Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1521 Next, Sand Ninja Village!

Next, the Hokage secretary arranged positions outside for the team members who did not go in, and disappeared from sight with Itachi.


Let's go, let's go to the VIP location and have a good look.

There is a special room slightly away from the Five Shadows Conference Hall, filled with large screens and seals that isolate the atmosphere.

As soon as he opened the door, Weasel's body was a little stiff, strong. A lot of strong.

Even though he didn't turn around, the terrifying aura made him feel intensely uneasy, as if he had strayed into some forbidden place of demons.

At the same time, it was also the first time for the boy to see the high-end combat forces of the Akatsuki organization gathered together. It was hard to believe that Yi Shui's black-bottomed red cloud robe said it was a gathering of good people.

At this time a robe was thrown over.

Hurry up and put it on. Our painting style must be the same.

The young Itachi felt that he could not go back.

But even if you blend in, it shouldn't be a problem. This place is almost the same as Konoha Village.

Looking around are Lord Orochimaru, Lord Tsunade, Lord Jiraiya and other famous ninjas in Konoha.

It turns out that the scene where the three ninjas gather can be completed in addition to Konoha Village and the Country of Rain. In fact, this is the Konoha branch established by the Hokage's secretary, right?

Noah would laugh if he could hear the boy's thoughts.

Young man, Konoha is the branch.

This gathering is because everyone is quite curious about the first Five Kage Conference after Senju Hashirama, and whether it will be the beginning of another legend.

There is always a feeling of witnessing history, and the Akatsuki organization's plan to invade the Ninja Continent is also in progress.

Tsunade glanced at the Uchiha brat and felt that Noah's bad taste really needed to be punished. He always liked to train the pink-eyed people.

You are really boring. You have to dress uniformly for a Five Shadows Convention. Is this team building?

Yes, uniform uniforms can condense everyone's atmosphere, just like Konoha's ugly green vests.

This statement cannot be refuted, whether it is to build morale or the fact that Konoha's vest is super ugly.

Orochimaru, Scorpion, and Kabuto were frantically adjusting parameters under the screen.

Strong people are very sensitive to sight, and surveillance probes cannot hide their perception.

We had no choice but to iterate new monitoring measures. After debugging, the equipment that combines sealing techniques and electronic components can be deceived by ordinary strong people without special blood inheritance.

This is called taking the unique technological path of the ninja world.

The explanation on the technology side was vague to Itachi, and he could only lament that the Akatsuki organization had so many methods.

Okay, debugging is complete. Let's take a look at the situation in the conference hall.

conference hall.

The Kazekage and the Hokage sat motionless in the conference room, as if they were competing for concentration.

Yahiko was trying to lighten the atmosphere, talking nonsense about what everyone should do if they wanted peace.

Fully implementing the original intention of establishing the Akatsuki organization, Jiraiya was almost in tears across the screen.

But this kid Yahiko can easily make people in the Kingdom of Wind angry with his words.

For example, Konoha and the Sand Ninja Village are allies in themselves, and they have a close brotherly relationship. For the sake of peace, they should ignore their past grudges.

Barabara didn't know who made up these words. Anyway, the people in Konoha listened with expressionless faces, and the people in Suna Ninja Village became more and more disgusted.

When will the brotherhood have to pay a large amount of war reparations every year? It’s not like there are no dead people in our village.

Although I won't be angry, I feel uncomfortable.

But under Ebizo's hint, Luo Sha still spoke.

After all, I probably won't be able to find an opportunity to talk to Naruto alone in the future.

Hokage-sama. I haven't congratulated you yet.

Our Sand Ninja Village also responded to the Hokage's call very seriously to build peace together.

Kakashi nodded very grimly.

That condescending look made Luo Sha feel particularly awkward.

It's not like you, who led Konoha to defeat the Sand Ninja Village, are just pretending to be stupid.

But there is a difference between the strong and the weak, so I can only continue to talk bravely. Sand Ninja Village would be much better off if it could reduce the war reparations by 10% or 20%.

The daimyo of the Land of Wind have cut a lot of funding after the war. If Konoha Village doesn't relax, they will even have to consider maintaining the scale of the new generation of ninjas.

Unless there is another war.

Luo Sha, who was feeling angry, spoke in an increasingly harsh tone, and Ebizo sighed.

It's a bit inappropriate for young people to say this, so let's let the old people show off their face.

First of all, I would like to congratulate the Fifth Hokage for bringing order out of chaos and successfully leading Konoha to peace.

The alliance between Suna Ninja and Konoha has also been strengthened.

It's just that there were some frictions between our Suna Ninja Village and Sarutobi Hiruzen during their rule, which led to misunderstandings and disputes.

Can we look forward together now?

We will also fully support the Fifth Hokage in formulating peace rules in the future.

Ebizo still spoke well, but did the young man opposite him not understand?

It should.

These three concise and concise words made the old man Ebizo unable to calm down. Why is this Hokage so arrogant?

Even if you are wary of Suna Ninja Village, can you be polite when you speak.

Among the three people in the Kingdom of Wind, Luo Sha no longer wanted to talk to each other, and Ebizo was also criticized. As for Chiyo, there was no need to think about it.

The murderous look in the old woman's eyes almost poked countless holes in the opposite side.

Before becoming famous, the Fifth Hokage also had an identity called the Son of the White Fang.

He is also the descendant of the demon who invaded the village and left no trace behind. Her son and daughter-in-law died in that battle, and it was absolutely impossible for her to speak softly to the son of White Fang now.

When the atmosphere was bad, Yahiko, the troublemaker, suddenly realized something.

Ah, yes, yes, we need to leave time for Hokage-sama and Kazekage-sama to have a private conversation. Let's go out first.

So the representatives and service staff of the Xiao organization left the huge conference hall, leaving only two parties.

Maybe it was because Luo Sha and other representatives from the Kingdom of Wind regained their dignity a little after seeing that everyone was gone, so they wanted to talk things out before the other three shadows arrived.

Lord Hokage, when Hiruzen Sarutobi took over as Hokage, he signed a very unreasonable peace agreement with our Sand Ninja Village.

We admit that we have caused harm to Konoha, but do you think we can reduce part of the compensation amount now?

Or this part can be converted into other payment methods.


It was still a short answer, causing the blood pressure of the three people opposite him to rise immediately.

According to international practice, even if we say a few more words and hit a soft nail, we will suddenly be unable to step down.

Fugaku was also surprised. Isn't the Hokage's method very clever? Why are you so rude to the Sand Ninja Village?

Then he thought about it and thought that it wasn't him, Uchiha Fugaku, but the few people facing him in front of these eyes were really not enough for him and Lord Hokage to fight.

As for the remote place in a corner of Sand Ninja Village, Uchiha naturally looked down upon it due to his arrogance.

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