Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1523 The division of ninja and daimyo systems


Didn’t our five major ninja villages have a peace covenant fifty years ago?

It was appointed by the God of the Ninja World himself, right?

As for the real peace, or as the new peace alliance Hokage-sama puts it lightly, if it is really peaceful, how about exempting us from the unequal agreement we signed before in exchange for peace?

The beginning of the Five Shadows Conference was very boring.

First, Sanshouyu Hanzo said a few words briefly. The intention that the Hokage wanted to express was to establish a peaceful alliance composed of the five major countries. Everyone promised not to invade each other and other beautiful-sounding terms.

Yahiko then added the politically correct idea that war can be eliminated by understanding each other.

Then Hokage Hatake Kakashi stood up and promoted his new Will of Fire.

He said that as long as the five major ninja villages can establish an effective communication platform and unite, they can eliminate the emergence and existence of war.

After finishing the lecture, it can be felt that Kakashi did not inherit the essence of the teacher in his speech, and was very dry.

He's still better at talking with a knife.

And these remarks also made the other four shadows feel ridiculous, and they actually organized the Five Shadows Conference because of such nonsense.

So Feng Ying, who had lost face before, took the lead in starting a group and ridiculing them wildly.

He also expressed his willingness to cancel all war reparations and he would be willing to participate in the grand event. The more peace there is, the more peace there will be.

Raikage folded his arms and remained silent.

Not long ago, Kakashi just killed a lot of people on the Thunder Kingdom front. He also single-handedly captured the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki and seriously injured him. He even imposed various seals that have not been released yet.

He couldn't accept the current approach of saying peace was peace, and the soldiers who died on the front line of Kumo Ninja would not agree. Some hatred had already entered into his bones.

The Fourth Mizukage was expressionless, although Black Zetsu wanted to see this scene the most, and urged him to help Kakashi establish this five-kage superficial peace framework.

But he also wanted to see what the new Hokage's methods were. If he only relied on his current performance, it would not be a good thing for Konoha.


The Tsuchikage thought of the legendary god of the ninja world.

I was so naive at first, but the words were very similar but in the wrong order.

The first Hokage first conquered the other four countries and then used innocent methods to buy peace.

Kakashi wants to directly awaken peace in an innocent way, but it won't work without the first step.

Ohnoki believes in the existence of peace, because he has witnessed the living methods of all strong people who rely on him.

Although it didn't last long, the fear was engraved in everyone's hearts.

The huge wooden holy elephant and the all-powerful chakra giant wiped out everything. If they had been completely conquered by that man, then peace might really have come.


Naive people cannot bring peace.

So the old fox stood back and watched Feng Ying charge into the battle alone.

Could this guy have been stimulated by something?

The four shadows' cold treatment almost threw the rejection right on the Hokage's face.

Everything is expected.

It is of course a fantasy to establish this alliance without any benefits or threats.

Only if you make yourself the leader of the Peace Alliance can you consider it.

The difficulty of five people competing for a position is almost the same as starting a war.

Several leaders of the Akatsuki organization in the surveillance room also felt that this step was meaningless.

“It’s not about throwing bricks and mortar to attract good friends, it’s just about stating the main idea and ultimate goal first.

Let everyone know what the Fifth Hokage of Konoha is going to do.

Itachi was a little confused. Due to the special nature of ninjas, they never do anything without value.

“Remember, do good and do the right thing and make it known to everyone who can.

This way you can gather like-minded people and embed yourself into a situation from which there is no turning back.

Even if you are slightly shaken in your heart, you will be pulled back by the established path.

Human nature is very complex.

Noah admitted that what he said when he first faced Aokiji was too bold, but it was the courage of his life-or-death enlistment that sustained him for decades of struggle.

Then his face turned cold. Words and benefits alone couldn't move these people, so it was time to threaten them.

Xiao Bai, have all the spores been resolved?

It's all solved.

Then let's go prepare. If Brother Obito can't come, we will do it for him. How can there be no spoilers in the Five Shadows Conference?

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie

As one person and one person left, the atmosphere in the control room suddenly became high. Noah was about to cause trouble.

Itachi. These people are really weird.

In the surveillance footage, Naruto came up with a second idea after not getting the support he wanted.

The Five Shadows Conference is held every year.

Getting together once a year? I don't see any point in this matter.

“The meaning is that the communication between shadows allows us to reduce friction and resolve disputes at our level before the problem escalates.

In this way, the arrival of war can be avoided, or at least the arrival of war can be delayed.

There will also be a standardization in the business dealings between the five major ninja villages and the passage of transnational missions.

Although this idea is still naive, it has some execution strength.

Frictions between the five major countries occur every year. There are real frictions and there are also some hidden forces posing blame and causing trouble.

The matter of betrayal and ninja is also a big concern for each of them. Sometimes there are some taboos after escaping to neighboring countries. It would be much easier if they could communicate.

As for the normal tasks between countries and the business transactions between the villages, it is also an attraction for several actors.

There aren't many money-making businesses behind this company, so it would be a bit of a head start if there was such a convenient platform for communication.

It's not like giving up hatred anyway, it's just worth it to simply formulate rules for the next year and resolve some disputes.

Of course, it is enough to send out your capable men for this kind of meeting, but Shadow needs to go there every year.

The four shadows began to ponder the gains and losses involved.

Although Rasa hated the Hokage and the Leaf Village very much, this kind of trade permission and mission execution pass was very attractive to the village.

If you are forced by life, you can let go of your dignity a little bit.

But what the Tsuchikage thought was that with the size and commercial prosperity of Konoha Village, he might be able to take advantage of this matter, so should he agree?

Rather than developing together, let's rot together.

Iwagakure Village can still train ninjas without this platform, and daily tasks rarely enter the Kingdom of Fire.

Raikage held a firm objection, Kumogakure was self-sufficient and did not need external channels.

And because of his toughness, he was able to come today just to pay for the contract, and he didn't want to take care of the rest of the things.

As for caravans and missions, he didn't care.

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