Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1525 Feng Ying is sure of victory

The Tsuchikage and Kazekage were a little confused at the moment.

If someone breaks into the Five Shadows Conference and causes trouble, all parties are well prepared, and they must be careful in matters related to ninjas.

Especially the dialogue between shadows.

Historically, many shadows were killed because of this kind of thing. When fast ninjas like the Second Hokage fell, the powerful men present were mentally prepared.

Including the guards, they were also ready to fight fiercely and cover the retreat of the shadows at any time.

It is acceptable for the enemy to sneak in from the underground. There are teams of five shadows guarding all sides. This conference hall also has the blessing of sealing technology and this funnel should not appear.

But underground infiltration, although all kinds of incredible, is the only way besides time and space.

But the enemy was still stronger than they expected.

The majesty of a peerless strong man overwhelmed the entire audience, and the feeling as if a blade was on his neck was even more chilling.

Of course, what was even more unexpected was that there were actually three figures in the audience who knew the person in front of them.

This made the Tsuchikage feel bad.

Intelligence accounts for a large proportion of a ninja's combat power. Even the shadow of a village needs to test and pay a price when facing the unknown.

For example, a trick like Hidan's Shinji Pinghei would usually kill a Kage-level person on the spot if he was not prepared. It is not uncommon for the ninja world to have similar tricks for so many years.

So he signaled Loess to take Deidara to retreat, at least to open a passage.

A space where dust escape can be released.

Although there are many gods and ghosts in the ninja world, there are currently only two who can catch the dust release.

The old fox loves stud in his heart, and the ninjutsu of erasing everything and the Tsuchikage complement each other perfectly.

Feng Ying was different. The series of encounters he had experienced in the past few days had made him a little out of sorts.

Maybe it's ambition, maybe he wants to prove something.

Luo Sha took action despite the subtle obstruction of Chiyo and Ebizo. He wanted to use a human head to prove his status.

In fact, he would have been the first one to rush forward if it wasn't for Raikage's inconvenient reasons.

After all, deep down in his heart, there is fear and uncertainty hidden under the hatred that the last battle was not a massacre.

No matter how reckless you are, you must be cautious when facing an extremely powerful enemy.

It just so happens that Feng Ying is very angry today, so let this guy test it out.

At this moment, Luo Sha's desire to kill, which he had suppressed for a long time, was no longer under control, and the fire and anger in his heart turned into a wild sandstorm and swept away.

The sand gold that had been secretly extracted in order to remove the Hokage's head was already covered in every corner of the venue.

Now affected by the magnetic escape technique, he instantly flew into the air and gathered behind the Fourth Kazekage.

The AoE Ninjutsu in this extraordinarily huge conference hall built for unknown reasons received an extra bonus, and a small sand dune was formed in a matter of seconds.

No matter who you are, you shouldn't be here!

Magnetic Escape·Alluvial Gold Realm Method!

The improved version of the Sand Iron Boundary Technique of the Third Kazekage is a unique technique created by combining the methods of controlling sand by the One-Tailed Jinchuuriki of the past generations, plus the unique magnetic chakra of the Third Kazekage itself.

Placer Gold is a purely physical version redeveloped by the Fourth Kazekage. Because it is non-toxic and has the ability to turn into gas, it is not yet qualified to boast the title of the strongest Kazekage.

The golden sand fell like raindrops on the figure who was still smiling at this time.

At the same time, he held a golden spear in his right hand and dived into the sand rain, preparing to kill with one strike.

Since you take action, you will show no mercy!

The Fourth Kazekage had already taken the lead, so the others could only skim aside.

Just like when the original Five Shadow Council Raikage took action, this was to respect the will of a strong man.

There were all respectable masters present, and it would be a loss of dignity for everyone to attack in groups.

At the same time, it is also out of caution, what to do if the enemy has a unique skill.

The Fourth Raikage in the original timeline underestimated the power of Black Fire Amaterasu and chose close combat, which resulted in cutting off a hand. Otherwise, the Second Pillar at that stage would have been even worse.

Facing the enemy's attack method, Noah also decided his own fighting method.

Golden raindrops? They're not as pretty as pink petals.

A knife appeared in his hand. As long as he swung it fast enough, he could break the move without any difficulty.

Having said that, the cold moonlight in the venue scattered around the world, and not a drop of golden rain among the silver edges could cross this layer of light.

The harsh sound of metal collision disappeared directly within the hearing range of the human ear due to the high frequency. Only the silver moonlight, golden rain, and endless sparks could be seen.

The golden sand grains that were repulsed by the light curtain caused the guards of the Five Shadows to resist for a while, and foreign objects such as tables and chairs were shot through and were riddled with holes.

Terumi Mei, Deidara and other new generations also saw the world of strong men for the first time. The numbing strength in their hands made them know that they needed certain qualifications to even watch the battle.

The powerful impact made people aware of the terror of Feng Ying and the strength of the mysterious man that surpassed it.

After all, the other party just took out a fruit-peeling knife.

The ability to calmly receive the special move with this kind of weapon shows the profundity of swordsmanship and the deep arrogance.

Luo Sha is a victim of arrogance.

Finally the golden storm receded.

He was holding the sand gold spear and could even imagine the look in the eyes of the four figures behind him and the guards.

Anyone who is humiliated by the enemy with such a weapon will go crazy. He is not an unknown person from the East China Sea.

Next, he performed the most ferocious Ninja Taijutsu performance in his history. The sand gold in his hands was ever-changing, and he could switch between swords, guns, swords and halberds at any time, which made people's blood boil.

Luo Sha, who has experienced two Ninja Wars and even played a high-end game in the third Ninja War, has accumulated countless combat experience.

In order to restore dignity, naturally you can use as much as you can.

The wind shadow's physical skills are not weak.

Kakashi expressed his appreciation for Rasa's taijutsu, saying that even if he has weaknesses at the level of Kage, he will slowly strengthen them.

Although it was not that good compared to the devil opposite, the teacher was probably thinking about how to act more naturally.

I really don’t know what to think about melee combat.

The movement of sand on the ground couldn't fool the man.

A dark-skinned man didn't know when he came to Kakashi's side.

But the enemy is stronger, as strong as before.

Ai stared at the man with a solemn expression. Wouldn't it be more terrifying if a knife could block the ever-changing sand gold?

Both his eyesight and skills have reached a level beyond his imagination.

That's right, in terms of strength, the enemy only used the same level as Kazekage, and now he only relied on his sword skills to suppress Luo Sha, who seemed to be extremely brave.

The enemy's swordsmanship is indeed like that of the legendary sword master of the Iron Kingdom, but the moment he took out the metal weapon, his flaws were destined to be exposed.

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