The three layers of superimposed mechanical light shields of the nine people were able to block the metal storm. She was not sure of tearing off a few bodies. This was a sunk cost.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of a heavy object falling that he came out of his trance.

Increasingly, the barrel of the MMP-80 machine gun has reached its limit first, and the limit of metal is not so easy to surpass.

And the power is barely adequate. It takes advantage of a piece of information to be able to finish this round of bullets comfortably.

Generally speaking, there are very few frontal ninjas at this stage, and puppet masters are units that fight with tactics and mechanisms.

Chiyo was still disturbed.

Otherwise, ninjas have a lot of experience facing large war weapons, and many of them are derived from tailed beasts.

Besides, even so, he didn't break through the opponent's defense. He was worthy of being the underdog of the Sand Ninja Village.

So Scorpion simply unmounted the machine gun from the main shaft. It was assumed that there would be a backup system to directly replace the weapon at this time, but it was a test machine.

So he drove Zaku to pick up the thermal ax stuck on the side and launched a charge with great strides. Every step he took made the earth tremble.

The power of tonnage is vividly reflected.

When Chiyo saw that the opponent's weird weapon had lost its effect, he also walked out with a fierce look on his face.

It's okay now. The Nine People are also going to undergo major maintenance. You deserve to die!

She has finally returned to the qualities of a ninja, and plans to use all methods to defeat the opponent.

For example, why does it take so much effort to do something that can be done with Earth Escape and Huangquannuma?

Now Zaku, who can't fly, is just a piece of scrap metal when it comes to Earth Escape.

Although he is not good at it, at this age, even if he is not good at it, he can still perform it reluctantly. People become better with age.

But Chiyo, who was forming the seal, saw Zaku running slower and slower, until the red light in his one eye disappeared.

Giant, stop.

Crunch, crunch.!

The mysterious man opened the cockpit door and said calmly.

I'm sorry, how do you say that there is no energy? After all, this is Zaku, not Unit 1.


He took out two scrolls, and he still had a few puppets he had made before to cope with it.

The Scorpion, which had been drained of a large amount of chakra by Zaku, was almost at its limit. Without the use of poison, Chiyo's strength was still no match for him.

The reason why he fights so unrestrainedly is not only the joy of experimenting with the body, but also self-confidence. He is confident that no one in the Rain Country can hurt him.

Just Chiyo looked at the puppet scroll in the opponent's hand.

The nine people were recovered and two new puppets were taken out.

A man and a woman, they don't look like combat puppets, but the lethality is too much for someone to resist.

Scorpion's eyes looked as if he had been stung by a needle.

This is a puppet made in childhood based on the appearance of her parents, and the old woman actually carries it with her?

It's really despicable.

The artist was a little panicked at the moment. Scorpion, who had not yet grown up to the original timeline, really didn't know how to proceed when faced with this method, and even looked forward to Noah coming out to clean up the mess.

It's just that the old woman's methods are not just vicious, but she leads her father and mother to bend down on the battlefield to pick up the flying puppet fragments.

It adds a bit of sadness and desolation.

I once had a grandson who was very smart since he was a child. He could learn puppetry and detoxify with poison. At that time, I...

Then he disappeared.

My biggest wish is

The chattering words are much more powerful than the ten Chikamatsu people.

Artists who are still wandering around the ninja world in pursuit of eternal art may dismiss it. Scorpio was the craziest period in that period.

But after being absorbed by Noah, Scorpio was different.

A new mecha world is opened, the dream of the stars and the sea is activated, and the so-called eternity is just the pursuit of will.

The weight and perception of family affection returned to my heart, so I was persuaded by Noah reluctantly.

Ahem, I can't stand it anymore whether you want to help the elderly or not.

A figure appeared on the battlefield, and Noah, who had been watching in the distance for a long time, ran out holding Nine Tails.

After hearing this, Scorpio knew a little bit what he was going to do, and he would instinctively follow the advice of some bastard.

Generally speaking, if this guy treats him as one of his own, he will definitely not suffer any loss, so he walked over calmly.

Yang Jiuwei narrowed his eyes and used Wind Release to blow away Xie's disguise, revealing his true appearance.

I really like the series about human emotions, and the live version has a strong resonance.

Noah gave Kyuubi a thumbs up. Are all foxes so understanding of human nature?

It's time for the Akatsuki organization to give the old man a surprise, otherwise he would be angry if so much money was lost for no reason.

Not far away, Chiyo's body trembled, but he continued to collect fragments on the ground without saying anything.

Xie squatted beside him to help but remained silent, just like before.

The figures of the old lady, father and mother, and Scorpion were unusually harmonious under the moonlight, like a warm and unbroken family.

Noah also smiled when he saw this scene, which finally made up for a small regret.

How have you been these years?

While collecting the fragments on the ground, Chiyo cared about the child, and his cautious tone made people feel a little sad.

very good.

The warm conversation made Scorpio feel a little uncomfortable. He didn't want to appear so weak in front of Noah.

It's just that grandma's love is the kind that doesn't matter the occasion.

Every subsequent problem made Scorpion a little helpless, and it was much more difficult to deal with than during the battle.

Did you eat well and sleep well?

Is there a girl you like or something like that?

Chiyo didn't ask a single question about the most sensitive matter of the Third Kazekage, and Kui Xie was still thinking about how to answer it for a long time.

Now he would rather Elder Qianyo of Sand Ninja Village ask some relevant questions in this area than face the filial piety of his parents.

Especially when there was a person behind him who kept snickering, and what was even more outrageous was that he even took out a photo camera.

After finally getting through this period of care from grandma, the debris on the ground was collected.

Scorpion breathed a sigh of relief, but it was too early.

Noah is a person who understands the meaning of commemoration very well.

Chiyo-senpai and Scorpion, do you want to take a family photo?

I don’t know if the 90mm cannon can kill this bastard.

Boy, I'm looking forward to this family photo.

Regardless of Xia's reluctance, Chiyo pulled him over and asked his father and mother to come over.

At this moment, Scorpion suddenly fell silent.

In a trance, I went back to my childhood. The parents in my memory left me when I was very young, and I grew up under the care of the puppet and my grandma for the rest of my life.

Maybe a family photo shouldn't be a problem.

Xia, who was already much taller than Chiyo, took the initiative to walk behind her grandma and parents, hugged everyone, and showed a bright smile to the camera.

Grandma, look at the camera.


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