Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1484 Promoting the Will of New Fire

I go first.


Seeing that Noah Orochimaru had disappeared where he was, he had to sigh with emotion.

Tobirama-sama, I have been longing for you for a long time.

At the same time, a bold idea came to mind.

Bai Jue's cloning experiment. Should I do this for an unfinished spell in the Book of Sealing?

Noah threw the two of them back to the laboratory and rushed back to the Hokage Tower without stopping.

In order to be able to shape the potential of this shareholder's style, he worked hard this time.

If you want to play, play a big one. Being able to control the largest ninja village at this stage is a key node for him to implement subsequent plans.

By the time they returned to the village, the Hokage succession ceremony had ended.

The people did what they should do, and the ninja system held another meeting.

This is the third plenary meeting held recently, and everyone is wondering what the Hokage can do this time.

Especially the Hyuga clan now really understands what Hokage-sama's attitude is.

The new conference hall is much larger than before, and even if all the Jonin are filled in, it will not be enough.

Only this part of the entire Hokage Building was built seriously under the care of the Hokage's secretary, the rest was done very casually.

From the strength of the walls to the addition of sealing and enchantment techniques, there are extremely high standards.

The reason is that they don't want Konoha's top secrets to be stolen by the enemy.

The slightly perfunctory Hokage's office has something to say.

There were a lot more people attending this meeting. Many of the ninja troops who returned from the front met the promotion standards, so Konoha's top management filled in a lot of people.

I just took over as Hokage and there are a lot of things going on, so I'll just say a few words.

As Kakashi's resolute figure walked in, the jounin meeting began.

The Hokage's secretary rolled in a stack of books on a trolley and gave each person a copy.

“The first one is the reform of the Will of Fire.

The Will of Fire of the First and Second Generations was very good, but senior elders such as Sarutobi Hiruzen maliciously edited it in order to protect their own class.

The old leaves and branches burn themselves to illuminate the darkness, how can they let the new shoots go to the battlefield and become cannon fodder?

Although this is a helpless choice in wartime, this choice is the bitter fruit of peacetime.

It seems that all the Hokages who have died would not approve of Sarutobi Hiruzen's actions.

The Will of Fire is not a tool to maintain rule, but the core of thought that guides the people of Konoha to unite to accomplish great goals.

If I fall.

Please follow the will of the new fire to overthrow me and kill me by all means!

This is the true meaning of burning, that is the never-ending struggle!

The people below burst into applause, and everyone could understand that the first sword struck Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But the operation of cutting the second knife to himself was a bit powerful. This meant that even the Hokage had to be restrained by the village and could not act arbitrarily.

Everyone knows that it is a good thing for the village, but a very bad thing for the position of Hokage.

How confident are people who encourage people to overthrow themselves?

In this alone, Kakashi showed his own style, and his ideological level was already a level higher than that of the previous Hokages.

After the chaos is brought to order, this new Will of Fire will be promoted throughout Konoha.

The new youth organization will be responsible for this work, and Asuma Jounin will be the head of this new department.

Please lead the clan leaders to study hard, and future job changes will also include them in the assessment scope.

This course will also be added to the textbooks of the Ninja School. I hope the children of Konoha will understand why Konoha is Konoha from an early age!

Different people have different visions of Naruto.

Ordinary jounin think that Lord Hokage is a good person, and the position assessment of Will of Fire can bring them closer to the great ninja clan.

Moreover, reusing Asuma shows his broadmindedness. Being from the Sarutobi clan, he has a deeper understanding and restraint of the methods of other ninja clans.

There is no shortage of ambition and means, and there is a lot to look forward to with this new boss.

In the eyes of the ninja, Kakashi's reputation is completely different.

The Will of Fire does not have material value like Ninjutsu, but far-sighted families understand the power of ideas.

From the overthrow of Sarutobi Hiruzen's regime to the reconstruction of the core area, to the promotion of the new will, everyone was confused.

The fifth generation Hokage has great ambitions and wants to firmly control the right to justice and interpretation.

Moreover, the governing philosophy is obviously to enhance the status and abilities of civilian ninjas.

He is a ruthless person.

Everyone expressed support for this, all kinds of support, whatever Hokage-sama says is whatever it is.

Those who tried to nag about this matter back then were dealt with mercilessly by the Third Hokage. Many years later, those who tried to nag about the new Hokage were also dealt with by the Third Hokage that night.

What a coincidence, you say, but the new Hokage is a pure and pure Hokage.

Everyone also understands that thought is the core thing of Konoha and no one dares to get involved in it.

Kakashi also understands that his reputation will definitely be divided into two levels, but how can he sacrifice his life when doing great things?

Besides, many of the teacher's methods are dimensionality-reducing blows to the group of people in front of them. They don't have the courage to stand up except for some resistance in their hearts.

Only when time goes by can we understand the true power of the new Will of Fire.

The second point is education reform.

This is a bit confusing for everyone. The education situation in Konoha Village is still very good.

All the children in the village who are capable will be admitted to the school to study in the ninja school, which can be regarded as a class leap.

To put it bluntly, anyone who can extract chakra and barely perform the Three Body Jutsu can be used as a cannon fodder genin.

During the Third Ninja War, the ninja schools in Konoha could be called genin training courses, a quick assembly line.

The investment cost is not high, and if a few geniuses appear in it, it will be a pure profit.

The starting point of the Second Hokage was that under the operation of Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, this business was still worth doing.

I wonder what new ideas Lord Godaime has.

The focus of the reform this time is not on the students of the ninja school, but on those school-age students who were eliminated from school.

According to the Fifth Generation, those children who do not have the talent to become ninjas should also receive basic education, and even higher-level advanced education. This waste of resources is very incomprehensible to everyone.

People who don't understand are naturally criticized. Regardless of whether they were ordinary people before, the moment they become ninjas, they are separated from their original class.

Ordinary people are like background characters in their sight. It is enough to receive daily protection and provide daily necessities.

Besides, the funds allocated by the daimyo are not used in this way. They are funds used to improve the military strength of Konoha Village.

It makes sense that this complementary model has continued for many years.

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