Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1529 Masked Man, Height

Unlei Gorge, after Kakashi was rescued, he met the person just now.

I failed miserably in a pure ninjutsu duel, as the enemy was proficient in lightning escape and taijutsu.

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking. With his self-esteem, being able to speak to this extent already showed great sincerity.

Another unsolved mystery was solved. The Fourth Raikage did not make any move after defeating the Bloody Thunder.

After returning to the village urgently, news came out that he was seriously injured. It turned out that he was beaten by a secret enemy and was hospitalized.

So why does this person or this organization act so unscrupulously secretly in the ninja world?

After everyone gathered all the information, they could only determine that there were probably three people on the other side who had been exposed.

The strongest one is the one who came today, who once registered himself as Sephiroth Soyousuke.

But it's probably a pseudonym, and his character likes to fight with strong people.

Swordsmanship, ninjutsu, and thunder escape have all reached the pinnacle of the ninja world.

I have fought against three shadows so far and won them all.

Without the use of forbidden techniques with powerful consequences and the siege of ninja villages, his personal strength is almost close to the level of the god of the ninja world.

The reason why it is said to be close is because the other party immediately withdrew after seeing the arrival of the envoy troops and the tendency of the five shadows to join forces.

If it were Senju Hashirama, he would probably drive the giant Buddha and beat everyone up.

If Madara Uchiha would beat everyone present to death, he would be stopped by Senju Hashirama.

Next is Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Each of the three previous generations of Hokage has accumulated a thick pile of information. The most difficult thing about this person is not just his strength.

But wisdom and means, as well as a lot of intelligence.

As a former Hokage, he knew a lot about the strong men, resources and secrets of the other four villages. Losing the binding of Konoha actually liberated the bottom line.

It’s not easy to do.

The most mysterious thing is the strong man of time and space. That person has appeared in the Kingdom of Water and Konoha.

Mysterious means that the true identity is unknown, and the information on abilities is incomplete.

There is no more information. We only know that the enemy is 170cm tall, weighs 60.5KG, and wears an orange-red single-eyed mask with black stripes and a black robe.

Good at space movement and blur.

Obito's image is still very clear.

Suddenly, in this era, such a secret organization appeared, which really caused a headache for the shadows who have been at the top of the world for a long time.

If the battle between chariots and horses was really clear, who would they be afraid of?

After a while of distress, everyone decided to formally establish the Five Shadow Conference Alliance.

It was decided to hold a meeting every three years. Of course, the most important thing is the exchange of intelligence and the investigation of this secret organization.

It's not that we want to start a war, we just want to collect intelligence first.

For example, Onoki was thinking about secretly contacting this month's organization to assassinate important figures in other ninja villages to obtain the resources he wanted.

Although he was almost defeated directly by Dui Bo's power, it also made him recognize the opponent's strength.

No matter what kind of organization it is, it needs funds and needs to accomplish certain goals, so are there any opportunities for cooperation?

Raikage gritted his teeth and thought that after finding the information, he must kill the opponent to wash away the shame. At the same time, he also found a goal for himself to practice harder.

Sooner or later, that bastard will have to draw the sword from his back to prove his strength.

Feng Ying didn't think so much. He had suffered a huge loss by attending the Five Shadows Conference this time.

In a battle between the five shadows, he was the only one injured and bleeding after the accident. This scene was a bit too ugly.

Therefore, he was more concerned about business and trade dealings with the village. If he was embarrassed, then it would be more beneficial.

We can't always rely on mining to support the village. There are so many mouths to feed.

The Mizukage and the Hokage looked at each other and both of them understood.

The Akatsuki Organization and the Yue Organization were put on the table at the same time, one was harmless to humans and animals, and the other was sinister and vicious.

In fact, the form, style and capabilities of the two organizations are completely opposite. The organization that secretly guides the changes in the ninja world is the real terror. Unfortunately, everything is designed too perfectly.

That idiot Obito still doesn't know that he has been scapegoated again.

Even Black Zetsu have to swallow this bitter pill with tears in order to realize their ambitions. This is the general trend.

The first day of the Five Shadows Conference ended in this chaotic situation.

Jikage began to arrange tasks for his own Ninja Village, and what happened during the meeting was under the highest degree of silence order.

For example, the existence of the Yue Organization and the truth about various secret incidents, a high-profile search will only bring shame to the five major countries.

At some point, the Hokage's secretary also came back with Itachi. Hearing that the Five Shadows were attacked, he was also frightened and angry.

Chief Fugaku, what happened today is really dangerous. Fortunately, you are here.

Hey, it doesn't matter whether you have me or not today. This world is too dangerous.

Fugaku felt very melancholy. Didn't it be recorded in the family history that after awakening these eyes, one could stand at the top of the ninja world?

Why is it that people in the village have been hit hard, and it is even worse outside the village?

The energy pillar that shattered the sky in the distance was so powerful that even Susanoo himself might not be able to stop it.

What the ancestors said is also unbelievable.

Uchiha's pride-1.

Secretary, since you are not here today, I will tell you the truth.

Itachi listened expressionlessly. The old father didn't know that he had a VIP ticket.

Although the experience is not as exciting as the front row tickets, with the explanations of many top commentators, I understand the grasp and essence of the battle much better than my father.

Only the combination of magic and chakra can achieve that level, and I will be exposed to this power in the future.

Also, Teacher Noah is really too powerful.

The power to tear the sky apart is aspirational.

At the same time, the teacher's acting skills are also very strong, and the look on his face at this time is so immersive.

Could it be that after becoming a strong man, you can even manipulate the worldly affairs at will?

The organization is too rampant this month, but I believe that evil will prevail over good. As long as we in Konoha unite as one, we can overcome this small hill. Don't forget the power of the will of the new fire.

Just as the Hokage's secretary was encouraging everyone, a harsh voice sounded from the side.

Haha, people in Konoha are really arrogant.

At this time, a little yellow-haired man came over with a mocking look on his face.

That guy is not even a match for the old man. There should be no one in Konoha who can do this. Return the Will of Fire? It's not like there are no Will of Stone in our village. They are all just to deceive children.

The unruly Deidara was greatly stimulated today, and the artistic germs all over his body were rioting.

Such a gorgeous battlefield, the golden sand rain, the cold moonlight, the translucent dust escape, the black light coated with a layer of glass, and the final explosion above the clouds is simply the highest masterpiece of art.

The flash of light and heat, as well as the deafening sound of explosions are so fascinating.

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