Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1479 Controlling Hidden Mist Village

The land of water.

After the battle at sea, Obito really endured it.

Black Zetsu's persuasion is very effective. Only Sarutobi Hiruzen can make the organization grow rapidly to the point where it can compete with Noah.

Only in this way can we ensure the completion of the Eye of the Moon plan and create a perfect, happy place for Lin and Kakashi.

In order to make Obito feel comfortable, he even suggested that the organization be called ‘Moon. ’

Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't care about this at all, you can just call him 'Hi'.

How many people are currently in the organization and where are the information.

Since he became the nominal leader, he naturally had to care about the composition of the organization.

It turned out that I was almost not happy when I saw it. Is this how you become a villain?

The two brave Seven Ninja Swordsmen were defeated, and there were some ordinary fish who fought to the end.

With this kind of combat power, there is a long way to go to seize the tailed beasts and compete with Blackhand Noah. Even the new youth formed by Kakashi can beat these people.

Although the Kingdom of Water is located overseas, it can't be fooled like this.

Obito has something to say. Our organization previously controlled two extremely powerful rebellious ninjas, but they were later snatched away by Noah. Otherwise, our current strength would definitely not be bad.

Hiruzen didn't care at all about the masked man's displeasure, and the added sentence made the atmosphere more harmonious.

But the fact that he controls the fourth Mizukage Yagura is impressive. It turns out that not all of them are idiots.

The masked man's mood was visibly happier.

Hiruzen's testing was over, and the information obtained was very fruitful.

‘Pay attention to the masked man named A Fei. ’

He obviously has the ability to do more, but his vision is so low. It always feels like this Black Zetsu is controlling the masked man's vision.

In Sarutobi Hiruzen's perception, strength and vision are related. The stronger you are, the more things you can see.

However, the masked man can already control the strength of the ninja world, but his sight has always been maintained in a small space.

Is it the special nature of the Sharingan or human guidance?

Interesting, a villain organization with only two people would have such secrets

Sarutobi Hiruzen has already made a lot of guesses. As the head of a village, he can see many details.

This alone is not enough to make waves in this world. Take me to the Hokage and Mizukage office building.

Arriving at the power center of Kirigakure Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen instinctively felt a little comfortable. This was much more advanced than that small house stronghold.

Seeing Yagura pretending that he and others did not exist, he secretly sighed at the power of the kaleidoscope. Although the masked man was too powerful, the power of the Sharingan eye was indeed impressive.

The second generation is right to worry, that brat Kakashi is really

Then I thought about the three kaleidoscopes that appeared in Konoha. All of them seemed to be normal. Only the mood swings of the Fugaku clan leader were relatively large, but they were within the normal range.

So what exactly is the problem?

To what extent can this kind of hypnosis be maintained?

There is basically no possibility of escape. Even if the tailed beast is sealed, it will be useless. When the three tails are resurrected, this body will be used to carry it.


Nodding, Hiruzen naturally sat behind the desk and read various information about Kirigakure Village.

And, that’s it.

Far worse than Konoha!

I knew this village was not good when I blasted the Third Mizukage, and now it seems that I was right.

The pride of the Konoha people in my heart flashed for a moment before sinking in and reading.

The more they looked, the more they frowned. These two people definitely didn't have much thought in forming a force.

After the torment of Obito and Black Zetsu, the somewhat advanced blood family in the village had a very difficult time, completely giving up the size advantage of a great ninja village.

The way to raise Gu is to extract the most essential ninjas to form a small group.


This is what you do after you control the Mizukage?

Ahem, I want to say a few words.

If you still want to collect tailed beasts and fight Noah, blood mist should be used in a targeted manner.

The size of Kirigakure Village is enough to ensure logistics and funds, and the tasks of absorbing rebel ninjas and weakening other countries can also be easily carried out.

The focus now is not to continue fighting, but to completely control Kirigakure Village!

Black Zetsu nodded. In fact, he and Obito had nothing to do with the blood mist here.

Because he doesn't know how to manage, the manipulated Yagura is now a puppet without a will of his own.

On the surface, it may look the same as usual, but the Yin chakra coming from the Sharingan is swirling in the brain, making it impossible to think.

The only thing to do is to create blood mist, kill disobedient ninjas, refine outstanding subordinates, and raise three tails in captivity.

Sarutobi Hiruzen changed this situation as soon as he arrived, and with a slap of his thighs, he began to prepare to officially take over Kirigakure Village.

Heijiang appreciates this very much. It is true that the talents he admires are courageous!

What's the first step?

Find Master Yuan and kill him!

Hiruzen, who was not from his own village, said he had completely let go of his hands and feet. What kind of political tricks were he playing with these water ghosts?

While the Kingdom of Water is being completely controlled by the villain organization, Konoha Village is also undergoing its own changes.

Noah didn't want to interfere too much in the village's internal affairs.

It's just that the Fifth Generation is rushing to the shelves and is not ready in all aspects.

Konoha has been building the village for too long, and there are many intertwined forces within it that cannot be taught in a few simple lessons.

As the most powerful force organization and gathering place in the continent, I don’t know how many people are watching.

Of course, it is a bit simple for Noah to deal with this kind of dispute within a village.

The people in the ninja world are not even as good as the nobles on the sea, and they have no interest in targeting them.

That group of people just need to be guided on the right path by invisible thugs.

The main purpose of coming this time is actually to introduce that stock style to the Kingdom of Rain.

Is there anything in the entire ninja world that is more suitable for Dongfeng than Konoha?

Although Konoha Village has no money now, its size is here. For a village like this, cash reserves are only one aspect. In addition to resources other than cash, private funds, etc. are all needed by the Country of Rain.

The key point is influence. The influence that returns to the pinnacle of the ninja world can be converted into unimaginable value to lead the direction of the entire ninja world.

Such an important event as the Five Shadows Conference is a grand stage prepared by Noah.

The Land of Rain wants to become a new ninja continent's center of trade and cultural ideas. It needs a start that everyone can recognize.

Now the pattern is opened.

As for the origin of the Five Shadows Conference, peace!

Yes, it is peace.

With the end of the War of Thunder and Fire, the entire continent will not start another war for at least ten years, unless there is some interest that can make several major countries unable to control it.

Normally speaking, this will not happen. The five major powers will quietly lick their wounds and restore their population and economy.

Then wait for the next contradiction to appear and start a full-scale war again.

This is a reincarnation, as if the whole world does not allow too many strong men with extraordinary power to steadily improve.

It is also possible that someone behind the scenes is also restricting the development of the ninja world, constantly weakening the upper limit of chakra owners.

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