's madness.

Therefore, it was expected that the train would be cold in the early stages, and it was just a moment of surprise.

They arrived at a new world only after arriving in a new town.

The items produced by the light industry are so exquisite that they cannot even imitate them.

Even though it’s beautiful, the price is extremely low.

Even though it is cheap, the supply quantity is also extremely terrifying.

He even understands people's hearts very well. The same thing is divided into civilian version and aristocratic version, and the prices are naturally very different.

A pure dimensionality reduction attack, giving these things to the nobles will definitely make a lot of money, and dumping them on ordinary people will be an irresistible temptation.

Now it's like putting a golden mountain in front of you.

In addition to light industry, heavy industry machinery also attracted the attention of many businessmen and speculators.

Agriculture is not bad, including water conservancy, not many people pay attention to it.

It is this large-scale mining machinery that is extremely attractive to the nobles and rich people who own mines.

The simple and crude beauty of metal completely conquered them. Compared with ordinary humans, body machines that are weak are hard-core tools.

Although ordinary people in the ninja world are very cheap, the inventions of the era have completely surpassed the former in terms of efficiency.

You only need to train qualified operators to make money. This kind of beautiful thing could only be dreamed of in the past.

The impact of light industry and heavy industry makes these groups with strong desires feel like primitive people have arrived in the new world.

Fortunately, the new world also uses the currency of the Ninja Continent, so they can wave their banknotes and start making crazy purchases.

It would be easy to transport so much cargo back and turn it over countless times.

Stud, must stud.

As a result, the commercial properties of the new town are rapidly filling up, and even though it is raining, it makes people feel hot.

These people also know that the information gap will not be retained for long, and more and more people will come.

Those who can come here to expand business territory at this time are not ordinary people.

Either he is a representative of the Ninja Village, or he is a wild businessman but is powerful and has a gambler's mentality.

The latter only needs to make a lot of money in the first round and then let the water flow slowly, and the predators behind will always be slow for a while.

In short, the goods accumulated before are being swept away in an amount visible to the naked eye.

As for how to transport it back, you have to leave it to the ninjas. As long as the money is available, they will take on any business.

In order to allow everyone to shop with confidence, Noah has also launched a storage service and a ninja escort service that fills and takes orders on-site.

The ninjas of Rain Ninja Village have been engaged in construction work for too long, and it is time to get busy with the tasks that ninjas should do.

In a certain office in the Daming City of the Land of Rain, Kakuzu looked at the data every day and was laughing so hard.

What an immortal mercenary, what a money chaser.

Low is so low.

To make money, you need to hang out with the right people, study honestly, and complete various tasks honestly.

Money will fly by itself, and nothing can stop it.

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